
Stir-fried meat with green peppers and mushrooms with meat and vegetarian taste, satisfying cravings, delicious and nutritious, and loved by the family

author:The taste is flowing for years


Stir-fried meat with green peppers and mushrooms with meat and vegetarian taste, satisfying cravings, delicious and nutritious, and loved by the family

Stir-fried meat with green peppers and mushrooms with meat and vegetarian taste, satisfying cravings, delicious and nutritious, and loved by the family

One sunny afternoon, I stumbled upon a small shop called "Cat's Ears Restaurant". There is an antique wooden board hanging at the door, on which the four big characters of "stir-fried meat with green pepper and shiitake mushrooms" are written on the signboard, which makes people salivate. I was intrigued by the name and didn't hesitate to push the door and walk in.

When you enter the store, you are greeted by a fragrant aroma that turns out to be a chef stir-frying, and the tantalizing aroma of green peppers and shiitake mushrooms wafts out of the pot. I chatted with the chef and he told me that the restaurant was run by his grandfather and has been running it for three generations, always focusing on authentic home cooking. He also recommended me this stir-fried pork with green peppers and shiitake mushrooms, which is the restaurant's signature dish and is loved by customers.

Stir-fried meat with green peppers and mushrooms with meat and vegetarian taste, satisfying cravings, delicious and nutritious, and loved by the family

After I tasted it, the dish lived up to its name, with a tender and refreshing taste, light and fragrant meat, which was endlessly memorable. So, I decided to try making this delicious dish at home.

The ingredients for this stir-fried pork dish with green peppers and shiitake mushrooms are simple, mainly preparing green peppers, shiitake mushrooms and pork. Green peppers should choose fresh green peppers with bright colors and crisp and tender taste, shiitake mushrooms should choose dried shiitake mushrooms with tender taste and delicious taste, and plum blossom meat with a certain fat-to-lean ratio should be used for pork, so that the fried meat is fat but not greasy, and the taste is better.

Stir-fried meat with green peppers and mushrooms with meat and vegetarian taste, satisfying cravings, delicious and nutritious, and loved by the family

In addition to the ingredients, you will also need to prepare seasonings such as green onions, ginger, garlic, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, and starch. Wash and slice the green peppers and shiitake mushrooms, cut the pork into thin slices, and mince the green onions, ginger and garlic for later use. Next, marinate the pork slices with salt, cooking wine and starch for a while, then put the green onions, ginger and garlic into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant, add the marinated pork slices and stir-fry until they change color.

Then, put the green pepper and shiitake mushrooms into the pot, stir-fry evenly, then add an appropriate amount of salt and light soy sauce to taste, and finally thicken and collect the juice, then you can put it out of the pot and put it on the plate. The whole cooking process is simple and fast, which not only retains the delicious taste of the ingredients, but also is healthy and nutritious, which is very suitable for home-cooked production.

Stir-fried meat with green peppers and mushrooms with meat and vegetarian taste, satisfying cravings, delicious and nutritious, and loved by the family

During the cooking process, I found that adding a little sugar to the stir-fry of green peppers and shiitake mushrooms can enhance the sweetness of the dish, and adding a small amount of dark soy sauce when stir-frying pork can make the meat slices more tender and more appealing in color.

Overall, stir-fried pork with green pepper and shiitake mushrooms is a home-cooked dish with a refreshing taste and rich in nutrients. The crispness of green peppers, the umami of shiitake mushrooms, and the tenderness of pork are perfectly combined in this dish, and even ordinary ingredients can exude a unique flavor during this cooking process. If you cook a dish of this kind by yourself, you can not only enjoy the pleasure of the food, but also feel the joy and sense of accomplishment of cooking.

Stir-fried meat with green peppers and mushrooms with meat and vegetarian taste, satisfying cravings, delicious and nutritious, and loved by the family

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