
Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

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Although cats have independent personalities, they sometimes show affection for their owners. When a cat truly acknowledges its owner, it will show many touching performances. Cats recognize the owner, these 7 loyal performances, how many cats do you have?

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

1. Be sensitive to the owner's emotional changes

A cat is an emotional animal, and when it recognizes its owner, it is very sensitive to the emotional changes of its owner. When the owner feels sad or frustrated, the cat senses this emotion and tries to comfort the owner.

The cat may rub its owner's legs, make a "purr" sound, or gently pat its owner with its soft tail. This sensitive and comforting behavior fully demonstrates the cat's care and loyalty to its owner.

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

2. Sharing "personal belongings" with the host

When a cat truly recognizes its owner, it shares some "personal items" with its owner, such as toys, food, and even its litter. This sharing behavior shows that the cat is full of trust and dependence on its owner, and is willing to share what it considers precious with the owner.

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

3. Respond to the voice made by the owner

When the owner calls the cat's name, the cat who recognizes the owner will always respond. Even when playing, the cat will temporarily put down the toy in its hand, look up at the owner, and express concern and response to the owner. This reciprocal behavior shows that the cat is full of trust and dependence on its owner.

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

Fourth, do not let the owner be harmed

A cat that recognizes its owner will be very concerned about its owner, and when the owner is hurt, it will immediately come forward to check on it. Sometimes cats may even feel upset because of their owner's pain, showing a strong desire to protect their owner. This act of care and protection fully demonstrates the cat's loyalty to its owner.

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

5. Wait for the return of the master

The loyal cat will wait at the door for the return of its owner. When the owner comes home, it will greet the owner warmly, expressing its thoughts and welcome to the owner. This act of waiting and welcoming indicates that the cat is full of anticipation and joy for the owner's homecoming.

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

6. Protect the safety of the owner

Loyal cats will guard the safety of their owners. At night, when the owner is sleeping, the cat will often guard the owner's side, and even make a "purr" sound to protect the owner. This guardian behavior shows that the cat has a deep affection for its owner.

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

It is very happy to have the company of cats when sleeping, however, the problem of cat shedding often becomes a small worry in the hearts of owners. In order to alleviate this problem, the owner can comb the cat before bedtime, which effectively reduces the floating hair on the bed.

At the same time, keep the diet light and choose a low-salt, fish oil-containing cat food as the staple food to help alleviate the problem of hair loss and make the cat's hair healthier and brighter.

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

7. Frequent interactions

When a cat truly recognizes its owner, it will become very fond of interacting with its owner. Whether it's rubbing their legs, rolling or gently stroking their owners with their little paws, these are all ways for cats to show affection and loyalty to their owners. Frequent interaction means that cats are very trusting and dependent on their owners.

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

When the cat comes to interact with you, the owner should also respond to the cat in a timely manner, you can touch it, interact with some small toys, and reward the cat with some delicious snacks, so that the cat will love you more.

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

Conclusion: Does your cat recognize you as the owner?

You might as well share the beautiful photos of your cat in the comment area~

Cats recognize you as their master, these 7 loyal performances, how many of your cats are there?

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