
Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

author:Sima Nan

(This article is based on Mr. Sima Nan's video program, and the content has been deleted)

There is a famous writer in Wuhan named Fang Fang, and she has written many works. Some of these works were very influential, especially in the first year of the pandemic, when her "Fang Fang Diary" was published abroad in a variety of forms at the speed of light.

Fang Fang's work attracted a lot of attention and was in the midst of great controversy at the time.

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

I read a novel called "Soft Burial" by her to interpret land reform from another perspective, and after reading it, I admired Fang Fang.

She's a little older than me, and I'll have to call her sister. This old lady's writing level is actually average, but her structural ability, that is, her ability to arrange the story, and how to tell the story vividly, I think it is very good.

However, her political leanings in this novel are unacceptable to me. Its political tendency is nothing more than saying that the land reform has been wrong, messed up, broken, and extreme, and made people angry and resentful, to the point that there is not even a coffin for "soft burial".

I would like to ask how the People's Republic of China could have been established in 1949 if there had been no land reform, if land reform had not been affirmed?

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

Who welcomes the political tendencies expressed by Miss Fang Fang, and the emotional values she exudes in her works? Who slaps her?

This is not fictional, but it is explicit, because the book has won several awards across the country. After being seriously criticized by netizens and friends, these awards still exist......

I once met a man in Beijing, his name was Liu Jiming. He and Fang Fang are both members of the Hubei Writers Association, Fang Fang has been the chairman of the Writers' Association, and Liu Jiming has also been the leader of the Writers' Association, so it can be said that the two of them are colleagues, but their views are very different.

I am talking about this today because I saw that Mr. Liu Jiming wrote an article on the platform, which was very short and mentioned me in it.

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

Mr. Liu said he had just read an article published on a WeChat platform called Wall Street Club. Mr. Liu Jiming's mind is very emancipated, but after reading the views inside, he said that he couldn't accept it. The Wall Street Club article makes the following point:

First, the United States represents the most advanced system in the world, and China's reform and opening up is following the path of the Americans.

In fact, China has always advocated Chinese-style modernization and adhered to socialism with Chinese characteristics, the essence of which is socialism, not any other ism, but he did not mention it.

In my previous programs and articles, I have repeatedly emphasized that the essence of reform and opening up is the self-improvement of the socialist system, and this is the party's proposition.

However, the "Wall Street Club" only emphasizes following the path of the Americans, and it can be seen that this article of the "Wall Street Club" has long since departed from the original intention of self-improvement of the socialist system.

This definition of reform and opening up is very much in line with the thinking and interests of certain elite groups.

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

Liu Jiming asked me to take a closer look at this article, and he thought there was something in it.

You are not allowed to make any criticism of their ideas, if you criticize you, you are extreme emotions, if you criticize you, you are populism, if you criticize you, those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me, and it is contrary to American-style democracy!

Second, the article repeatedly emphasizes that capitalism is an ideal social system. Liu Jiming said: In this case, is there a distinction between good and bad in this ideal system?

If you are faced with the kind of capital group that parasitizes on the social organism, for example, people who can lend 2.58 trillion yuan, which is equivalent to borrowing 2% of the gross domestic product to their own homes, and vigorously distribute dividends while operating at a loss.

Another example is that when the state clearly has a decree, 30% of this enterprise is stuffed into his own pocket, and the white wolf with empty gloves is played back and forth.

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

You can't say it's a good thing, right? At least from the point of view of the rule of law, it's not right, even capitalism is inferior capitalism, or hooligan capitalism.

According to the "Wall Street Club," not only cannot this thing be criticized, but if you dare to criticize it, I will kill you.

Third, the article also said that the economic model before the reform and opening up was an economic system that had failed in practice, and Liu Jiming believed that this view was not easy for him to accept.

Have they failed to be tested in practice? Who is the subject of the test? Is it the broadest masses of the people? If not, but the opposite of socialism, can this feeling of theirs be used as a criterion?

From the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 to the reform and opening up in 1978, did not it make tremendous efforts in our socialist exploration and achieve great achievements that have attracted the attention of the world?

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

If you look at the analysis of the RAND Corporation and the CIA of China's achievements under the Chinese economic system in 1978, you will know that it is a great achievement in the true sense of the word!

Fourth, this article insists that Sima Nan has torn apart ethnic groups and undermined social stability, on the grounds that Sima Nan pointed out a number of social phenomena. But the problem now is that this phenomenon exists in the first place.

Did Sima Nan point out that this phenomenon led to the division of the ethnic group, or was it the phenomenon itself that caused the ethnic group to be torn apart, and Sima Nan pointed out this phenomenon and tried to find a way to solve the problem?

The author, who published an article in the "Wall Street Club", signed his name as "Wood Worm" and was a native of Hebei.

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

I found the article and looked at it, only to find that "Wood Worm" was good to me, he first praised me, saying that I was a rare head V, and there were many fans on the whole network. It seems that people really have some understanding of me, and they have affirmed Sima Nan's influence.

He also said that some people were fascinated by Sima Nan's things, and I really didn't find anyone intoxicated, but I found that some people put forward a lot of criticism after reading my articles, so I accepted criticism from the audience every day and constantly improved my work.

This author also mentioned on the side that Sima Nan's program does not carry advertisements or goods, which is indeed a clear-eyed person. But then he changed the topic and said that the 1.4 billion people had to be broken by him, that is, Sima Nan hurt society.

Let me tell you, people generally have this logical formula when they speak, and don't be complacent when he affirms you, because after he affirms you, a "but" will turn around.

So he said it, but Sima Nan created extreme emotions, but Sima Nan deliberately confused right and wrong, but Sima Nan tore apart the ethnic group.

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

Later, this person began to bite Sima Nan's small house like my old friend. I found that when everyone criticized Sima Nan, the evidence they cited was that Sima Nan bought a house in the United States.

I have been reviewing the matter of buying a house for several years, and I have two main points in my review: after the resumption of the college entrance examination, as the first student graduated from Heilongjiang Business School, the first commercial higher education institution in the People's Republic of China, I majored in business economics.

Moreover, I have been writing editorials and opinion articles in China Business Daily for so many years, so I should be relatively familiar with the field of circulation.

For the same money, if I had bought a house in Beijing at that time, I would have earned more, so I was ashamed that I should have bought a house in Beijing at that time.

But for my understanding, some people are not satisfied, and they must raise me to invest in a small house in the United States in preparation for future defection. Some people even reported me to the U.S. Embassy in China and the Israeli Embassy in China, saying that this little house was prepared for Hamas.

No matter how much you promote me, my knowledge can't reach such a high level, I can't do this.

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

There are also people who insist on putting some rumors on my head, saying that I said that "anti-US is work, and going to the United States is life", which is obviously a rumor spread by someone, and to be precise, a rumor created by the "wheel", and it has to be planted on my head, I really can't argue.

Thanks to these gentlemen of the "Wall Street Club" for criticizing Sima Nan, if you say it right, I will correct it, and if the method you say is good, then do what you say. In fact, except for the house that I bought more than ten years ago, there are no facts left, all of them are hats.

As far as buttoning hats is concerned, these little authors can't be compared with Fang Fang now. Sister Fang Fang threw hats from the courtyard, the so-called populism, hooligans, scum, underworlds, ruffians, fools, etc., other sisters have lost a lot more hats than you have lost. So I don't mind these hats, because there are more lice and I am not afraid of bites.

However, this kind of article published on the "Wall Street Club" platform unfortunately coincides with the recent mouthful of an old friend.

So I was wondering how I got lucky, more than a decade ago, I heard that someone bought such a $250,000 house in a flash, and now it has gained such a high level of popularity.

Isn't this a strange thing? Wall Street criticized Sima Nan!

Do you think I'm almost right to review, because no matter how much I review, they won't forgive me, so they can say whatever they want about the little house.

If they criticize me, I will carefully analyze what is reasonable and what is unreasonable, what Sima Nan said wrongly, and what Sima Nan did not say and they framed me. What else do you think I can do besides doing this kind of work?

Reference article: Wall Street Club, Wood Worm

Responsible editor|Hu Yan pen husband

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