
Minimalist life: If someone tells me this when I'm 20 years old, I'm going to hang on to it

author:Uncle Luo and Yuzu's mother
Minimalist life: If someone tells me this when I'm 20 years old, I'm going to hang on to it

I feel that time has become fast after people reach the age of 28, and it is funny and distressing to think back to the stunned self. Along the way, I have stepped on many pits, suffered a lot of losses, and grown up in the experience, with gains and regrets, but overall I am still lucky.

Yuzu Ma has compiled some suggestions, I hope it will be useful to everyone.

First, on the personal image

Minimalist life: If someone tells me this when I'm 20 years old, I'm going to hang on to it

1. Save a few milk tea snacks, buy a few pieces of good quality clothes, and the bargains of dozens of yuan are not cost-effective.

2. Choose the right outfit and makeup to keep your personal image in a good state.

3. Don't dress fancy if you don't have money, black and white gray camels are versatile and save money.

4. When buying a piece of clothing, you have to think about which one you can match with your wardrobe.

4. Buy the kind that can be worn out the next day, don't buy the kind that looks good and is not durable.

5. The premise of all this is that your figure cannot be fat, remember that fat = no matter how expensive clothes are, they will look cheap.

Second, life

Minimalist life: If someone tells me this when I'm 20 years old, I'm going to hang on to it

1. The following expenses cannot be saved: renting a house (choose a clean, safe and quiet house), sanitary napkins, toothbrushes, underwear (for health), staying in a hotel (safe), haircut (hair quality is to judge the quality of a person's life)

2. If you rent a house, read e-books, don't buy physical books, you can be tired to death when moving. If you want to learn a skill, don't sign up for classes, go to station B to find free listening, and you can also save money in the gym, because you may not be able to persevere.

3. Don't think about relying on others, even parents, relying on yourself is the most reliable.

4. Don't fall in love, don't want others to say whatever they are, think about your own gains and losses in this matter, and don't be kidnapped by others' morality.

It's not about calculating to take advantage of others, it's just that this world is so cold, if you don't think about yourself, don't have self-respect and self-love, you will be trampled on by others.

No one in this world cares whether you fit in or not, others respect you or not, they only see whether you are strong or not, and whether you have the ability.

5. Don't stay at home if you have nothing to do, if you want to go further in your career and find a high-quality partner, take advantage of the weekend to participate in some activities. Book clubs, hiking, mountaineering, and more.

6. Never believe in the words of sales, in order to sell you something to praise you or use some other words, the money is earned by yourself, whether you buy it or not.

The underlying logic of sales is to assume that everyone can afford it, even if it is borrowed money. So they don't care if you can afford to eat after buying this thing, and they don't think they've been deceived.

7. Stay away from useless socializing.

8. Don't compare with others, don't be brainwashed by consumerism.

9. Learn to get along with yourself, please yourself, don't have internal friction, and stay away from people and things that consume your energy.

10. Find a small hobby that you can stick to.

11. Be sure to take care of your body, good living habits, and have an annual physical examination.

12. Love is not indispensable, just listen to what a man says.

13. Leave room for everything, don't eat too much, don't talk too much.

14. Try not to argue with others outside, and stop if the conversation is wrong.

15. Keep the residence clean and warm, and break away.

16. Don't guess other people's thoughts, don't care about other people's comments, and don't have internal friction.

3. At work

Minimalist life: If someone tells me this when I'm 20 years old, I'm going to hang on to it

1. If you are very short of money, go to work, don't think about learning xx knowledge and then making money. Far water can't quench the thirst, so I went to a bubble tea shop and café on the weekend to work part-time, solved the urgent need, and then thought about improving myself.

2. Make money! Within the scope of the law, within the scope of your own ability, and within the scope of physical and mental health, make money!

3. Self-improvement: including but not limited to professional title examination and academic qualifications, or a skill.

4. Don't listen to any PUA's own words, including your own parents and leaders, and believe that you are very good!

5. Don't be a good teacher, it will be very annoying. No one likes to be educated.

6. Don't lend money to anyone, don't touch stock funds, and save a fixed amount every year.

7. Take the initiative to learn, take the initiative to integrate into the collective, take the initiative to become an activity facilitator, and increase your presence in the team.

Write it at the back, don't worry too much about the future when you're young. Yuzu's mother had a salary of 4,000 when she first graduated, and she felt that the salary of tens of thousands was out of reach. There will be an older person who says that the salary is 120,000 yuan, and I am envious, thinking that it is the dragon and phoenix among people, and automatically adds a layer of filter to the other party.

After a few years of slow work, although the work changes frequently and bumpy, the back is close to tens of thousands. I don't think it's enough, but I don't think it's enough to spend. I don't have a salary of 4,000 when I have a sense of security.

The conclusion is, walk slowly, and one day you will become the person you once envied.

I'm the magic capital pomelo mother. Minimalist lifestyler, control the desire to buy, consume less but fine. Everything starts from just needs, not following the trend and not comparing. If you also like minimalist life, don't forget to pay attention to Yuzu Ma.

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