

author:Hope ahead 2023

去年,美媒曾发表文章《China could strike far more than just flattops withits growing arsenal of 'carrier-killer' missiles,defense expert says》(国防专家:中国拥有越来越多的“航母杀手”导弹,可以打击的不仅仅是航母)

According to data provided by the Pentagon, China has 500 DF-26 missiles, compared with 300 in 2021, which will be the biggest threat to the U.S. fleet.

The DF-26 is known as the "aircraft carrier killer" and is the backbone and core force of the rocket force's medium and long-range strike weapons. It has the ability to launch without support in the cross-region, which has a high degree of mobility and no strict requirements for the launch position. In particular, with regard to surface ships and other targets, once they capture their maneuvering information, they can strike at the right time, so that they can "avoid it."

And this "teaser" released by the Ordnance Equipment Group on the 25th is still a bit interesting. After all, the direction of the peninsula has been unstable recently, and the three US aircraft carriers have gathered in the Asia-Pacific region regardless of the complicated situation in the direction of the Middle East.


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