
When you encounter these 3 types of people in life, most of them are here to "harm" you, so stay away!

author:Zhong Niannian
When you encounter these 3 types of people in life, most of them are here to "harm" you, so stay away!

Text/Zhong Niannian

Picture/From the Internet, please contact to delete the infringement


Life is like a vast ocean, with few calm waves and more stormy waves.

In the midst of it, we must not only move upward, but also learn to protect ourselves, so as not to fall into the boundless darkness when the wind and rain are shaky.

There is no greater difficulty in life than to recognize people.

Many people just don't know how to see others clearly, and they are easily deceived, and they regret it later.

Combined with the experience of many things, it is not difficult to change this situation.

Generally speaking, these three types of people are here to harm you, so you must stay away so that you can ensure that your life is smoother.

When you encounter these 3 types of people in life, most of them are here to "harm" you, so stay away!

01: Parents with low cognition

There is no parent in the world who is not, it is a sentence that many people often hang on their lips, but from the perspective of reality, this sentence is one-sided and shallow.

Perhaps most parents are thinking about their children, but not everyone knows how to treat them.

It is precisely for this reason that many people cry that the biggest hurt they have suffered is precisely from their parents.

Many parents around us have too low cognition, they don't know how to cultivate their children, and they don't pay attention to their children's spiritual quality, and they will only blindly give.

When they criticize their children's incompetence anytime and anywhere, always release their bad emotions in the chickens and dogs, and make their children give up their future for money, it will bring endless suffering to their children.

As human beings, we can't break off with our parents, after all, they brought us into this world, but you must understand that not all parents can help you grow up, and there are many people who will slow you down.

On the basis of doing good deeds and filial piety, we must know how to appropriately stay away from such parents who have too low cognition, and strive to break out on our own.

This is not indifference, but the greatest wisdom, because only if you succeed is the best blessing for this family.

When you encounter these 3 types of people in life, most of them are here to "harm" you, so stay away!

02: Relatives who only intrigue with each other

Why are so many people reluctant to leave their relatives now?

A netizen's answer hit the nail on the head, he said: Because many relatives only know intrigues, there is no point in getting along with them.

As we grow up, we will understand a truth, not all relatives are worthy of deep friendship, and some people are just the cancer in your life, and if you can't get rid of it in time, you will make yourself miserable.

Especially those relatives who come and go all day long, have to praise the high and low, and watch people cook. Their quality of life stops there, and it doesn't do us any good.

Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

If you interact with it frequently, it is likely to lower your own pattern, so you must stay away.

Don't delay the rest of your life for the sake of someone who might harm you, it's not worth it.

When you encounter these 3 types of people in life, most of them are here to "harm" you, so stay away!

03: People with too bad character

There is a line in "Psychological Crime": "The human heart is like a black hole, people can't see, touch, or guess, it can be very kind, but it can also be very vicious." ”

Not all people have good intentions, and there are many people who have evil intentions, and if you are not careful, your achievements will be wasted.

Just like in the TV series "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin", Aunt Kang is a person with too poor character, she always frames her sister and makes Minglan unhappy.

She stirred up the storm everywhere and made everyone avoid it, but Mrs. Wang trusted this sister very much, but in the end, it was precisely because of Aunt Kang's instigation that Mrs. Wang was charged with harming her mother-in-law, which almost affected the whole family.

It is a fool to be too trusting of others, and it is wise to know how to be wary of others.

No matter how good his relationship with you is, once you notice that the other person is of bad character, keep your distance from him.

What really makes us pay our sincerity is not the blood relationship, but the character of the other party, and the rest of our lives hand in hand with people with good character, the future will be smooth sailing.

When you encounter these 3 types of people in life, most of them are here to "harm" you, so stay away!

These three kinds of people are here to harm you, and I hope we must be careful and vigilant.

Pay more attention to interpersonal communication, so that you can be more comfortable in the future, and I hope that you will have no worries in the future.


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