
If the spleen and stomach are weak, spleen strengthening pills and gui spleen pills, keep this difference in mind, and you will not choose the wrong one

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Zeng Junxiu

Many friends often ask me, the same is to regulate the weakness of the spleen and stomach, how to choose the spleen pill and the spleen pill?

Before answering this question, I think you should first understand such a concept, that is, what is the difference between spleen tonification and spleen strengthening.

If the spleen and stomach are weak, spleen strengthening pills and gui spleen pills, keep this difference in mind, and you will not choose the wrong one

We often say that the spleen belongs to the soil, so to put it simply, it is equivalent to fertilizing the land, making the land more fertile, so that the crops can grow healthily, and strengthening the spleen is like removing some actions of weeds for the land, and cleaning up some moisture, phlegm accumulation, etc., which affect the transportation and absorption of the spleen and stomach.

If the spleen and stomach are weak, spleen strengthening pills and gui spleen pills, keep this difference in mind, and you will not choose the wrong one

Therefore, you usually feel weak and tired, groggy and have no energy every day, and often lose appetite, palpitation and shortness of breath, insomnia and dreams, physical weakness, etc., then at this time, you need to tonify the spleen, you can refer to the Gui Spleen Pill, which treats both heart and spleen deficiency, both spleen deficiency and some symptoms of heart and blood insufficiency.

If the spleen and stomach are weak, spleen strengthening pills and gui spleen pills, keep this difference in mind, and you will not choose the wrong one

But if you say that you also have spleen deficiency, but you always feel that your body is relatively sleepy, your head and face love to produce oil, and you always don't digest it, and you always feel that your stomach is panicked, and you are usually prone to stomach distention, bloating, belly and abdomen fullness, and sometimes nausea, vomiting, phlegm in your throat, thick and greasy tongue coating, etc. At this time, we need to focus on strengthening the spleen. In the spleen strengthening pills, there are ginseng, poria cocos, atractylodes, yam, cardamom, etc., which strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness and stop diarrhea, as well as hawthorn, divine comedy, malt to eliminate food and stagnation, as well as wood fragrance, sand kernels, tangerine peel to regulate qi and stomach, and eliminate phlegm; The whole formula is used together, and the spleen deficiency is healthy, the food accumulation can be eliminated, and the dampness and heat can be cleared.

If the spleen and stomach are weak, spleen strengthening pills and gui spleen pills, keep this difference in mind, and you will not choose the wrong one

Therefore, to sum up, Gui Spleen Pill is more suitable for diseases such as lack of qi and blood caused by spleen deficiency, which is more focused on supplementation, and the tongue texture will be lighter and the tongue coating will be whitish, while the Spleen Strengthening Pill is more focused on Qing, which is more suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, who are prone to indigestion and food accumulation, and the tongue coating is often thicker.

However, when it comes to specific medications, it is recommended to seek medical consultation, under the guidance of a professional doctor, for reference in syndrome differentiation, and do not self-diagnose and self-treat.