
The first plenary meeting of the Biguan County Safety Committee in 2024 and the safety and precaution work conference were held

author:Xinzhou loves headlines

On January 24, the first plenary meeting of the Biguan County Safety Committee in 2024 and the safety prevention work conference were held to convey and learn the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important instructions on safety production work, the spirit of the provincial party committee's recent important deployment of safety production work and the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal safety prevention work video scheduling meeting, and arrange and deploy the county's recent safety prevention and safety production key work. Yang Xiaohong, secretary of the county party committee and director of the county safety committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Gao Yuelong, deputy secretary of the county party committee, county magistrate, and director of the county security committee, presided over the meeting.

The first plenary meeting of the Biguan County Safety Committee in 2024 and the safety and precaution work conference were held

The meeting also conveyed and learned the spirit of the provincial earthquake prevention and relief work conference, the notice of the Office of the Shanxi Provincial Safety Production Committee on further strengthening the safety precautions of coal and gas use in winter, the implementation plan of the key work of earthquake disaster prevention and response in Xinzhou City in 2024, the notice on carrying out the special action to crack down on illegal production, operation, storage, transportation and fireworks and firecrackers in the city, the notice on strengthening the safety management of pontoon and suspension bridge facilities projects, and the emergency notice on doing a good job in the current anti-bullying work and other documents, and arrange for the implementation of the work in Biguan County.

The meeting stressed the need to improve the political position of security and development and remain vigilant at all times. All departments at all levels should stand on the high plane of stressing politics and taking into account the overall situation, profoundly understand the importance, necessity, and urgency of doing a good job in production safety, earnestly unify their thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee, the provincial party committee, and the municipal party committee, and have a high degree of ideological, political, and action consciousness to clearly understand the security situation, improve political responsibility, and uphold the principle of "being responsible, using their brains, and stressing their conscience" with a sense of responsibility that is always at ease and an extremely conscientious and responsible spirit The work requires that the safety of the people's lives and property be guarded with hard work, and the "two safeguards" should be achieved with practical actions and practical results. It is necessary to continue to carry out in-depth investigation and rectification of risks and hidden dangers, resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of major accidents, and earnestly run the red line awareness and bottom-line thinking through the whole process of comprehensive transformation and high-quality development, and always ensure that the alarm bell of safety production rings for a long time.

The first plenary meeting of the Biguan County Safety Committee in 2024 and the safety and precaution work conference were held

The meeting demanded that we should strictly grasp the key areas of safe development and resolutely build safe embankments. All departments at all levels in the county should take safety risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and management as the top priority of their work, carry out in-depth special actions for large-scale investigation and rectification, resolutely eliminate "dead ends" and "blind spots", and ensure high-quality development with high-level safety.

First, we must immediately carry out carpet investigation and rectification. Carry out another large-scale investigation of hidden dangers in production safety in the county. Focus on inspecting hazardous chemicals, mining, road traffic, construction and other industries, focusing on inspecting key parts such as urban-rural junctions, gas stations, closed gas stations and mines, and focusing on inspecting enterprises and institutions with weak daily management, prominent problems and hidden dangers, and "three violations" phenomenon, and resolutely eliminate major risks and hidden dangers. The hidden dangers identified are resolutely and quickly rectified in place.

Second, we must strengthen the special rectification of key areas this winter and next spring. In terms of road traffic safety. It is necessary to focus on key areas such as bus rental, "two passengers and one danger", agricultural vehicles, electric vehicles, and key road sections such as sharp bends and steep slopes, water and cliffs, rain, snow and ice, etc., and take multiple measures to strictly implement source control measures, combined with seasonal characteristics, further improve rural road safety protection facilities, strengthen maintenance and management, and do a good job in advance of winter rain and snow weather anti-skid sand equipment to ensure the safe operation of vehicles. In terms of supervision of crowded places. It is necessary to focus on shopping malls, supermarkets, bazaars, cultural and entertainment venues, etc., strengthen the inspection and maintenance of fire fighting, elevators, and other safety facilities, do a good job in predicting and controlling the flow of people, and resolutely prevent major fires, elevator falls, crowded stampedes, and other accidents. In view of the increase in the number of tourists during the Spring Festival, it is necessary to strengthen the safety management of tourist attractions and strengthen the safety inspection of tourist facilities.

Third, it is necessary to highlight the safety supervision of hazardous chemicals and flammable and explosive materials. It is necessary to strengthen the safety supervision of hazardous chemicals. It is necessary to start from storage, transportation, disposal and other links, and strengthen safety control in the whole process and in all aspects. It is necessary to strengthen the safety supervision of fireworks and firecrackers. Comprehensively carry out special rectification of fireworks and firecrackers safety hazards, and arrange special personnel to monitor and regularly inspect key villages, key households, and key people who have illegally produced and sold fireworks and firecrackers.

Fourth, we must do a good job in the investigation and prevention of geological disasters. Make full use of professional monitoring equipment to coordinate the early warning of geological disasters and meteorological risks, short-term early warning and professional monitoring and early warning.

Fifth, we must comprehensively improve our earthquake prevention and disaster reduction capabilities. It is necessary to strengthen communication and docking with the earthquake monitoring network to ensure that when receiving earthquake disaster information, it can accurately and quickly release earthquake early warning information to the society at the first time. It is necessary to continue to promote the reinforcement of housing facilities and effectively improve the seismic performance of rural houses.

Sixth, we must make every effort to do a good job in forest and grassland fire prevention. All departments at all levels must resolutely overcome the paralyzing mentality and the mentality of luck, fully understand the importance of forest and grassland fire prevention work, persist in combining civil air defense, material defense, and technical defense, and do a solid job in all aspects of forest and grassland fire prevention this winter and next spring.

Seventh, we must earnestly strengthen emergency rescue. All departments at all levels should tighten the strings of safe production, fully mobilize the forces of all quarters, improve emergency response procedures and measures in accordance with the requirements of actual combat and effectiveness, strengthen targeted actual combat drills, and earnestly improve the level of refined, standardized, and professional disposal. It is necessary to strictly implement the system of 24-hour duty on holidays and leading cadres on duty, deploy emergency rescue and rescue forces in advance, prepare emergency rescue materials, and ensure that in case of danger, they can respond quickly, be in place in a timely manner, and deal with them efficiently.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to tighten the chain of responsibility and keep the bottom line of safety. All departments at all levels should draw lessons from the case, draw lessons from others, draw inferences from one case, and strictly prevent the recurrence of similar accidents. It is necessary to deeply analyze the causes of the accident, comprehensively sort out the system loopholes and shortcomings behind the accident, normalize and strengthen safety publicity and education, strictly enforce the safety production training system, and effectively enhance the safety awareness and safe operation ability of front-line personnel. It is necessary to strengthen the establishment of security and rule of law, increase the intensity of law enforcement, and carry out law enforcement actions such as secret inspections and secret visits, random spot checks, and surprise inspections on a regular basis, and promptly discover and strictly investigate and deal with illegal and illegal acts. It is necessary to implement territorial responsibilities, improve departmental supervision responsibilities, conscientiously implement the requirements of "three pipes and three musts", and implement responsibilities to specific positions and specific personnel one by one. It is necessary to strengthen the main responsibility of enterprises, urge enterprises to ensure safety investment in accordance with the law, strengthen intelligent monitoring of key parts, increase safety training for employees, vigorously improve safety production conditions, and firmly guard the bottom line of safety production.

Fan Caiqin, deputy head of the county government, Wu Peiting, deputy head of the county government and director of the county public security bureau, Chang Weihua, deputy head of the county government, heads of member units of the county government safety committee, and secretaries of the party committees of each township (town) attended the meeting. (Xinlong Yuting)


Producer: Ma Xuxin

Intern Editor: Zhang Ying

Check: Chen Xia

Source: Hello Partiguan

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