
Drug control practices in a western city

author:Guanlan News

In recent years, all departments at all levels in Baiyin City, Gansu Province have resolutely implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on anti-drug work, taking the opportunity of creating a national anti-drug demonstration city to further improve the drug governance system, innovate anti-drug measures, promote the people's war against drugs, and escort high-quality development with high-level safety, and achieved remarkable results. Recently, this reporter interviewed Hao Gang, deputy mayor of Baiyin City, deputy director of the Municipal Narcotics Control Commission, and secretary of the party committee and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.


In July 2022, Baiyin City was identified by the National Narcotics Control Commission as the second batch of national anti-drug demonstration cities. Over the past year or so, Baiyin City has elevated the anti-narcotics work to a party and government project, and what work has been carried out?

Hao Gang:

The Baiyin Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government regard the creation of anti-drug demonstration cities as an important carrier to improve the overall level of the city's anti-drug work and deepen the people's war against drugs, fully implement the responsibility for anti-drug work, and form a work pattern of unified leadership of the party committee and government, organization and coordination of the anti-drug committee, joint management of all units, linkage between cities, counties, districts, towns and towns, and active participation of the people. We have carried out in-depth prevention education, anti-narcotics law enforcement, prohibition of drug abuse and rehabilitation, and comprehensive management, and the drug situation in the city has continued to improve steadily, and the people's satisfaction with the anti-narcotics work has increased substantially.

In June 2023, with the research and consent of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Baiyin City established a new anti-drug committee, the director of the Municipal Narcotics Control Committee was upgraded from the leader in charge of the municipal government to the main leader of the municipal government, and the deputy director of the Municipal Narcotics Control Committee was served by the municipal party committee, the Municipal People's Congress, the municipal government, the CPPCC and the main leaders of the municipal court and the procuratorate, and the members were served by the main responsible comrades of the relevant units to promote the city's anti-drug work and create a major decision-making matter for the creation of an anti-drug demonstration city.

-- Implement safeguards with high standards. The Municipal Narcotics Control Commission is guided by the creation of work, decomposes and implements projects, and clarifies the task units. All counties and districts have studied and formulated implementation plans and task division plans in light of actual conditions, and have taken solid responsibilities and pressed forward at all levels. The Municipal Narcotics Control Commission has made overall plans and coordination, vigorously strengthened the city's anti-drug infrastructure and capacity building, equipped and strengthened the anti-narcotics office and the public security anti-narcotics professional team, and the police stations in the districts under its jurisdiction have identified full-time anti-narcotics police, and township streets have identified full-time and part-time anti-narcotics cadres to ensure the establishment of demonstrations. Each county and district has built more than 50 typical demonstrations such as "one corridor, one room, one park, one school, and one position" to lay a material foundation for the creation of the work. The directors of the county and district anti-narcotics committees are all the "top leaders" of the government, and each township (street) and village (community) has set up a leading group for anti-narcotics work headed by the principal leader, and has normalized the anti-narcotics work and the construction of peace and the work of comprehensive management into the work of comprehensive management. The Municipal Narcotics Control Commission has set up a special supervision and inspection guidance group to increase the intensity of rectification in key areas.

——Multi-dimensional and accurate publicity. In order to create a strong atmosphere for the creation of anti-drug demonstrations, we insist on doing a good job in drug prevention education for young people, and the city's five counties and districts have established anti-drug education bases, and the anti-drug knowledge has been included in the city's primary and junior high school monitoring and high school entrance examinations. 100% of the 118,000 students in 514 schools in the city have registered on the digital platform for drug prevention education for teenagers, with a 100% completion rate, with an average of 5 class hours. A total of 130 provincial and municipal drug prevention demonstration schools have been established, achieving the goal of "no drug use among students and no drugs on campus". The Baiyin Youth Student Team also represented Gansu Province in the 2022 National Youth Anti-drug Knowledge Competition. At an important juncture, we took the opportunity of the "Anti-drug Propaganda into Ten Thousand Homes" to organize anti-drug volunteers to go deep into bus stations, high-speed rail stations, major supermarkets and shopping malls to carry out anti-drug publicity activities for migrant workers. Especially during the "National Anti-drug Publicity Month", we organized more than 30 large-scale anti-drug publicity activities, and carried out the "Riders Help Common Anti-Drug" activity, so that more than 600 takeaway riders in the city helped anti-drug propaganda, radiating more than 200,000 people in the city. In addition, we have demonstrated the effectiveness of anti-drug work through multiple channels such as "Internet, newspapers, stations, terminals, and screens", and the maximum number of views of a single short video on Douyin of "Silver Anti-Drugs" has reached more than 800,000 times.

——Intimate service management. We have built a "heart-to-heart bridge" for anti-drug safety and care, and explored and established a "1351" service management model for drug addicts (one point is classified and sorted out, three constructions are to build institutions, systems, and accounts, and five supports are spiritual support, life support, employment support, development support, education support, and comprehensively promote the ideological and behavioral changes of special groups). The city's 78 township streets have established standardized community drug rehabilitation offices and "6.26" service centers, set up a leading group for the treatment and control of drug addicts, and implemented the management method of "one person, one file, one person, one policy, and one person and one help and education group" for drug addicts, and carried out the activities of "three permanent and three gangs" (frequent communication, frequent visits, frequent contact, spiritual help, policy help, and employment help). So far, 957 drug addicts have been provided with medical insurance, 174 people have been provided with minimum living guarantees, more than 100 people have been mobilized to participate in skills training, and 618 people have been supported to find employment. The city's community drug rehabilitation registration rate and implementation rate have reached 100%, the consolidation rate of drug rehabilitation has continued to increase, and there are no missing personnel, achieving "zero occurrence" of drug-related personnel causing accidents (incidents).

-- Heavy-handed anti-narcotics law enforcement. We have taken the initiative to "eliminate hidden dangers," give full play to the role of the public security as the main force in drug control, and explore new tactics for anti-narcotics law enforcement with the goal of "cracking down on gangs, destroying networks, cutting off channels, arresting drug lords, and paying over drug funds." Before and after the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival, the city deployed and carried out a 100-day "two-section anti-drug concentrated attack", during which the "1.10" drug trafficking case was successfully detected, 5 criminal suspects were arrested, 18 drug addicts were investigated and punished, 1.022 kilograms of drugs were seized, and a large network drug trafficking gang hidden at the border and radiating to many provinces and cities across the country was destroyed, and an important channel for drug trafficking from Yunnan to our city was cut off. With special actions such as "clearing the source and cutting off the flow" and "sprinting to tackle tough problems" as the starting point, and synthetic operations as the traction, we will give full play to the advantages of big data application, innovate the information-based investigation mode, and coordinate the construction of a three-dimensional drug investigation network covering "traditional, new, and substitute drugs", and successfully investigate the first case of trafficking etomidate drugs in the province after etomidate was listed. Strengthen the analysis and judgment of the drug situation, carry out the detection of the drug composition and content of urban sewage on a quarterly basis, and entrust a third party to carry out sewage testing more than 20 times, and there is no obvious drug abuse and drug production activities in the city.

Drug control practices in a western city

In January 2023, Baiyin Public Security cracked the "1.10 extraordinarily large drug trafficking case".


Silver is named after the city because of the establishment of enterprises and rare metals, and there are many chemical enterprises in the city. Could you please talk about the measures taken by Baiyin City to build a "firewall" for the loss of precursor chemicals and explore a new mechanism for the control of precursor chemicals?

Hao Gang:

There are more than 250 enterprises involved in the production, sales, storage, transportation and use of precursor chemicals, employing nearly 10,000 people, transporting more than 1,000 cars and railway tank cars, and the annual circulation is nearly 10 million tons. The city's anti-narcotics department focused on key areas and places, and explored a supervision model for drug-making materials with silver characteristics.

The first is to create a good business environment for mutual trust between police and enterprises. The people's police go deep into enterprises, publicize training and guidance face-to-face, and enhance the awareness of enterprise laws and regulations and active prevention. At the same time, we pay equal attention to management services, go to Shanghai, Jiangsu and other coastal provinces and cities for on-the-spot verification and consultation, effectively solve the practical difficulties of precursor chemical production enterprises, strengthen off-site supervision and terminal control, and successfully lease 6 Class A warehouses such as ports and industrial parks for high-risk enterprises in the jurisdiction, saving more than one million yuan in storage and transportation costs for enterprises every year. It has created favorable conditions for the legal and compliant operation of enterprises and blocked the source of illegal loss.

The second is to establish "four systems and four accounts" for enterprises. Through on-site inspection and verification, offline centralized learning, online video guidance and other multi-frequency publicity and training, from the "warehouse management, information staff post, verification, reporting" four systems and "warehousing, sales, transportation, use" and other aspects of enterprise management, so that the system can be followed and the ledger is clear and checkable.

The third is to build a bridge of communication between police and enterprises. In accordance with the principle of "protecting legality, correcting violations, and investigating and punishing violations", we will conduct special checks and inspections on the units using narcotic drugs and precursor chemicals business enterprises from the four aspects of "looking, checking, signing, and teaching", so as to strengthen corporate code of conduct and industry self-discipline.

The fourth is to create a grid supervision pattern of all elements and chains. The Municipal Narcotics Control Office organized more than 10 functional departments such as public security, emergency response, postal services, market supervision, and health to establish a joint meeting system, a joint inspection system and an information-based traceability system, and actively promoted the implementation of the system of "receiving and sending inspection, real-name receipt and mail, and passing security inspection" in mail and logistics, the anti-drug publicity and supervision training mechanism of cultural and entertainment venues, the joint inspection mechanism of transportation roads, and the two-way verification mechanism of commercial import and export, and strengthened the supervision of all links. In 2023, the city will hold 18 online and offline training sessions for practitioners, organize and carry out 12 joint inspections, and more than 130 daily and special inspections.

Drug control practices in a western city

The Baiyin Public Security Narcotics Control Department inspects precursor chemical enterprises.


Huining County, Jingyuan County and Jingtai County in Baiyin City are traditional agricultural counties, and the agricultural industry has embarked on the fast track in recent years. Could you please talk about what Baiyin City has done in deepening the management of the rural drug problem?

Hao Gang:

We have persisted in leading from point to point, focusing on tackling the problem, and advancing it as a whole, and have taken a series of effective measures to tackle the drug problem in rural areas in depth. Focusing on townships, towns, and village groups where there are a large number of drug addicts, the city has carried out a concentrated special rectification of drug problems in key areas such as drug production, drug production, and opium abuse, thus creating a strong atmosphere for rural anti-drug work, effectively rectifying drug-related crimes in rural areas, significantly reducing the harm of drug abuse, improving the effectiveness of anti-drug work in an all-round way, and effectively purifying the rural social environment.

In strict accordance with the principle of combining "whoever is in charge is responsible" and "territorial management", our city has implemented the responsibility system for the work of banning planting and eradicating narcotics, and made it clear that the secretaries of the township party committees are the first responsible persons, and the cadres of township and town villages and village residents are directly responsible. The leaders of the Municipal Narcotics Control Commission led a team to go deep into key towns and towns to hold a mobilization and deployment meeting on the prohibition of planting and eradicating drugs, and selected and established information officers to provide intelligence information for the prohibition of planting and eradicating drugs. More than 500 inspections were carried out in key areas throughout the year, and more than 130,000 key rural households were inspected. We have continued to intensify the crackdown on sporadic cases of illegal cultivation of narcotic plants, and there has been no large-scale illegal cultivation of opium poppy, a native plant of narcotic drugs, in the city.

Drug control practices in a western city

The silver anti-narcotics department carried out a ban on planting, inspection and eradication of drugs.


This year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, please talk about Baiyin City's plan to promote the high-quality development of anti-drug work and escort the construction of safe Baiyin.

Hao Gang:

In the new year, Baiyin City will conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on anti-drug work and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and Party committees and governments at all levels on anti-drug work. Task-oriented, we should strengthen the organization and leadership, improve the community drug rehabilitation work system, strengthen the anti-drug law enforcement crackdown, and improve the level of drug problem governance, create a good atmosphere for the whole people to fight drugs, gather a strong joint force of the people's war against drugs, solidly promote the high-quality development of drug control work, and make new contributions in the creation of national anti-drug demonstration cities.

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