
"One fat destroys everything", take stock of the 6 diseases caused by obesity! The doctor tells you the truth

author:Professor Li of the Department of Urology

Imagine an ordinary morning when you stand in front of a mirror and find that the dress that once fit suddenly tightened. Perhaps, while climbing the stairs, you feel more out of breath than usual. These small daily changes can be a visual sign of your weight gain. But there's more to obesity than that. It's not just about appearance and everyday comfort, it's about health and longevity.

"One fat destroys everything", take stock of the 6 diseases caused by obesity! The doctor tells you the truth

The hidden effects behind obesity

1. Cardiovascular disease: "heavyweight" hidden danger

Obesity directly increases the burden on the heart and leads to cardiovascular disease. Being overweight will increase the amount of blood pumped by the heart, which may lead to problems such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease in the long run. The key to preventing cardiovascular disease is to maintain a healthy weight, increase your daily activity, and be mindful of your dietary fat and sugar intake.

2. Type 2 Abnormal Glucose Metabolism: "Sweet Burden"

Obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes abnormalities. The increase in fat cells can affect the body's response to insulin, which can lead to impaired blood sugar control. Controlling blood sugar requires regular monitoring of your diet and blood sugar levels, moderate exercise, and adjusting your diet as directed.

"One fat destroys everything", take stock of the 6 diseases caused by obesity! The doctor tells you the truth

3. Increased blood pressure in systemic arteries: "Excessive pressure"

Obesity often leads to increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries. Excess weight increases the burden on blood vessels, making the heart need more strength to pump blood. Ways to lower blood pressure include losing weight, reducing salt intake, exercising regularly, and following your doctor's medication recommendations.

4. Sleep apnea syndrome: "The struggle of the night"

Obesity increases the risk of sleep apnea. Fat around the neck can block the airways, causing poor breathing at night. Ways to improve sleep include losing weight, avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills, and sleeping on your back while sleeping.

5. Osteoarticular Diseases: "Moving Forward with Weight"

Excess weight places additional strain on the joints, especially the knees and lumbar spine. This can lead to inflammation and pain in the joints. Ways to relieve joint pain include weight loss, low-impact exercise such as swimming, and proper joint health.

6. Fatty Liver Disease: "The Silent Organ Burden"

Obesity can lead to the accumulation of fat in the liver, forming fatty liver. This can progress to hepatitis or even cirrhosis. Measures to protect the liver include losing weight, limiting alcohol and high-sugar foods, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

"One fat destroys everything", take stock of the 6 diseases caused by obesity! The doctor tells you the truth

The road to health: Stay away from obesity and win back the quality of life

After understanding how obesity can lead to a wide range of diseases, it's important to recognize that weight control isn't just about appearance, it's about the core of health. Obesity is not just a posture, but the starting point of a series of health risks. Each of us has the power to change this, just by starting with the small things in our daily lives.

First and foremost, a nutritionally balanced diet is the cornerstone. Not all foods equate to weight gain. We should choose foods that are high in fiber and low in fat, such as fresh vegetables and whole grains. At the same time, reduce the intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods, which tend to cause the body to accumulate too much energy and form fat.

Secondly, regular physical activity is crucial. There's no need for high-intensity training, and daily walks, light jogging, or small exercises at home are just as effective. It's all about perseverance, allowing the body to adapt and enjoy the joy of exercise.

In addition, healthy lifestyle habits should not be neglected. Getting enough sleep, balancing work and rest, and reducing stress are seemingly simple daily habits that can have a profound impact on weight management and overall health.

Finally, have the right mindset. Weight loss is a gradual process and should not be expected overnight. Every small change is worth celebrating, and every little bit of progress is a big step towards a healthy life.

"One fat destroys everything", take stock of the 6 diseases caused by obesity! The doctor tells you the truth

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