
Why can't the sea flow out of the earth? Some brave people tried to "escape," but they were locked up layer by layer

author:MayHo wonderful

Although the planet we live on is named "Earth", emphasizing the presence of the earth's surface, in fact the most abundant element on Earth is water.

Some people may wonder why not a single drop of water flows out of the earth, and why no water escapes into outer space? Today, we will discuss in depth why water on Earth cannot easily leave and how this water was formed in the first place.

Why can't the sea flow out of the earth? Some brave people tried to "escape," but they were locked up layer by layer

Earth attraction limits

Earth's water, like any other substance, is deeply bound by Earth's gravitational chains and cannot be easily escaped. The source of this gravitational pull is rooted in the core of the earth. This mystery was first revealed by the great Newton, who saw the apple fall to the ground and realized that everything was born due to the gravitational pull of the earth.

The Earth's gravitational pull originates at the Earth's core, making it impossible for objects on the Earth's surface to escape this force field. Gravitational attraction becomes the law of the universe, and the gravitational force of different planets varies in magnitude, but all exist. Water, as a liquid form, is no exception and is also deeply trapped in the Earth's gravity.

Why can't the sea flow out of the earth? Some brave people tried to "escape," but they were locked up layer by layer

Imagine that the gravitational pull of the earth is like a pair of invisible hands, clinging tightly to every drop of water, every lake, so that it is firmly attached to the earth's surface. This invisible force field keeps water in close contact with the earth all the time. Under the influence of gravity, water flows along the terrain, and lakes and rivers form naturally, as if the blood of the earth flows through the body.

The hierarchy of the atmosphere and the distribution of water

Although gravity grips the water on the Earth's surface, water does not come in just one form. Under the influence of evaporation and photosynthesis, water can be transformed into gases that seem to escape the constraints of the earth. However, even gases are still subject to the gravitational pull of the Earth and cannot really move away.

Why can't the sea flow out of the earth? Some brave people tried to "escape," but they were locked up layer by layer

The atmosphere is layered, with the lowest layer being the troposphere, in which more than 90% of the water vapor is concentrated. The troposphere contains more water, but because of its heavier size, it is still at the bottom of the Earth's gravitational pull.

Move upwards into the stratosphere at a distance of about 55 km. The water vapor content gradually decreases, while the formation of an inversion layer hinders the upward and downward convection. The presence of an inversion layer makes it impossible for the atmosphere to carry out efficient convective exchange up and down. In the stratosphere, the moisture gradually decreases, while the molecules of the gas gradually thins out, forming a stable atmospheric structure.

Beyond 85 km altitude, enter the mesosphere range. There is less water in this area, and the water that exists is in the form of solid ice. The decrease in moisture causes the upper atmosphere to gradually transform into different substances, such as ozone. Here, the morphology of water changes dramatically, from a liquid state to a solid state, which characterizes the layers of the atmosphere.

Why can't the sea flow out of the earth? Some brave people tried to "escape," but they were locked up layer by layer

The ionosphere is located above the mesosphere at a distance of at least 800 km. The presence of water in this area is already extremely limited, and hydrogen and hydroxide ions are formed by ionization. In the ionosphere, the molecules of water are broken down into ions, further reducing the form in which water exists.

The outer escape layer is the obvious boundary, leaving this area is free from the gravitational constraints of the Earth. At this level, the Earth's gravitational pull can no longer attract water molecules back into space and become part of the universe.

Despite the fact that hydrogen from the Earth is constantly leaving, with 3 kilograms of hydrogen leaving the Earth every second, there has been no significant reduction in the amount of water on Earth over the years. Stars such as the Sun continue to replenish the Earth with hydrogen, while oxygen remains on the Earth and forms water through oxidation reactions, maintaining the existence of water. This delicate and dynamic balance demonstrates the delicate and indispensable relationship between the Earth and the universe, allowing water to play a unique role in its different forms as the building blocks of life on Earth.

Why can't the sea flow out of the earth? Some brave people tried to "escape," but they were locked up layer by layer

The "next home" of water: probably the moon

Although hydrogen ions leave the Earth, they do not disappear directly, but may find a new home, most likely reaching the Earth's natural satellite, the Moon. The Moon lacks magnetosphere protection relative to Earth, so when hydrogen ions cross the Earth's magnetosphere tail, they may be attracted by the Moon's gravitational pull and rush to the Moon's surface.

While this process can lead to the formation of permafrost by hydrogen ions in the extreme cold conditions on the Moon, it also means that the Moon may contain a large amount of water resources. These hydrogen ions combine to form water molecules on the surface of the Moon, or form ice in extremely cold environments, nesting water in the Moon's soil. This potential water resource is important for future exploration of the moon and support for human activities.

Why can't the sea flow out of the earth? Some brave people tried to "escape," but they were locked up layer by layer

Water resources on the Moon could be a key element of future space exploration. Scientists and astronauts can use these water resources to extract water for drinking water and oxygen, as well as break it down into hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. This is of strategic importance for the establishment of a base on the moon for a long time or as a transit point for deep space exploration.

The source of the earth's water

There are two theories about the origin of the earth's water, namely the exogenous theory and the endogenous theory, and together these two theories constitute the richness of the earth's water cycle.

The exogenous theory holds that solar and space meteorites are among the contributors to Earth's water. The sun not only provides light and heat, but also sends oxygen and hydrogen nuclei into the Earth's atmosphere through the solar wind. In the atmosphere, these gases react to form water molecules, which eventually fall to the surface in the form of rainwater. In addition, the impact of space meteorites may also carry water to the Earth's surface, and carbonaceous chondrites are particularly special because of their higher water content, which is a possible source of the Earth's reservoirs.

Why can't the sea flow out of the earth? Some brave people tried to "escape," but they were locked up layer by layer

Unlike exogenous theory, endosourcing emphasizes that water stored in the Earth's interior is one of the main sources of the water cycle. Magma is rich in water, and magma at high temperatures and pressures can undergo water-forming reactions. The magma in the area of active volcanic eruptions has a water content of up to 6%, and some can even reach as much as 12%. In addition, the water in the mantle, especially in the transition zone where the mantle thickness reaches 25 km, can be three times the amount of water at the surface. This suggests that the Earth's deep water resources may be more abundant than they seem.

Why can't the sea flow out of the earth? Some brave people tried to "escape," but they were locked up layer by layer

The conservation and evolution of water is a key part of the Earth's water cycle. Even if hydrogen ions leave the earth, the sun and other elements continue to supply the earth with hydrogen, and the oxygen on the earth combines with other elements to form water. This complex mechanism maintains the dynamic balance of the earth's water, promotes natural processes such as the water cycle and atmospheric circulation, and provides a rich living environment for life on the earth.


From the process of water circulation, we can see the formation of complex and sophisticated ecosystems on Earth. The existence and circulation of water not only maintains the stability of the atmosphere and climate, but also provides conditions for the birth and reproduction of life. Although hydrogen ions left the Earth, this did not cause significant damage to the total amount of water on Earth.

Stars such as the Sun are constantly supplying the Earth with new hydrogen, and oxygen reacts with other elements on Earth to form water, forming a restorative water cycle. In addition, both the internal and external sources of water are involved in the formation of the Earth's water, making the complexity of the Earth's water even more fascinating.

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