
Liangguang and Yunnan-Guichuan Villages: Why are there few independent courtyards in Liangguang, but Yunnan-Guichuan is blooming everywhere?

author:Global Tweets

In China's vast land, rural architectural styles vary greatly from region to region, with the differences between the two Guangxi (Guangdong, Guangxi) and Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan (Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan) being particularly striking. Why is it that there are few houses with independent courtyards in the rural areas of Guangzhou, Guangzhou, and Guangzhou, while in the villages of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan are almost every household with a single courtyard, and there is still spacious land in front of the door? What kind of regional culture, historical background, and economic development code are hidden in this? Let us unveil this mysterious veil together.

Liangguang and Yunnan-Guichuan Villages: Why are there few independent courtyards in Liangguang, but Yunnan-Guichuan is blooming everywhere?

1. Rural areas in Guangxi and Guangzhou: close living and sharing space

In the Guangzhou-Guangxi region, rural housing is mostly characterized by close settlement. The formation of this architectural style is inseparable from the historical, geographical and cultural factors of the Liangguang region.

  1. Historical factors: Guangdong and Guangxi are located in Lingnan and have been inhabited by many ethnic groups since ancient times. In the process of long-term ethnic integration, a unique culture of settlement has been formed. This culture is reflected in architecture, which focuses on the construction of collective spaces and shared areas, rather than the independence of individual spaces.
  2. Geographical factors: The topography of the two regions is complex, and the plain area is relatively limited. In order to make more efficient use of land resources, rural residents often choose to live in close clusters, which can save land and facilitate the construction and maintenance of infrastructure.
  3. Cultural factors: In the rural culture of the two regions, the emphasis is on family values and community awareness. In this cultural context, the housing model of independent houses does not conform to the living philosophy of the local people. On the contrary, close living in a close-knit manner helps to enhance the interaction and connection between neighbors, and maintain the harmony and stability of the community.
Liangguang and Yunnan-Guichuan Villages: Why are there few independent courtyards in Liangguang, but Yunnan-Guichuan is blooming everywhere?

2. Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan countryside: independent courtyard, enjoy privacy

Unlike the Liangguang region, rural housing in Yunnan-Guichuan is more inclined to the model of independent houses. This difference is also inseparable from the local historical, geographical and cultural background.

  1. Historical factors: Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan are located in southwest China and have historically been the seat of several ethnic minority regimes. These regions have developed unique architectural styles and cultural traditions in the long process of political independence or self-government. The detached house model is the architectural embodiment of this cultural tradition.
  2. Geographical factors: The Yunnan-Guichuan region has rugged terrain and many mountains and hills. This geographical environment provides relatively sufficient land resources for rural residents. Therefore, in terms of housing construction, locals are more inclined to choose the model of independent houses to enjoy a more spacious and private living space.
  3. Cultural factors: In the rural culture of Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan region, the concept of family and personal privacy are emphasized. In this cultural context, the housing model of independent houses is more in line with the housing needs of local people. At the same time, the spacious courtyard and the land in front of the door also provide rich production and living space for rural residents.
Liangguang and Yunnan-Guichuan Villages: Why are there few independent courtyards in Liangguang, but Yunnan-Guichuan is blooming everywhere?

3. Economic factors: another key factor influencing housing choices

In addition to historical, geographical and cultural factors, economic factors are also important reasons for the differences in rural housing between Liangguang and Yunnan-Guichuan. The economy of the two regions is relatively developed, and rural land resources are scarce, so rural residents pay more attention to the economical use of land in housing construction. However, the economic development of Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan region is relatively lagging behind, and land resources are relatively abundant, which makes the local people have more choices in housing construction.

Liangguang and Yunnan-Guichuan Villages: Why are there few independent courtyards in Liangguang, but Yunnan-Guichuan is blooming everywhere?

Fourth, modern change: the integration of tradition and modernity

With the continuous development and progress of society, rural housing in Liangguang and Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan areas is also changing. On the one hand, traditional architectural styles and cultural traditions have been preserved and inherited, and on the other hand, modern architectural concepts and technologies have gradually been integrated into rural housing construction. This kind of integration of tradition and modernity makes the rural housing in Liangguang and Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan areas more in line with the living needs of modern people while maintaining their own characteristics.

Liangguang and Yunnan-Guichuan Villages: Why are there few independent courtyards in Liangguang, but Yunnan-Guichuan is blooming everywhere?

Through the above analysis, we can see that the formation of rural housing differences in the Liangguang and Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan regions is the result of the combined action of many factors. This difference not only reflects the regional cultural and historical background of different regions, but also reflects the level of local economic development and land use. So, in your opinion, will this housing disparity have a profound impact on the rural residents of the Liangguang and Yunnan-Guichuan regions, and will this disparity gradually shrink or disappear in the future development process? Welcome to leave your views and insights in the comment area and discuss this interesting topic with us.