
A good husband tolerates me and goes out of the wall, how will I repay you in this life?

author:Chinese Non-Fiction Literature

His raindrops of kisses were all over every part of my body......

In my new and exuberant murmur, his wild crashing on the shore sent my mind to Elysium......

My mother began to worry about my amazing beauty early on. I lost my father when I was young, and my mother repeatedly told me to beware of being calculated by bad people, and she was very distrustful of today's men. But in the end, I did not escape my mother's prophecy and paid a heavy price for it.

The man's name was Wen Chun. When I fell hopelessly in love with him, I had been married for two years and was Yang Pei's second wife.

Yang Pei is the director of our Radio and Television Bureau, and the "little life" of the 100 people in the radio and television stations is pinched in his hands. But he was serious but not fierce, much like my late father, and the reason why I was sent to marry him at the age of 44 by a good Samaritan. His ex-wife died in a car accident three years ago, and his 15-year-old son is placed in foster care with his sister's home in Shanghai.

The father-love complex made my marriage to Yang Pei and me, and I didn't care that he was 20 years older than me. I saw that he behaved calmly and freely in the tortuous social relationships, and felt very safe. For a woman in a marriage, security is a necessary condition for happiness. It wasn't until I met Wen Chun that I realized that there are more attractive things in marriage besides security.

A good husband tolerates me and goes out of the wall, how will I repay you in this life?

I don't know if I can call this kind of thing love. If I could, then my existing marriage was really a shriveled corpse, and Yang Pei and I were just worms parasitic in this corpse, hungry but with no way out.

Our radio and television center is actually quite young, and the staffing is quite understaffed, and many people have to wear many hats, and I host a life program called "Health Paradise" on the radio, and at the same time work as a newscaster on the television station, and occasionally have to become a reporter and go out with the film crew to do interviews. Fortunately, the radio and television stations are in the same building, so I only need to take different scripts to the studio or broadcast studio according to the usual process, and then I can enter the role.

Wen Chun is a guest of "Health Paradise". At that time, "Health Paradise" had been bought out by a kidney medicine manufacturer at all times, used for "free clinics in the air", and took the opportunity to sell drugs. My job is to introduce and connect the listener hotline with the "factory expert", and this "expert" is none other than Wen Chun, a handsome 26-year-old unmarried guy. He's not an expert, he's a college diploma, he's a genius salesman, and he's comfortable answering his audience's questions about kidney protection. In fact, what he advocated the most in the radio waves was the aphrodisiac effect of the drug, and how taking it could make a man stay masculine and strong in front of women. His narration not only made the audience's desire to buy skyrocket, but also made me fall into "that" fantasy.

Because I found in his narration the paleness and tedium of my own marriage, it turns out that husband and wife can create such a heart-wrenching world of passion. "frequency", "position", "excitement", these new and shy words that made me strange and shy popped out one by one like pearls between his lips and teeth, making me feel self-pity day by day, and I felt very wronged to be the wife of this director.

I remember that on the first night of the wedding, Yang Peiyin drank a few more glasses and didn't wake up until two o'clock in the morning: he looked at me pouting beside me, apologized to me, and tried to end my virginity career, but he failed. The shadow of our wedding night has been keeping us from having fun. At the age of 46, he is getting more and more bloated, and his body is prematurely aged by alcohol due to various social interactions, making him clumsy and out of breath in bed. Many times, his male consciousness is drunken and difficult to awaken, and sometimes it barely works, but "arrives late and leaves early". Our bed became the place where I received the most apologies. Sex for us, it's not nothing, it's not quality.

I thought I would spend my life in patience like a traditional Chinese woman, but the little hope in my heart that was fading was fanned like a flame by the gentle fan of words. I listened to those old-fashioned words that emanated like flowers from my gentle and sexy lips, and subconsciously, he was the kind of "invincible man, a model for the husband of a woman my age, and one felt the urge to throw himself into his arms."

Wen Chun could see the secret in my heart almost at a glance, when he was doing a show with me in the guest seat opposite me, his demeanor was completely flirting with me, but fortunately he had his back to the studio, otherwise the director would have to see the flaw.

I was more desperate for myself that I loved to see his handsome and cynical face, and his face was full of desire, which only hormonal people can have, and this kind of person must have a pair of arms that can suffocate a woman. There was a reaction in my body, and I felt my gentle desire burn like fire, and I wanted to refuse it. Finally, one day after the program, we got entangled on the couch in the live broadcast room, and by this time the director had left, and the rest of the program was "Novel Series" by me playing the tape. His rain-down kisses imprinted every part of my body, his shell-like teeth biting at my earlobes and every tiny bulge on my body, he knew how to play the overture of love on a woman with his limbs, and in my new and exhilarating murmurs, his wild crashing of the waves sent my mind to Elysium......

On this day, I felt that I had truly become a woman, and this confirmed my relationship with Wen Chun's lover.

A good husband tolerates me and goes out of the wall, how will I repay you in this life?

Yang Pei had no idea and would never have expected Wen Chun to set fire to his backyard. Yang Pei and Wen Chun are very familiar, because Yang Pei also holds the position of director of the advertising department, and Wen Chun's promotional advertisements in "Health Paradise" are the contracts signed with Yang Pei. Wen Chun has always been the kind of cautious courtesy in front of Yang Pei, like a eunuch serving the emperor. But the "emperor" did not know that the "eunuch" had an affair with the "queen". I sometimes feel sorry for Yang Pei, and of course I often blame myself, but more often, I am complaining about myself, why should I spend the same years in Yang Pei's autumn marriage, am I destined to sacrifice my whole life for the "warm husband"? I married this old man in second marriage, except for the false name of the director's wife, what did I get? I felt annoyed by my original choice.

Wen Chun used his wildness and strength to redefine the concept of "man" in my mind. I can't get rid of my thirst for him. I've never been so fascinated by a man, and I thought, that's love. I'm already in love with him. Wen Chun is an amorous and modern man, he never hesitates to praise me at the right time, he has praised my angelic face countless times, and when he gets extreme physical pleasure, he still murmurs in my ear with his fragrant tone: "Heart and liver, thank you......" This is a civilization that makes women feel happy, but Yang Pei never will. He seems ashamed to express something in a trendy way, and in his mind, trendy is equal to flesh.

Yang Pei's love for me is another, it is love, and pampering, he never let me interfere in housework, he hired a nanny. With him, I always realized what it means to respect each other. He tolerated everything I did with a high degree of self-cultivation, even if I wanted to quarrel with him and provoked him for a long time, I still wouldn't succeed. Such a man, except for being a little sluggish in bed, cannot deny that he is a good man. At that time, I became a swing between Wen Chun and Yang Pei, satisfied and lost, like the girl to be married in the joke, wanting to eat in the rich but ugly Zhang family and sleep in the poor but handsome Li family. And I want to live in Yang Pei's marriage and taste the gentle love. Wen Chun often touched my face, like facing a tempting cake, and said, "I really want to swallow you even the skin." Leave him, and I will marry you. "It tickles my heart.

There are no airtight walls. The story of me and Wen Chun began to spread in Taili. In order to hide some gentleness, he took me to his rented house, and let the clouds and rain turn around, and there was no need to worry.

I don't know when Yang Pei knew. One night, he said to me with his usual wisdom and elusiveness: "Lynn, be careful in your dealings with people, and don't invite people to talk about them. As soon as I heard this, I used the topic to make a big splash: "What do you mean? Who am I dating without paying attention to proportion? Are you doubting me, or are you following me?......... I can't live this day!" I smashed a cup and grabbed some clothes and ran out the door. I felt so good, as if I had taken off a suit of armor, and I was looking forward to the future.

I rented my own house to be considerate, but I still often live at Wenchun's. While enjoying the joy of fish and water with him as if he had been reborn, I "conspired" with him to divorce and drafted a divorce agreement.

I sent the divorce agreement all the way to Director Yang's office and asked him to sign it. Yang Pei's face was very sad, let me put it here first, please think about it again, and hope that I can change my decision.

This "put" is three months, I was almost impatient, I met Yang Pei in the stage, I looked at him with a kind of pity, thinking that it is really sad for a man to live to such a part, can you keep my heart if you drag it and don't sign?

One morning, I woke up from my gentle arms and started to wash up and put on makeup. Suddenly, in the mirror, I noticed an irregularly shaped white spot on my chin, just the size of a green bean. I shook Wen Chun, who had fallen asleep from last night's madness, and told him that I had a spot on my face.

Wen Chun muttered: "It's okay, Xin'er." So he rolled over and fell asleep, little to know that it was this white spot that would eventually turn my beautiful face as mottled and ugly as a plane tree. After a few months, the white spot spread everywhere and covered most of my face. The doctor said that this is called vitiligo, and it is a skin disease that is difficult to cure.

I can no longer be in public places, let alone on camera. I used to be such a beautiful person, but now I can only hide in my rented "home". To my despair, Wen Chun had gradually withdrawn his gentle tongue from my life like a snail, and retracted it into his hard shell. He forgot his oath to me and threw me away like garbage.

I went to his residence, I couldn't open the door with the key he gave me before, and after pressing the doorbell for a long time, Wen Chun lazily appeared in front of me with a bewitching woman in his arms, and through the security door, I saw that the woman was a prostitute I randomly interviewed in the process of cooperating with the police in the process of cracking down on pornography. I don't understand why she flew out of the "bureau" like wings again, scourging the world and stealing my lover.

"Chun ......" I tried my best to suppress my anger and sadness, and tried to awaken his conscience with the warmest voice, even if it was sympathy. When it came to this job, I felt very lowly, especially when I was fighting with a prostitute for a man, and I didn't have any self-esteem.

"Yo, isn't this the glamorous TV presenter, Miss Merlin, why are you wearing such horrible makeup today?" the prostitute spat out a vengeful knife from her mouth, killing me from the inside out.

"She's probably going to the wrong door, heart. Wen Chun used "heart" to the prostitute in his arms, and he kissed her on the forehead, looked at me with his eternal frivolity and cynicism, and closed the wooden door.

At this moment, I burst into tears.

A good husband tolerates me and goes out of the wall, how will I repay you in this life?

I finally understood that "love" in Wen Chun's heart is only the shell to which sex must be attached, and when this body is no longer glamorous and beautiful, "love" will lose the fertile ground for life. So, he easily abandoned me and continued to look for a more bewitching one in the garden of "love".

The drastic changes in my life have made me a lot more sensible. Only then did I realize that Wen Chun was to me, just as I was to Yang Pei. I ruthlessly betrayed my marriage, and "love" took revenge on me mercilessly. No wonder it is said that the sky has eyes. I used to swing the swing of love between Yang Pei and Wen Chun, and now, no one wants to accept my broken swing frame. At this time, I miss my tepid marriage with Yang Pei very much, but I have no shame to beg for his forgiveness.

I was intercepted by Yang Pei when I was receiving my salary in the finance department. I covered my face tightly with my long hair and a mask. Yang Pei pulled me to a secluded place and asked, "Have you thought about it?"

My heart seemed to be slapped by his warm words, and my whole body began to tremble. I said, you don't know, my face has ....... He said, I know, I'm not afraid, you don't have to be afraid, we will cure it well, we will definitely be cured, and we will still live a good life as before.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I sobbed and said, actually, the thing I did with "that person" is true, I'm sorry for you, I can't face you anymore. My tears were already drenched in the mask, blending with the snotty water in the mask, and all the guilt, shame, shame, and grievances hit my heart at the same time, making me overwhelmed, like an ice sculpture under the scorching sun, collapsing because of the warmth.

Yang Pei took my unbalanced body in his arms: "Okay, okay, it's all over, and you have grown up." Let's go home!"

In full view of everyone, the dignified Director Yang took care of an ugly and dirty woman and went home. I felt a myriad of sharp eyes coming at me all around me. I don't know how much courage Yang Pei should use to bear all this, but the tolerance he showed at this moment is enough for me to admire, be grateful and cherish for a lifetime. I used to "ride a horse to find love" in search of "love", in fact, the real love is all around me, but I almost missed it.

I am currently undergoing "melanin cultivation treatment" and it is already seeing results. Yang Pei patiently helps me do facial nerve activation exercises every day. I also mobilized the potential in his body with unprecedented gentleness, making him more confident than before, and there was no need to apologize at all. It turns out that no matter how authoritative a man is, he also needs a woman's encouragement and warmth in bed, otherwise, he may not be able to collapse.

By the time I understood this, the boat of marriage that had once anchored me had set sail again and sailed towards the ocean of happiness. There will always be only two sailors on board - Yang Pei and me. #精品长文创作季#

[Copyright Notice: This article is the author's original first release, the copyright belongs to the author, it is forbidden to forward without permission, and infringement must be investigated]