
Buy 8 large chicken thighs, use chives to enhance the flavor, tender and juicy, delicious and satisfying, and the family loves to eat

author:The taste is flowing for years


Buy 8 large chicken thighs, use chives to enhance the flavor, tender and juicy, delicious and satisfying, and the family loves to eat

Buy 8 large chicken thighs, use chives to enhance the flavor, tender and juicy, delicious and satisfying, and the family loves to eat

Once upon a time, there was a cookbook writer named Xiaolong who was good at writing delicious stories on paper. Today, let's listen to the story of the scallion oil chicken he brought us!

On a sunny morning, Xiaolong arrives at a restaurant called "Time-honored Brand". Although this restaurant does not have a fancy decoration, it is known for its authentic cooking skills. The owner is an old man who has a unique insight and love for food. Xiaolong sat at a wooden table, and the smell of green onions was mouth-watering.

"Boss, is there still time to eat the signature scallion oil chicken in the store today?" asked Xiaolong enthusiastically.

The boss smiled and nodded: "Of course, we have always served scallion oil chicken." Would you like to try it?"

Xiaolong agreed without hesitation. "Then have one!"

Buy 8 large chicken thighs, use chives to enhance the flavor, tender and juicy, delicious and satisfying, and the family loves to eat

A moment later, the waiter brought a plate of golden and tempting scallion oil. The little dragon smelled a rich aroma and felt like a kitten attracted by the magic of food. He couldn't wait to grab a piece of chicken and take a bite. The meat is tender and juicy, and with the fragrant scallion oil, it is really memorable.

Seeing that Xiaolong was eating with relish, the boss smiled with satisfaction: "This is our signature dish! Many diners have come here and left good memories." ”

Xiaolong asked curiously, "Boss, how did you make such delicious scallion chicken?"

The owner stroked his beard and said proudly, "This is the result of years of experience and cooking skills." Come, let me share with you the secret of making scallion oil chicken. ”

Xiaolong stood up and walked to the kitchen, ready to learn the steps of making scallion oil chicken himself. The boss first cuts the fresh chicken thighs into chunks and marinates them for a while with some salt and pepper. Next, he pours an appropriate amount of water into the pot and puts in the chicken pieces and simmers until cooked.

Buy 8 large chicken thighs, use chives to enhance the flavor, tender and juicy, delicious and satisfying, and the family loves to eat

"The time of stewing should be mastered, not too long, otherwise the meat will become dry. The boss said as he stirred the chicken pieces by the pot.

The preparation of scallion oil is a crucial step. The boss washes and chops the tender green onions, then deep-fry them in a pan of oil until they are slightly yellow. In this way, the aroma of green onions can be fully released, adding a unique flavor to the scallion oil chicken. Finally, he takes out the stewed chicken pieces and drains them, then stirs in the scallion oil prepared in advance, and stirs well.

"Come, try the scallion oil chicken I made. The boss sandwiched a piece of chicken in front of Xiaolong.

Xiaolong couldn't help but open his mouth and take a big bite. He felt the perfect combination of scallion oil and chicken, the taste was tender and smooth, and the aftertaste was endless. He wanted a glass of wine for this dish.

"Owner, it's a delicious dish, unfortunately I think there is something that could be improved. Xiaolong said with some regret.

Buy 8 large chicken thighs, use chives to enhance the flavor, tender and juicy, delicious and satisfying, and the family loves to eat

After hearing this, the boss looked at him deeply, smiled and said, "Well, tell me, what can be improved?"

Xiaolong thought seriously for a while, and then said, "I think we can add some spices, such as ginger slices and cooking wine, to make the scallion oil chicken more fragrant and delicious." ”

The boss nodded: "Your suggestion is very good, I will try to add these seasonings to enhance the taste of scallion oil chicken." ”

After some culinary effort, the boss made a new scallion oil chicken, this time with ginger slices and cooking wine. Xiaolong tasted it and felt a richer aroma. "It's perfect!" he exclaimed.

In the days that followed, Xiaolong wrote down this classic recipe for scallion oil chicken with detailed production steps and pictures. He hopes that everyone who loves good food will try this delicious dish for themselves.

Buy 8 large chicken thighs, use chives to enhance the flavor, tender and juicy, delicious and satisfying, and the family loves to eat

Pay attention to the taste of food, and take you to learn more about food-related knowledge and skills.