
The limbs are very thin, but the belly is bulging, don't take it lightly! or the precursor of 3 diseases.

author:Dr. Zhou Heng of the Department of Cardiology

In the clinic, a 60-year-old Mr. Chen came to see him, and his condition was quite interesting. Although his limbs were as thin as bamboo poles, his abdomen was unusually swollen, like an inflated balloon. Mr. Chen smiled and said, "Doctor, this may just be because I am old and have a slow metabolism." This physical change may not be as simple as he thinks. In fact, it can be a warning sign of some serious illness.

The limbs are very thin, but the belly is bulging, don't take it lightly! or the precursor of 3 diseases.

Be vigilant!'Thin arms and fat belly' may indicate three major health hazards

In daily life, we often see some middle-aged and elderly people, although their limbs are thin, but their stomachs are abnormally protruding. This change in body shape is often thought to be a natural part of aging, but in reality, it can be a warning sign of a variety of health problems. Here are three diseases that may be hiding behind the "thin arm and fat belly".

Abnormal glucose metabolism, which usually refers to poorly controlled blood sugar levels, is the most common form of diabetes. Blood sugar disorders occur when the body's insulin action weakens and is unable to efficiently convert blood sugar into energy. A typical sign of abnormal glucose metabolism is fat accumulation in the abdomen and relatively thin limbs. This is because fat cells are more resistant to insulin in the abdominal area, leading to fat accumulation.

Systemic arterial hypertension, also known as hypertension, is a very common chronic disease in middle-aged and elderly people. Patients with high blood pressure often have metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by abdominal obesity. This type of abdominal obesity is very closely related to high blood pressure, as the increase in abdominal fat leads to changes in hormones and metabolites in the body, which increases blood pressure.

The liver is an important metabolic organ in the human body, and once there is abnormal function, such as fatty liver, it will affect the metabolism of the whole body. Patients with fatty liver often present with abdominal obesity while their limbs remain thin. This is because the liver is not able to process fat efficiently, resulting in a buildup of fat in the abdominal area.

Regular blood glucose, blood pressure, and liver function tests to detect potential health problems. Reduce your intake of high-sugar, high-fat foods and increase vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Maintain a moderate amount of physical activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, or yoga, to promote balanced distribution and consumption of body fat. Keep your weight within a healthy range through proper diet and exercise.

"Thin arms and fat belly" should not be seen as an ordinary body shape problem, it can be an early sign of the aforementioned diseases. By understanding these health risks and their preventive measures, middle-aged and elderly people can better maintain their health.

The limbs are very thin, but the belly is bulging, don't take it lightly! or the precursor of 3 diseases.

Smart Living: A key step to prevent 'slimming limbs and expanding the abdomen'

When faced with the problem of thin limbs and a swollen abdomen, precautions in life are crucial. This is not only a cosmetic issue, but more likely a sign of a health hazard. Here are some practical prevention strategies designed to help middle-aged and older people cope effectively with the problem.

Focus on eating a balanced diet, ensuring adequate protein and fibre intake, and reducing the intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits, as well as moderate amounts of whole grains and legumes, can provide essential nutrients while helping to maintain a balance of body fat and muscle.

Moderate amounts of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, can help boost cardiorespiratory fitness and increase metabolic rate. Incorporate some lightweight strength training, especially exercises for the limbs, to build muscle strength and improve muscle mass.

The limbs are very thin, but the belly is bulging, don't take it lightly! or the precursor of 3 diseases.

Perform regular physical examinations, especially monitoring of blood glucose, lipids, and liver function, to detect possible abnormalities in glucose metabolism or increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries at an early stage. Pay attention to the changes in the body, such as changes in the degree of abdominal distention, changes in appetite or digestion, etc., and communicate with the doctor in time.

Managing stress in your life, with proper relaxation and recreational activities can help reduce mental stress and improve overall health. Get enough sleep, good sleep quality is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism and reducing visceral fat accumulation.

If necessary, use medications or supplements, such as those for abnormal glucose metabolism or vitamin and mineral supplements, as recommended by your doctor. Avoid buying unproven health products on your own, especially those that claim to lose fat or gain muscle quickly.

By taking the above measures, we can not only effectively prevent the problem of thin limbs and bloated abdomen, but also promote overall health and improve quality of life. Remember, a healthy lifestyle is key to preventing many diseases. Of course, any health plan should be done under the guidance of a doctor to ensure safety and effectiveness.

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