
The secret of the smoother you are: only think about the good things and tune yourself to the good frequency

The secret of the smoother you are: only think about the good things and tune yourself to the good frequency

You have to know that you can attract your future in the present moment. You have to direct your mind to focus on the things that make you feel good. Your mind should focus on those things that bring you joy, and you need to create the vibrational frequencies you want to experience in this moment.

You have to understand that every present moment is the key to shaping your future. Your heart, like a magnet, is able to attract things that match the frequency of your thoughts and emotions. Therefore, you must consciously direct your mind and let it focus on those things that will give you good feelings. These things could be a heartwarming memory, a pleasant party, a moment of intimacy with nature, or any little thing that makes you feel good.

When your mind focuses on happy things, you create positive vibrational frequencies in this moment. These frequencies are like invisible ripples that spread around you and form an attraction that draws into your life those experiences and opportunities that are in harmony with your current vibrations.

And, as you begin to become aware of your impact on the world around you, you work harder to maintain that positive mindset. You'll start to avoid situations that make you feel depressed or anxious and instead look for experiences that make you feel happy and fulfilled. This could mean spending time with positive people, engaging in meaningful activities, or taking time to do things that uplift your soul.

If you are always focusing on unpleasant memories, or if you are always telling stories from the past, telling people or things that have hurt you, you are actually hurting yourself. Because you bring that vibration into your creative moment, which is the moment when you affect your own life.

Understand that if your mind is always occupied with unhappy memories, such as those endless sad pasts, or people and things that have hurt you, you are actually hurting yourself unconsciously. When you are immersed in these negative thoughts, you are actually bringing this negative vibrational frequency into your reality, which is where you have the most creativity and influence. These negative frequencies can affect your emotional state, which in turn influences your decisions and actions, and ultimately the trajectory of your life.

For example, if you're constantly recalling past failures at work or a broken relationship, these thoughts are like a dark whirlpool that keeps spinning in your mind. You may lose confidence, feel upset and depressed, and this state will not only affect your current mood, but also affect your ability to grasp future opportunities and even affect your relationships with others. These negative emotions and attitudes may cause you to miss out on new opportunities, or to create misunderstandings and conflicts in interpersonal interactions.

Moreover, when you keep talking about the people or things that hurt you, you are actually reliving those painful moments, unconsciously planting the seeds of negative emotions in the depths of your heart. These negative thoughts and emotions can grow like weeds and slowly take over every corner of your mind, eventually affecting your views and attitudes towards life. You may become pessimistic and negative, lose enthusiasm for life, and even affect your physical and mental health.

On the contrary, if you become aware of this and begin to change your way of thinking, such as through positive self-suggestion, engaging in activities that make you feel happy and satisfied, or surfacing people who give you positive energy, you can gradually change this negative vibrational frequency. Start focusing on the things that bring you joy and positive energy, such as reminiscing about a successful experience or having a pleasant get-together with friends, these positive thoughts and emotions are like sunshine and rain that nourish your mind and make your inner world brighter and richer.

The secret of the smoother you are: only think about the good things and tune yourself to the good frequency

Remember, your every thought and emotion is shaping your reality. By focusing on those things that bring you joy and positive energy, you are creating a better and more fulfilling life for yourself. That's your power in the moment, use it to change your life.

When you stand in the corner of your own world, looking at your parents who may have lacked love in the past, or the injustice they have received, it seems that forgiving them is an injustice to yourself.

But in fact, what you really can't let go of is yourself. You are shackled by past hurts and haunted by those who think others have done you harm.

The secret of the smoother you are: only think about the good things and tune yourself to the good frequency

You are shackled by your own beliefs because you are always focused on things that are not good for you, wasting your precious creativity.

If you dwell on the misfortunes of the past, the vibrations will follow you into the present, and the present is the only place where you can create the future. You will unconsciously draw those vibrational frequencies to your eyes.

If you continue to dwell on past misfortunes and pains, such as failures that you cannot let go of, or people and things that have hurt you, these negative vibrations will follow you like shadows into the present. And now, this moment, is the key to shaping and planning for your future. You may unconsciously draw these negative vibrational frequencies into your life.

On the other hand, when you forgive those who have hurt you, you are actually freeing yourself and creating a new future for yourself. Holding on to old injuries and resentments will not only pollute your present moment, but also hinder yourself from creating a new life, which is undoubtedly the biggest abuse of yourself!

The secret of the smoother you are: only think about the good things and tune yourself to the good frequency

These are challenges for you, but they are relevant to your emotional life. When you carry with you a childhood vendetta, or a grudge against your parents, for those who hurt you in your early years, you bring those negative vibrations into the present and attract similar partners.

If you are still haunted by the hurt of the past, what kind of people will you attract? You may attract people who will hurt you. It's not because you're bad or not smart, it's because you're still maintaining that injured vibrational frequency.

If you have been unable to let go of past hurts, such as the pain of being betrayed by a friend or being treated unfairly at work, this attachment to past pain can affect your mood and energy frequency. You may find yourself unknowingly attracting into your life those who might hurt you again. It's not because you're not good enough or smart enough, but because you're still in a state of hurt inside, sending a signal of vulnerability.

For example, in relationships, if you are always harboring fear and distrust of past hurts, you may attract people who use your insecurities to control or manipulate you. These people may identify your weaknesses and then use them to meet their own needs, rather than genuinely caring for and respecting you.

In the workplace, if you lack self-confidence because of past failures, you may find yourself confronted with colleagues or superiors who are critical and don't appreciate you. This environment can further undermine your self-confidence and make it difficult for you to show your true potential.

However, this situation is not immutable. By becoming aware of your inner vibrational frequency, you can begin to work to change that frequency. This could mean seeking professional help dealing with past injuries or boosting your self-awareness through self-reflection and meditation. In your daily life, you can improve your emotional state by participating in positive social activities and making friends who are positive and supportive. At the same time, through positive self-suggestion and affirmation, such as saying to yourself every day that "I am worthy of love" or "I have the ability to overcome challenges", you can gradually change your inner beliefs and thus the people and things you attract.

Remember, you have the power to change your vibrations and thus change the people and things that attract you to your life. By letting go of past hurts and learning to love yourself, you will be able to attract those who truly understand and respect you and create a happier and more fulfilling life.

This concept is very important to help you transform your love life and understand the vibrational frequencies and the laws of attraction.

When you learn to be tolerant, learn to forgive, and learn to let go, in fact, you give yourself the greatest love. The people who hurt you have gone far and they are living their lives.

Unless you forgive them, free that part of your mind and reorganize yourself, you will be stuck in the past and waste your creativity. This resentment is not only stuck in the past, but it can also affect you in the present and interfere with your current vibrational frequency.

There are many ways to disrupt your present vibrational frequency, and clinging to the past is one of them.

Learn to focus on the good things and look for the experiences that bring you joy, joy, peace, relief, and excitement.

Memory is a powerful tool of the ego, and it can be used to collect negative things. Therefore, you have to understand that memories can be misused as well as positive. You should only use your memories to collect the things that make you feel good.

Please don't collect negative memories by recalling the past. Otherwise, you will pollute your mind. You will feel the feedback from your heart for doing so, as you will start to have negative feelings, which is a sign that you are off track.

When you're reminiscing, make sure you notice how the memory brings you. Even good memories can bring you negative feelings.

For example, if you are single now and reminisce about a good relationship, you may feel sad about the loss. But if you use this memory to prove that you can create a good experience again, you will feel better and let that memory boost your vibrational frequency. It's not just the event itself that matters, it's also the way you look at it.

So, focus on the good things every day, on gratitude, blessings, happiness and serenity, and you will attract all the good things into life, and that's simple, isn't it?