
CBA Changes: Age Fraud, Player Conflicts, Coach Resignation, What's the Truth Behind It

author:Don't run around here, there's anyone

As the highest level of men's basketball in China, the CBA league has always attracted the attention of countless fans.

However, recently, there have been some unpleasant incidents in the CBA, involving issues such as age fraud of players, conflicts between players, and the resignation of coaches, which have triggered widespread discussions in society.

What is the truth behind these events?

What problems does CBA reflect?

Let's take a look at the issue of age fraud. According to media reports, Cheng Shuaipeng of the Zhejiang men's basketball team was exposed to age fraud, and his birth date changed from 1999 to 1996, and he suddenly aged 3 years old. This also means that Cheng Shuaipeng is actually a few years older than his opponent when he plays in the youth game, which is very unfair to other players.

CBA Changes: Age Fraud, Player Conflicts, Coach Resignation, What's the Truth Behind It

And Cheng Shuaipeng is not the first CBA player to be exposed to age fraud, previously, Zhang Qingpeng, Hu Weidong, Yi Jianlian and other famous players have been questioned about the authenticity of their age. So why are there so many players who are age fake?

On the one hand, this has to do with the selection system of Chinese basketball.

In China, basketball is a key sport, and both the national and local governments will invest a lot of resources and manpower to cultivate basketball talents.

In order to stand out in the competitive sports market, some players and coaches choose to falsify their age in order to improve their competitive advantage.

For example, using a bigger player to play a smaller player can take advantage of physical, technical, experience, etc., so as to get more opportunities and results.

CBA Changes: Age Fraud, Player Conflicts, Coach Resignation, What's the Truth Behind It

Although this approach can achieve some results in the short term, in the long run, it will have an adverse impact on the development of players and the overall level of Chinese basketball.

Because age fraud will shorten the growth cycle of players, not being able to reach their maximum potential at the best age, and will also affect the mental health of players, making them bear more pressure and burden.

At the same time, age fraud will also undermine the fairness and competition rules of basketball, deprive some truly talented and potential players of the opportunity to show themselves, and will also reduce the trust and support of fans and society in Chinese basketball.

On the other hand, it is also related to the management and supervision mechanism of Chinese basketball.

In China, the management of basketball is mainly carried out by the Chinese Basketball Association, which in turn is a subordinate agency of the General Administration of Sports of China, which leads to a certain degree of lack of independence and authority of the Chinese Basketball Association, and is unable to effectively regulate and supervise basketball.

For example, the Chinese Basketball Association often adopts a vague and negative attitude in dealing with the problem of age fraud, without clear standards and procedures, and without severe punishment and education, so that some players and coaches have a fluke mentality, believing that age fraud is a behavior that can be tolerated and acquiesced.

CBA Changes: Age Fraud, Player Conflicts, Coach Resignation, What's the Truth Behind It

Moreover, there are also some problems in the process of managing the CBA league of the Chinese Basketball Association, such as the low degree of commercialization of the CBA league, the unstable financial situation of the team, the imperfect contract system of players, the unfair welfare of players, the opaque transfer system of players, the unscientific training system of players, and the imperfect guarantee mechanism of players.

These problems will affect the career development and quality of life of players, and will also affect the professional ethics and sense of responsibility of players, so that some players do not hesitate to resort to some improper means, such as age fraud, in order to pursue personal interests.

Therefore, in order to solve the problem of age fraud, it is necessary to start from many aspects, not only to reform the selection system of Chinese basketball, but also to improve the management and supervision mechanism of Chinese basketball. Specifically, you can start from the following aspects (personal advice: don't spray if you don't like it):

  • Establish a unified, reliable and open player information registration system to verify the identity and age of all players participating in basketball, ensure that the player's information is true and valid, and eliminate the possibility of age fraud.
  • Strengthen the punishment and education of age fraud, and give severe punishment to players and coaches who are found to have age fraud, such as disqualifying from competitions, canceling honors, fines, suspensions, bans, etc., and at the same time, it is necessary to carry out ideological education for them, so that they can realize the harm and mistakes of age fraud, and establish correct values and professional outlook.
  • Improve the commercialization level of the CBA league, increase the team's source of income, improve the team's financial situation, increase the salary level of players, protect the legitimate rights and interests of players, so that players can play with peace of mind, do not have to worry about life, and do not have to cheat for money.
  • Improve the contract system of players, standardize the transfer system of players, increase the mobility and selectivity of players, so that players can choose the team and environment that suits them according to their own wishes and abilities, without being forcibly arranged and restrained by the team and coach, and not being betrayed and abandoned by the team and coach at will.
  • Scientifically formulate the training system of players, pay attention to the all-round development of players, not only to cultivate players' basketball skills and competitive level, but also to cultivate players' humanistic qualities and social responsibilities, so that players can show their talents on the basketball court, but also show their demeanor off the basketball court, and become good citizens and role models in society.
  • Improve the protection mechanism for players, pay attention to the physical and mental health of players, and provide players with necessary medical care, insurance, education, training, employment and other services, so that players can receive full protection and support during their basketball careers, and also after their basketball careers