
Ten Years of "Bears": Transitioning from a low-child family carnival to an all-age narrative

author:The Paper

Every year during the Spring Festival, there are blockbusters, and different types of blockbuster films always make it difficult for the audience to choose. But there is an IP, which has always been rooted in this schedule for ten years and accompanied the audience, this is "Bear Infested".

Since its debut on the big screen in 2014, "Bear Infested" has accompanied the audience for ten years, achieving a unique Spring Festival "Bear Infested" phenomenon. The word-of-mouth is rising step by step, and the box office has accumulated to 5.7 billion. Compared with other Spring Festival films such as "blind boxes", "Bear Infested" seems to be steady and steady, deeply cultivating its own "family carnival" audience, and accompanying the audience to grow all the way.

Ten Years of "Bears": Transitioning from a low-child family carnival to an all-age narrative

The poster of "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space".

Soon, the tenth big movie in the series, "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space", will continue to stage a new round of joyful and warm stories. As a summary of the 10th anniversary, "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space" gathers many characters and lasts for ten years, with new creativity, sophisticated production, strong emotions, and observation and thinking about reality, completing a new upgrade of "Family Carnival".

Recently, "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space" opened a 10-year-old 10-city gathering with fans in advance. And this animation IP, which has been proud for 10 years in the Spring Festival file with strong players, has also attracted the attention of the industry and academia. A few days ago, the film held an expert observation seminar in Beijing, and the experts had in-depth discussions and exchanges with the film's creators from different angles.

Ten Years of "Bears": Transitioning from a low-child family carnival to an all-age narrative

Seminar site

Gather old and new friends for ten years

"Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space" is a story about the bald head Qiang "restarting his life", but Xiong Da, Xiong Er and other partners seem to be in crisis, whether all this is a "dream" or "once", everything is confusing.

Shang Linlin, the producer and producer of "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space", revealed that since the beginning of the film's creation, she has been thinking about "what to give back to the audience?"

After conducting market research in the early stage, the main creative team found that the audience still remembered the classic characters and scenes created by previous movies. "A lot of people want to see them back. We wondered if we could have a good story to string together the ten years, a good idea to relive these characters and scenes again, and also look back on the whole decade, which was the original intention of making this movie at that time. Shang Linlin said.

From the first movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" in 2014 to the present, Shang Linlin calculated, "Think about the young audience who watched 'Bear Infested' back then, if he was 8 years old and 18 years old this year, if he was 14 years old and 24 years old this year, ten years of time have changed a lot, and it is also a very important time for every audience who grew up with us." And this kind of growth has transformed the "Bear Infested" series from the beginning of the young family carnival to a multi-faceted narrative for all ages.

Ten Years of "Bears": Transitioning from a low-child family carnival to an all-age narrative

Stills from "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space".

In the tenth movie, Bald Qiang left Dog Bear Ridge and was no longer a lumberjack, but became a "social animal" in the bizarre metropolis, experiencing the sadness of workers and working hard for his dreams. In the creation, combined with his own experience, he integrated and presented a lot of real feelings and insights, focusing on the topic of "what kind of life do you want", facing some confusion and confusion in the current society, seeking "life that is not defined", hoping to bring you a little touch and inspiration.

Song Zhiqin, executive deputy director of the Film Art Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said that "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space" better realizes the integration of science fiction and reality, the harmony between man and nature, the balance between theme and type, and the combination of technology and art. At the same time, in terms of technology and scenes, there is not only the broad artistic conception of Chinese painting landscapes, but also the texture of Western oil painting focus perspective and scattered perspective, which completes the optimization and upgrading of aesthetic style. ”

Ten Years of "Bears": Transitioning from a low-child family carnival to an all-age narrative

Stills from "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space".

"Family carnival" is just needed for the Spring Festival

As the most down-to-earth existence of the Spring Festival stalls, the "Bear Infested" series adheres to the continuation of the "family carnival" style, and continues to extend to a wider audience in the past ten years.

Rao Shuguang, president of the China Film Critics Society, said that he has been paying attention to this series for many years, ""Bear Infested" has formed a very good brand, and it brings us 'family carnival' every year during the Spring Festival, and every time the creation is upgraded, there are innovative expressions, care and expression of the current reality, which forms a very good trust relationship with the audience, establishes communication, and forms a benign interaction. ”

Ten Years of "Bears": Transitioning from a low-child family carnival to an all-age narrative

Stills from "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space".

Sun Lijun, vice president of Beijing Film Academy, pointed out that the success of the "Bear Infested" series of films is inseparable from the accurate grasp and deep cultivation of its own positioning.

Zhu Yuqing, deputy secretary-general of the Children's Film Working Committee of the China Film Association and founder of Juyinghui, also emphasized that "Bear Infested" can stand out in the fiercely competitive Spring Festival stalls because it adheres to the creative positioning of "family carnival", differentiated audience positioning and genre development ideas. He believes that "Family Carnival" is the "just need" of the Spring Festival film market, and "Bear Infested", as the only national animated film that has broken through ten, has a broad audience base, and it is necessary to continue to maintain the above advantages, make a fuss around the core parent-child group, and gradually join the Chinese aesthetic style in the differentiated competition to create new miracles.

Ten years is an important node for the series, and experts have also given their own suggestions for future development. Li Daoxin, deputy dean of Peking University's School of Arts, put forward the idea of "bears infesting the universe". "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space" gathers classic characters from the past, and completes the transformation from overall architecture to local exploration while diversifying the presentation, which is not only a summary of ten years, but also a new opening of a new round of exploration.

Zhang Jinfeng, deputy editor-in-chief of China Film News, said that the current film industry needs most serialized and branded industrial products, and "Bear Infested" undoubtedly has a unique audience base and market foundation, brand advantage and word-of-mouth advantage, and the series of films has not only repeatedly hit new box office highs, but has also been in the forefront in terms of audience satisfaction. "Bear Infested: Reversing Time and Space" integrates elements such as science fiction, action, comedy, and adventure, and the content is also intended to be inclined to adults, as close as possible to as many audiences as possible. In the future, we should not only make steady progress in artistic innovation and forge ahead, but also increase our efforts in derivative cultural creativity and theme parks.