
The noodles are still delicious and chewy, and they are not stewed, and they are chewy、Do you know how I do it?

author:Yu Yu Zhu

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The noodles are still delicious and chewy, and they are not stewed, and they are chewy、Do you know how I do it?

First of all, it should be noted that the hand-rolled noodles sold on the market are not hand-rolled at all, but they are softer than ordinary noodles. Below, I will take two or three homes as an example to talk about my specific approach.

1. Take a thick and focused basin, put about one pound of ordinary flour, and then beat an egg, three grams of salt, and the raw materials are ready.

2. Stir the flour into a flocculent shape. Operation method: Stir with a small watering can while spraying water, and knead the dough into a dough after forming peanut-sized particles and no dry flour. 3. Put a damp cotton cloth on the dough, leave it for about 20 minutes, and knead the dough twice. Then cover it with a damp cloth and leave it for about 20 minutes, and the process of mixing the dough is completed.

The noodles are still delicious and chewy, and they are not stewed, and they are chewy、Do you know how I do it?

4. It is recommended to use corn starch or sweet potato starch accessories when rolling dough, which is smooth and not easy to stick. The thickness of the dough is subject to your preference, generally about 2 mm.

5. When cutting, sprinkle some starch on both sides so that it will not stick. Just cut it to your favorite width, generally half a centimeter.

To clarify, as the saying goes: soft dumplings hard noodle soup. Try to make the noodles as hard as possible to make them delicious - chewy but not stewed.

That's all

The noodles are still delicious and chewy, and they are not stewed, and they are chewy、Do you know how I do it?

It is the detailed steps of making noodles for my friends' reference. I don't know how you make noodles, welcome to discuss. I will often send some articles with common sense, interested friends, please pay attention to it, so as to communicate, I strive to reply to every comment.

Thank you for reading!

The noodles are still delicious and chewy, and they are not stewed, and they are chewy、Do you know how I do it?