
Jet Li's will was exposed: everything is simple, only for the sake of his family, which caused controversy in the outside world

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Jet Li's will was exposed: everything is simple, only for the sake of his family, which caused controversy in the outside world

Funny one-man show

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Recently, the content of the will of the famous martial arts star Jet Li has been exposed, which has aroused widespread attention from all walks of life. It is reported that his huge inheritance of 2 billion yuan was all handed over to his current wife Li Zhi and two daughters, while his ex-wife Huang Qiuyan and the daughter born to her were penniless in this will.

This result undoubtedly shocked many netizens, and Jet Li's choice has also become a topic of heated discussion.

Jet Li's will was exposed: everything is simple, only for the sake of his family, which caused controversy in the outside world

Jet Li's two marriages

Jet Li's first marriage was with his sister Huang Qiuyan, the two have been in love since they were teenagers and have a deep relationship. In 1980, 19-year-old Huang Qiuyan and 17-year-old Jet Li officially confirmed their relationship. Subsequently, Jet Li became famous for starring in the movie "Shaolin Temple" and became a household name action superstar.

After Jet Li's career took off, there was a rift in the relationship between the two, but Huang Qiuyan never gave up, accompanied Jet Li through the difficulties, and finally officially became husband and wife in 1986.

After marriage, Huang Qiuyan fully supported her husband Jet Li to develop his career in the United States. However, the good times did not last long, in 1990, Jet Li and actor Li Zhi fell in love, and the two parties finally divorced. The first marriage, which lasted for nearly 10 years, ended.

Jet Li's will was exposed: everything is simple, only for the sake of his family, which caused controversy in the outside world

In 1999, Jet Li held a grand wedding with Li Zhi in Los Angeles, USA. The two married and had two daughters. It can be said that Li Zhi accompanied Jet Li through his process from peak to trough and then to peak, and had an important influence and support on Jet Li's career.

The distribution of the estate is disputed

It is reported that Jet Li's huge inheritance of 2 billion yuan will be left to his wife Li Zhi and two daughters. This move has attracted attention because Jet Li's ex-wife Huang Qiuyan and the daughter she has with have not received a penny in this will.

Jet Li's arrangement undoubtedly surprised many. After all, he and Huang Qiuyan have also been married for nearly 10 years and have a daughter. It stands to reason that Huang Qiuyan and her daughter should also be able to share a part of the inheritance. Jet Li's arrangement makes people wonder whether he has the intention, after all, this is also related to the living security of his first wife in her later years.

Jet Li's will was exposed: everything is simple, only for the sake of his family, which caused controversy in the outside world

Of course, some people think that Jet Li's choice is not inappropriate. After all, it is his personal property, and he has the right to leave it to those he thinks deserves. And Lizhi's support and companionship for him are also obvious to all. If all the property is left to Lizhi, it can also be understood as a return for the wife's efforts over the years.

Balancing different interests

Jet Li's testamentary arrangement reflects the complex relationships that celebrities need to balance when it comes to distributing their personal property. He has the right to dispose of his own property and should also take into account the interests of different family members.

For Jet Li, he should prioritize the interests of his current wife, Li Zhi, and his young daughter. This is not only a reward for the wife for many years, but also ensures the security of the daughters' future life. But at the same time, we should also be considerate of the situation of the first wife Huang Qiuyan and give her some financial support to ensure that she has no worries in her later years.

Jet Li's will was exposed: everything is simple, only for the sake of his family, which caused controversy in the outside world

A harmonious and stable family relationship requires all members to make certain compromises and be considerate of each other. Jet Li should also think from the perspective of the whole family when disposing of his personal inheritance. Only when the interests and concerns of each family member are taken into account and that all are cared for can the family continue to live in harmony.

Finally, Jet Li's will reflects an important issue, that is, how to balance the interests of each member in a complex family relationship.

This requires a broad mind on the part of the individual, as well as mutual understanding and support from each member of the family. Only in this way can the huge inheritance of celebrities not become the fuse of family strife, but can become a bond that unites family relationships.

Netizens discussed

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, some netizens thought that Jet Li's choice was wise, some netizens thought that he should take care of his ex-wife, and some netizens thought that this was a family matter and should not be interfered with.

Jet Li's will was exposed: everything is simple, only for the sake of his family, which caused controversy in the outside world

"Jet Li's legacy is at his disposal, it's his freedom. ”

Jet Li's current wife has been with him up and down for so many years, and it is understandable to leave her property. ”

"But my ex-wife also gave her affection and gave birth to his child, and I don't think it's a bit inappropriate to take care of my ex-wife at all. ”

This is Jet Li's internal family matter, and it is difficult for outsiders to comment on right and wrong. Anyway, respect his choice. ”

"Maybe we don't know the inside story, Jet Li must have his own considerations. The private lives of celebrities should not be judged too much. ”

In any case, Jet Li should consider the problem from the perspective of the whole family, and not isolate any party, which is the way to get along. ”

Jet Li's will was exposed: everything is simple, only for the sake of his family, which caused controversy in the outside world


Jet Li's will reflects the complex considerations of celebrities when it comes to distributing their estates. We should not judge his choices on the basis of one-sided statements, because we do not know the whole picture of the whole family.

The only thing we can do is to hope that Jet Li can uphold a broad mind and take care of the interests of different family members, so that everyone can get the respect and care they deserve. Do you think Jet Li's handling of this matter is appropriate? Welcome to discuss it with you in the comment area.

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