
Buy 701, hand over 704? Developer: Renumber...

Buy 701, hand over 704? Developer: Renumber...

Buying a house is not a trivial matter

From the location, the surrounding facilities

To a floor plan, floor......

are all factors to consider when purchasing

Recently, Ms. Liu from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, found out that she had bought a house

The room number selected changed at the time of handover

This made her feel very unhappy

This topic is on the hot search

aroused heated discussions among netizens↓

Buy 701, hand over 704? Developer: Renumber...

701 is selected to buy a house, and 704 is handed over

In 2020, Ms. Liu was at the Jinsha Lake Golf Viewing Residence in Zhengzhou City

Bought a house

At that time, Ms. Liu was tempted by the east house with better lighting

But considering that the account number of the East House is 704

Ms. Liu felt unlucky

In the end, she still bought the property in West 701

Buy 701, hand over 704? Developer: Renumber...

But at the time of handover

She found out

The account number of oneself Nishito 701 became 704

And the west of each floor has become 04

This is the opposite of the account number stipulated in the contract

And the developer did not give advance notice

Ms. Liu felt that she could not accept it

Buy 701, hand over 704? Developer: Renumber...

"The household registration number is based on the number of the household registration office of the police station"

The staff of Zhengzhou Jinsha Lake Golf Stadium said

The contract is written on the pre-sale room number

The household registration number is mainly based on the household registration office number of the police station

Buy 701, hand over 704? Developer: Renumber...

For such a statement

Ms. Liu said she was unconvinced:

The difference between 01 and 04 is just a number

But the gap brought to himself

But it's not just the room number that has changed

What's more

For such a change

Developers should inform in advance

Rather than waiting for the buyer to come for a final home inspection

before giving an explanation

Netizens are hotly discussed

Some netizens support the owner's rights protection↓

Some netizens also said

The room number is not important, the mentality is the most important↓


Do you mind the floor or room number when buying a house?

Source | chatterbox, urban reports, netizen comments

Edit | Kang Xiaokan

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