
What are the main causes of cervical cancer, and what are the symptoms of cervical cancer in the early stages?

author:Health Dr. Kopli Lee

On an ordinary afternoon, Aunt Li, an ordinary housewife, sat in the waiting area of the hospital, her heart full of anxiety. A few weeks ago, during her routine check-up, her doctor recommended that she have further cervical screening. She didn't pay much attention to it, after all, she had always considered herself in good health and had never felt any discomfort. However, when the screening results came in, the doctor told her that there was an abnormality in the cells in her cervix. Aunt Li suddenly realized that cervical cancer, a disease that she had always thought had nothing to do with her, had quietly invaded her life.

What are the main causes of cervical cancer, and what are the symptoms of cervical cancer in the early stages?

Cervical cancer, a word that sounds far away, has inadvertently entered the lives of many women. In many cases, due to a lack of adequate awareness and early screening, it is detected in the middle and advanced stages. This story is not an isolated case, but a reality that countless ordinary women may face. The shadow of cervical cancer not only creeps in, but often spreads unnoticed. It happens for specific reasons, but many people don't know much about these causes.

1. The main causes of cervical cancer

The formation of cervical cancer usually does not happen overnight. It involves the long-term effects of several factors, chief among which is persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. HPV is a common virus and there are several types, some of which are closely related to the development of cervical cancer. It is important to note that not all HPV infections can lead to cervical cancer. In most cases, the body's immune system is able to clear the virus. However, when HPV persists, it can lead to mutations in the cells of the cervix, which can gradually develop into cancer.

What are the main causes of cervical cancer, and what are the symptoms of cervical cancer in the early stages?

In addition to this, there are some other factors that may increase the risk of cervical cancer. For example, smoking increases the risk of cervical cancer because the chemicals in smoking can damage the DNA of cervical cells. Long-term chronic cervical inflammation may also increase the risk of cervical cancer. In addition, genetic factors cannot be ignored, and women with a family history of cervical cancer have a relatively high risk of developing the disease.

2. Identification of risk factors

Cervical cancer is not untraceable. By identifying some of the key risk factors, we can better understand who may be more vulnerable to cervical cancer. First, women who have sex early and have more sexual partners may be at higher risk because it increases their exposure to HPV. In addition, women who are not vaccinated against HPV are also at higher risk. The HPV vaccine can significantly reduce the risk of cervical cancer by preventing infection with certain high-risk types of HPV.

Irregular cervical screening or a complete lack of screening is another important factor. Regular cervical screening can detect abnormal cellular changes early, allowing treatment to occur before cancer develops. In addition, women with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV, may also be at higher risk of cervical cancer because their bodies may have more difficulty clearing HPV.

What are the main causes of cervical cancer, and what are the symptoms of cervical cancer in the early stages?

3. Early symptoms of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer may have no obvious symptoms in its early stages, which is one of the reasons why cervical cancer screening is crucial. However, some early symptoms can be alarmed. For example, abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially after sexual intercourse or outside of menstruation, can be an early sign of cervical cancer. Similarly, irregular menstrual cycles or abnormal bleeding during menstruation should also be a cause for concern.

Changes in vaginal discharge can also be a warning sign. Discharge may be increased, or it may appear unusual in color and odor. As cervical cancer progresses further, pelvic pain or pain during sexual intercourse may occur. These symptoms don't always mean cervical cancer, but they are an important reason to see a doctor and get further tests.

What are the main causes of cervical cancer, and what are the symptoms of cervical cancer in the early stages?

4. Importance of diagnosis and screening

Diagnosing cervical cancer usually relies on several key medical tests. A Pap smear is a universal screening method that can detect abnormalities in the cells of the cervix. If the smear test results are abnormal, your doctor may recommend a cervical biopsy or HPV DNA test. The HPV DNA test is able to detect the most common high-risk type of HPV in the development of cervical cancer.

The importance of screening lies in the fact that it can detect cervical cancer before it progresses to a more advanced stage. Regular cervical screening means that there is a high chance of cure, even if there are precancerous changes or early cervical cancer. This underscores the importance of regular screening to prevent cervical cancer, especially for middle-aged and older women. By screening regularly and staying alert to underlying symptoms, we can significantly reduce the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer.