
Many fast food chains use a large number of prefabricated meals, and Xibei is also on the list, stunned many netizens!


Dear Toutiao netizens, today we are going to talk about a big news in the fast food industry! Recently, there are reports revealing the secrets of many well-known fast food chains in the back kitchen, which is a big surprise. These fast food brands that we usually like actually use a large number of prefabricated meals, and some even purchase them directly from the manufacturer! What is even more shocking is that even our "national canteen" Xibei is also on the list. Netizens said: This is a big fuss! Can we still eat fast food with peace of mind?

Many fast food chains use a large number of prefabricated meals, and Xibei is also on the list, stunned many netizens!

Prepared meals: Behind the fast food industry?

The so-called prefabricated meal refers to the food that has been made, and only needs to be simply heated or assembled to become a dish on our table. The advantage of this is that it saves the cooking time of the restaurant, improves efficiency, and makes the taste and quality of the food relatively stable. However, this practice also raises a series of questions.

First of all, the nutritional value of prepared meals is greatly reduced. Since food has been processed and processed many times during the production process, it is likely that the nutrients in it have been lost or destroyed. Secondly, prepared meals often contain high levels of salt, sugar, oil and other additives, which may have a negative impact on health when consumed for a long time.

Xibei on the list: Where is our letter?

As a chain restaurant that is loved by consumers, Xibei has always won the trust of the majority of netizens with its healthy, delicious food and good reputation. However, this pre-made meal incident has also embroiled Xibei in controversy. Many netizens expressed their unacceptability, and some even began to question the food safety of Xibei.

Many fast food chains use a large number of prefabricated meals, and Xibei is also on the list, stunned many netizens!

In fact, Xibei is not the only restaurant chain that uses pre-made meals. According to reports, in addition to Xibei, several well-known fast food brands are also using pre-made meals. While these brands pursue efficiency and cost, they ignore the health needs of consumers and the importance of food safety.

A Call to Action: Defend Our Table

In the face of the proliferation of prepared meals, we cannot afford to sit idly by. As consumers, we have the right to know the truth about the food we buy. That's why we're calling on fast-food chains to be transparent about whether or not they're selling prepared meals. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the supervision and management of prepared meals to ensure that food safety and consumer rights are protected.

In addition, we can also reduce our reliance on prepared meals by choosing healthy, fresh foods. In our daily lives, we can try to cook by ourselves and enjoy the deliciousness and nutrition brought by fresh ingredients. While this may take more time and effort, it's worth it for the sake of our health and food safety.

Many fast food chains use a large number of prefabricated meals, and Xibei is also on the list, stunned many netizens!

Epilogue: Defend our table

Dear netizens, the development of fast food culture has allowed us to enjoy convenient and fast deliciousness, but at the same time, it has also brought some problems that cannot be ignored. The massive use of prepared meals has forced us to re-examine the current state of the fast food industry and our own eating habits. On this issue, we need to remain vigilant and think rationally, but also take positive action to defend our table. Let's work together to create a healthier and better future for ourselves and our families!

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