
"Mao Xuan" (Volume 2) and the conversation of the British journalist Bertrand (Wu)

author:Yang Gu reads the classics

Today is Saturday, which was originally a rare rest time before the New Year, but we arranged the pre-holiday safety production inspection work on this day, and the reason is very simple, there was no huge fire in Jiangxi on January 24.

Dozens of people were killed, it was supposed to be a day of family reunion, and it was really sad that such an incident happened.

When such a big thing happens in the country, departments at all levels must learn to respond, and our unit naturally cannot but inspect it.

In fact, the safety production work of our unit is very solid, and the only thing we need to care about in this day is the problem of subcontractors (professional subcontractors) being asked for wages, although logically it has nothing to do with our unit, because we have paid the subcontractors in full, but it is difficult to guarantee that these subcontractors will not swagger and deceive in the name of our unit, saying that it is because they have not received our money that the workers' money cannot be paid.

That's the bad guy, so we've been investigating it for the past month.

Because at about this time in 2022, there was a wage incident, and the workers went to the door of the district party committee to pull up banners, or when the secretary of the district party committee had government affairs activities to go out, the name of our unit was still written on the banner.

Later, it was verified that he did not pay for the subcontractor's operation, and in order to clear his responsibilities, he went back to his hometown early for the New Year, and when our colleague called him, he was playing mahjong with someone and said that he didn't know about it at all.

The matter is also simple, our unit still has the balance payment to the subcontractor, and the subcontractor wants us to advance the workers' money first, and then offset the balance payment when the next year is completed. (Actually, you just want to get the money first and then do things, how is it possible?, the work is not done, there is no acceptance, who dares to give you money)

It's a good calculation.

Later, after investigation, it was also the person he found who learned about the secretary's arrangements that day in advance, so he instigated the workers to pull banners to ask for wages, otherwise how could the workers step on the points so accurately.

No rules.

I never worked with him again.

It's not a lot of money, but it's disgusting, like eating a fly.

There is a lot of gossip, mainly because I am now sitting in the car to accompany the leader to check, and I can't calm down to write "Mao Xuan" when I stop and go.

I'll wait.

"Mao Xuan" (Volume 2) and the conversation of the British journalist Bertrand (Wu)

I'm back, resting in the office, and I've been talking about the same article for the past few days: "A Conversation with the British Journalist Bertrand."

I have divided this article into five sections in the logical order in which the Chairman was interviewed.

Yesterday we talked about the third aspect: the Eighth Route Army in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Today we begin with the fourth aspect: capitulationism in the War of Resistance Against Japan

The fourth aspect is not long, but there are many problems, and there are four questions in total.

1. Japan's smokescreen and China's firmness

Bertrand asked: As far as I know, Japan is waging war while giving off an air of peace in Shanghai. What is Japan's purpose?

Chairman Mao: After Japanese imperialism has reached a certain step, it will once again unleash the smokescreen of peace for three purposes.

Japanese imperialism, the aggressor who brought great calamities to the Chinese nation, is now playing with the smokescreen of peace. However, the lessons of history and the tenacity of the nation tell us that this is just another show of its dying throes.

Japan's purpose is clear.

The first is to consolidate positions and prepare for further aggression;

the second is the anti-Japanese front that split China, so that the land of China will be torn apart again;

The third is to dismantle international aid to China and isolate China.

We know very well that true peace is not something that is begged, but something that is earned through struggle and perseverance.

Those who swayed in the smokescreen of peace, those who were bewitched by traitors and traitors, they forgot history, forgot the suffering of the nation. They are willing to be puppets of others and are willing to sell their souls. Such people are destined to be spurned by history.

We must be vigilant and distinguish between right and wrong. We must use our wisdom and courage to see through the enemy's conspiracy and protect our homeland. We must let those who attempt to split China and betray China understand that the iron-blooded heart of the Chinese nation cannot be shaken by any force.

Bertrand then asked a second question.

"Mao Xuan" (Volume 2) and the conversation of the British journalist Bertrand (Wu)

Continue reading the comics: Loving the Motherland Xiangao 1

(2) The future road of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Bertrand asks: What do you see as the future of this danger?

Chairman Mao: First, the Chinese people have overcome capitulationism; first, capitulationism has gained momentum, China has fallen into chaos, and the anti-Japanese front tends to split.

The question was straightforward, and the Chair's answer was very simple.

At the crossroads of history, China's future faces two choices:

First, the Chinese people have firm conviction and overcome capitulationism;

Second, capitulationism prevailed, the country fell into chaos, and the anti-Japanese front collapsed.

These two choices, like the dawn and darkness before the dawn, indicate the destiny of the Chinese nation.

"Mao Xuan" (Volume 2) and the conversation of the British journalist Bertrand (Wu)

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(3) The belief and strength of the War of Resistance to the End

Bertrand asks: Which of the two scenarios is more likely to be?

Chairman Mao: The Chinese people are all demanding that the war of resistance be fought to the end.

The Chinese people firmly cherish one conviction -- to resist the war to the end. This is a surging force, stirring in the hearts of every Chinese son. No matter what challenges and difficulties we face, we are unswerving and unswerving.

Of course, some people in China's ruling circles may have lost their way in the great wheel of history and gone astray in the path of capitulation. However, we are well aware that the tide of history is unstoppable, and those who betray the country and the nation for their own selfish desires will eventually be despised by the world and eliminated by the torrent of history.

What we rely on is the millions of people who have a firm will to resist the war. They are the backbone of this land and the backbone of the Chinese nation. They used practical actions to explain what it means to be "unity is strength" and what it means to be "indomitable". It is precisely because of them that our road of resistance against Japanese aggression can be wider and brighter.

"Mao Xuan" (Volume 2) and the conversation of the British journalist Bertrand (Wu)

Love the motherland of the string high 3

(4) The road of the War of Resistance and national beliefs

Bertrand asks: How can you overcome capitulationism?

Chairman Mao: In terms of speech, he pointed out the danger of capitulationism, and in action, he organized the masses of the people to stop the surrender movement.

The danger of capitulation in speech is like a sharp knife hanging over the head of the nation. Those pessimists only see failures and difficulties, but ignore the lessons and experiences learned from failures. They have forgotten the truth that "failure is the mother of success" and that the seeds of victory have been nurtured in failure.

The real heroes are those who dare to face the adversity head-on and never say die. They know very well that only through unremitting efforts and struggle can they go to the other side of victory. They revealed to the masses the prospects for victory in the war and made them understand the temporary nature of defeat and difficulty. They firmly believe that as long as we continue to fight with perseverance, the final victory will definitely belong to us.

And those capitulationists, they have lost the support and trust of the masses and have become loners. Without a foundation, their tricks would have nowhere to be played, and the anti-Japanese front could be consolidated.

This is in line with the old saying: "There is much help for the righteous, but little help for the unjust." ”

We're going to win, and we're going to win.

"Mao Xuan" (Volume 2) and the conversation of the British journalist Bertrand (Wu)

Loving the motherland of the string high 4

Conclusion: Perseverance in the Beacon Fire

In the smoke of history, the deeds of the heroes of the Anti-Japanese War are like a beacon, illuminating our way forward. In the face of the temptation and threat of the enemy, they have always adhered to the dignity and faith of the nation.

The perseverance of the heroes of the Anti-Japanese War tells us that life requires firm faith. In that turbulent era, they did not hesitate to pay the price of their lives for the independence of the country and the dignity of the nation. This unwavering belief gives them amazing strength in the face of adversity

The courage of the heroes of the Anti-Japanese War reminds us that life requires a fearless spirit. In the war, they faced the test of life and death and never flinched. This fearless spirit makes them invincible on the battlefield. On the road of life, we will also encounter various difficulties and challenges. Only by facing it bravely can we overcome the fear in our hearts and meet the challenges of life.

The solidarity of the heroes of the War of Resistance reminds us that life requires cooperation and tolerance. In the War of Resistance, they united as one to resist the invasion of foreign enemies. This spirit of solidarity unites them into an invincible force. In our lives, we also need to learn to cooperate with others to face life's challenges together.

Finally, the victory of the heroes of the Anti-Japanese War tells us that life requires perseverance and struggle. In that difficult era, through unremitting efforts and struggle, they finally won the war. Similarly, in our lives, we can only achieve our dreams and goals if we work hard consistently.

Persistence itself is a valuable quality, as long as you are alive, there is the possibility of success, even if you do not achieve the expected results, but as long as you are on the road, you might as well try again, and strive to live like steel.

When we look back on the past, we will not regret that we have done nothing and wasted our time, nor will we feel guilty because we are despicable and have a vulgar life.

Next: Mao Xuan (Volume 2) and the Conversation of British Journalist Bertrand (Lu)

I look forward to everyone's attention, likes, and forwards, and let us follow Chairman Mao forward in the wind and waves.

Previous articles: Mao Xuan (Volume 2) and the conversation of the British journalist Bertrand (III)

The Many Manifestations of Liberalism in Mao Xuan (Volume II).

The transformation of the contradictions in "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).