
【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

author:Financial breakfast
【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday
【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

► Statistics Bureau: In 2023, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size will be 7,685.83 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 2.3%, and the decline rate will be 1.7 percentage points narrower than that of the previous year, and it will continue to maintain a recovery trend. Since August, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size have achieved positive growth for five consecutive months. The operating income was 133.44 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.1%.

► CCTV Finance: It is reported that although there is still about half a month before the Spring Festival, many hotels in Shanghai have ushered in a peak of bookings, and some hotels have booked more than eighty percent. Overall hotel prices in Shanghai this year will be the same as last year. In terms of tourist source areas, the occupancy rate of local tourists in Shanghai was as high as 70% last year, but this year it has dropped to 25%, and the number of tourists from other places such as Beijing and Guangdong has increased significantly.

► National Business Daily: From January 15 to 25, 2024, E Fund, Huatai Pineapple, Harvest CSI 300 ETF, ChinaAMC CSI 300 ETF and ChinaAMC SSE 50 ETF had a total net inflow of 111.584 billion yuan in just two weeks. The net inflow of funds such as artificial intelligence, photovoltaics, new energy, and Chinese state-owned enterprise ETFs exceeded 100 million yuan.

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday
【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday


1. Ministry of Transport: On January 26, the first day of the Spring Festival, the cross-regional flow of people in the whole society was 189.352 million, an increase of 9.5% month-on-month and 19.7% year-on-year. Among them, the national railway passenger volume was 11.063 million, an increase of 12.1% month-on-month and 78% year-on-year. It is expected that more than 12.2 million passengers will be sent on January 27.

2. Gong Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai: Last year, a total of 172,000 talents at home and abroad were introduced, an increase of 12% year-on-year. At present, the total number of talents in the city has exceeded 6.75 million. Through the implementation of the talent peak project and the special policy of cultivating talents in key industries, a number of strategic entrepreneurs, internationally renowned scholars and other "high-precision and cutting-edge" talents have been introduced.

3. Beijing Catering Industry Association: Strengthen price control, stabilize price levels, avoid "sky-high" public opinion on Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, and maintain market price order during the Spring Festival. It is strictly forbidden to "seasonal price", it is strictly forbidden not to mark the price, it is strictly forbidden to fabricate the original price, false discounts, low bids and high settlements, non-performance of price commitments and other price frauds.

4. Maersk Line Group: Due to the changing situation in the Red Sea and the significant increase in security risks, in the foreseeable future, some of the group's shipping services will no longer pass through the Red Sea, but bypass the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa. Since the outbreak of the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a number of cargo ships have been attacked in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and the waters of the Red Sea.

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

Real estate dynamics

1. China Securities News: Recently, many places have continued to optimize property market policies, including optimizing the use of housing provident funds, encouraging group purchases by real estate enterprises, and lowering the interest rate of the first home loan. Since January this year, Dongguan, Foshan, Hohhot and other places have lowered the interest rate of the first home loan to 3.8%, and some cities have implemented the policy of canceling the lower limit of the interest rate of the first home loan in stages. The barriers to entry and borrowing costs for home buyers are expected to be further reduced.

2. Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province: Within the scope of the purchase restriction area, the purchase of housing with a construction area of more than 120 square meters (excluding 120 square meters) is not included in the scope of purchase restrictions. Support "rent-one-buy-one". Resident families and individuals who use the houses under their names as rental housing shall reduce the number of housing units under their names accordingly when purchasing the houses.

3. Gong Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai: Develop affordable rental housing. Last year, 81,000 units were raised for construction, plus 248,000 units in the previous two years, and 70% of the 14th Five-Year Plan target has been completed. 11,000 beds of the "Home of City Builders and Managers in the New Era" have been raised, mainly for front-line workers in express delivery, security and cleaning, and the monthly rent of one bed is about 500-1,000 yuan. In addition, this year, we will make greater efforts to promote urban renewal and launch another 10 urban village transformation projects.

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

Stock market stock

1. China Securities Construction Investment: Recently, the market sentiment has improved significantly due to policy support, and it is expected that after the index stabilizes under the leadership of Zhongzitou and core assets, the valuation repair market is expected to spread further. In addition, gold prices will have a stronger performance during future rate cuts after flattening out during the rate hike cycle. It is expected that the phased decline in oil prices that began in October last year is coming to an end, and oil prices are expected to start a new round of upward trend.

2. Securities Daily: The first step to improve the authenticity of finance is to investigate the illegal responsibility of those responsible for financial fraud, so that those companies or related personnel who fraudulently list and provide false financial statements will be severely cracked down. A retrospective system should be established without a statute of limitations, and as long as a listed company commits financial fraud, no matter how many years have passed, it should be held accountable, rather than simply turning the page.

3. Securities Times: Since the beginning of the year, the pilot development of domestic qualified foreign limited partners (QFLP) has been in full swing. Chengdu, Yangzhou, Ningbo and other QFLP pilot areas have landed their first QFLP funds. At present, all pilot cities are actively promoting the implementation of QFLP funds, but due to the lack of top-level system design, the industry calls for the introduction of a top-level system at the national level as soon as possible.

4. Shanghai Securities News: As of the evening of January 25, more than 80 listed companies have predicted that their 2023 performance will turn losses into profits. Among them, more than 40% of companies are expected to have a year-on-year increase in net profit of more than 200% in 2023. The reason why the performance of most listed companies can "turn around" is mainly due to the gradual recovery of market demand, which has led to the continuous growth of product orders.

5. WuXi AppTec: Responding to the four points of the draft biosafety bill involving the company, firmly believing that the development of WuXi AppTec's business will not pose a risk to the security of any country, it has never sponsored civil-military integration projects, and the selection criteria of the company's biochemistry research award are related to the scientific research experience and ability of scientific researchers, and a very small number of the winners are from research institutes and institutions under the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

Wealth Spotlight

1. Gong Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai: Shanghai will rely on key regions to carry out greater stress tests on financial opening-up and build an international financial asset trading platform. Better coordinate financial openness and security. It is necessary to thoroughly clean up the invisible thresholds and barriers that hinder the allocation of factor markets. We should further help enterprises reduce their burdens and increase efficiency, especially to implement the structural "tax reduction and tax reduction" policies introduced by the state.

2. Economic Daily: The dragon has an irreplaceable position in traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, this year's "zodiac economy" is particularly prosperous, and all kinds of "dragon element" products are popular in the consumer market. Aromatherapy suits, modern decorative paintings, zodiac ornaments, and red envelope sets for the Spring Festival couplets of the Year of the Dragon have all increased by more than 10 times.

3. Financial breakfast: hot spots are non-stop, track what you want to hear. Young people in the United States earn more than their parents when they were young, what is the current situation of their relationship with their families as adults? How will young people and their parents spend the Spring Festival? How do young people use every amount of money on the cutting edge? Why is the willingness of young people to study abroad declining rapidly? More news that young people are reading, financial friends quickly go to the end of the article to check today's financial secretary tracking @Trend, if you like it, come and see it every week!

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

Industry Watch

1. Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the Passenger Association: In 2023, the revenue of the automobile industry will be 100976 billion yuan, an increase of 12% year-on-year, the cost will be 8,762.7 billion yuan, an increase of 13%, the profit will be 508.6 billion yuan, an increase of 5.9% year-on-year, and the profit margin of the automobile industry will be 5%, which is still low compared with the average profit margin of 5.8% of the entire industrial enterprise.

2. Bureau of Statistics: In 2023, the total profit of the ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry will increase by 157.3% year-on-year. The production and supply of electricity and heat increased by 71.9 percent, the non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by 28.0 percent, the petroleum, coal and other fuel processing industry increased by 26.9 percent, and the chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing industry decreased by 34.1 percent.

3. Securities Daily: Since 2024, there have been senior management changes in five trust companies, including China Chengxin Trust, Shandong Guoxin, and National Trust. According to industry insiders, since the beginning of this year, the change of senior management of trust companies has continued the high frequency of last year, and the regulatory environment continues to tighten and the pressure of business transformation is the main reason. In order to adapt to changes in the environment, this year, the senior management adjustment of trust companies may continue to be frequent.

4. LONGi Green Energy: From the fourth quarter of 2023 to the present, the price of the photovoltaic industry chain has dropped to a very irrational position. This year, the pressure of oversupply in the market is greater, if the price of the industrial chain continues to run at a low level, then the financial situation is fragile, the technology is not advanced enterprises may be forced to stop production or withdraw, when the actual supply and demand of the industry continue to tend to balance, the price of the industrial chain or will return to rationality.

5. LG New Energy: The growth of the global new energy vehicle market will temporarily slow down in 2024, with a market growth rate of about 20%. Last year, the global new energy vehicle market grew by 29%. Despite the slowdown in the growth of new energy vehicles and the decline in raw material metal prices, the company is expected to achieve mid-digit revenue growth in 2024 by expanding sales in North America.

6. Shanghai Aviation Exchange: This week, the situation in the Red Sea region is still in a tense state, which has lasted for a long time, and the impact is gradually being digested. With the Spring Festival holiday approaching, the overall transportation demand of the market has a weakening trend, and the prices of some ocean routes with large increases in freight rates in the early stage have fallen. On January 26, the Shanghai export container comprehensive freight index was 2179.09 points, down 2.7% from the previous period.

7. State Administration of Radio, Film and Television: From October to December 2023, a total of 476 domestic online dramas and 7,967 episodes were issued distribution licenses by the competent radio and television departments across the country. Among them, there are 46 online dramas with 1,172 episodes, 153 online short dramas with 3,532 episodes, 92 online movies, and 185 online cartoons with 3,171 episodes.

8. U.S. Secretary of Commerce: Exploring ways to mandate U.S. cloud computing companies to notify the Department of Commerce every time a non-U.S. entity uses its cloud computing to train large language models.

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

Company news

1. Post Office: In 2021, Shanxi, Sichuan, Tianjin, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Qinghai and other 6 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in 2022 J&T Express used container bags were detected to exceed the standard of heavy metals, and J&T Express had the problem of not fulfilling the unified management responsibility of express packaging. In this regard, J&T Express said that it would conduct a comprehensive combing and investigation of the existing express packaging suppliers and strengthen management.

2. Tesla CEO Elon Musk: Tesla will spend more than $500 million on Nvidia's hardware this year, and will also buy chips from AMD. Currently, Nvidia is the leader in the so-called AI accelerator space, but competitors such as AMD are also making big inroads into the market. AMD unveiled the MI300 last month, which will run AI software faster than its competitors.

3. Omdia: Nintendo will launch a new generation of Switch with an 8-inch LCD screen this year. Performance will be close to PS4 levels, and you can play triple-A titles like Call of Duty. The first-generation Switch hit the market in 2017 and has sold over 130 million units, approaching the end of the console's traditional life cycle.

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

Global vision

1. CCTV news client: It is reported that the United States plans to redeploy nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom because of the "growing threat from Russia". This will be the first time that the United States plans to deploy nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom since 2008, when it withdrew its nuclear warheads from the United Kingdom. A spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry noted that the redeployment of US nuclear weapons back to Britain will be seen by Russia as a sabotage of the regional security situation, and the Russian side will take countermeasures.

2. White House Economic Council: No matter from which point of view, the U.S. economy is very optimistic. Core inflation has remained around 2% for the past six months, while PCE growth in GDP reports has been below 2%. This is a sign that while prices may rebound somewhat, the worst is behind us and a "soft landing" is just around the corner.

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

Financial data

1. China Fund News: According to the disclosed 2023 quarterly report, the total scale of public quantitative fund products at the end of 2023 has approached 300 billion yuan, an increase of 25% from the end of 2022 and a new high since 2018. The scale of active quantitative funds and index quantitative funds has achieved positive growth, but quantitative hedge funds have shrunk significantly. The development of different types of quantitative fund products is different, which is mainly affected by multiple factors such as product strategy, performance, and market conditions.

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday

· @Trend·

► Young people are independent: Young Americans earn more than their parents when they were younger, but many still receive parental support in their twenties and thirties, and about one-third still live with their parents as adults. Fifty-nine per cent of parents have provided financial assistance to their adult children in the past year, and 44 per cent of young people have received financial assistance from their parents in the past year, with nearly seven adults aged 18 to 24. Of these adults who are still not "out of the nest", 72% say they contribute financially to their families in at least one way, such as paying for groceries, utilities, rent or loans. But the survey doesn't say how much they actually contributed. Thirty-six per cent of parents who provide assistance to their children feel that it puts financial pressure on them, especially for parents with lower incomes. The heavy financial burden also makes young people more dependent on their parents.

► Young people in the New Year: In the past few years, many young people have received too many beatings from society and chose to go home to become "full-time children". The family that used to want to escape has become a support for itself in an uncertain life. Enlightened young people are increasingly looking for support and energy from long-term and stable intimate relationships, and not everyone can be "stay-at-home children", but we can all invite parents to come into our world to find out. And to build an emotional connection, there is no time node comparable to the Spring Festival. Whether it is to bring the family to a citywalk, or to live for a Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, or to bring pets back to "save relatives", the emotional code behind the "New Year three-piece set" is all the same.

► Young people are living: For the current post-90s and post-00s, the focus of concern has long been "living well". This includes not only stress-free work, satisfying salary, and no meaningless socializing, but also how to make good use of every money. Spending every amount of money on the knife edge and buying what you want while saving money is undoubtedly a problem that young people are thinking about all the time. Under this trend, idle transactions are gradually emerging, buying and selling their own idle items, and realizing two-way running as buyers and buyers on the platform.

► Young people studying abroad: The willingness of the new generation of young people to study abroad is also declining rapidly. On the one hand, the post-00s generation grew up in the 20 years of China's rapid development, with an unprecedented sense of endogenous national pride, and no longer worship the West, so they are no longer keen on studying abroad. On the other hand, the post-00s generation has superior growth conditions, and they go to study abroad alone and face many challenges such as language, culture, learning, and life alone, so they lack motivation and enthusiasm for studying abroad, and even fear of studying abroad. Encourage young people to go out more, not necessarily to study abroad, but also to go abroad for short-term exchanges, internships, etc., through these opportunities to learn more about different cultures and civilizations, and gain a global vision and international competence.

【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday
【Financial Breakfast】2024.01.28 Sunday