
Fruits are eaten together like this, taking care of the spleen and yang, and not afraid of cold

author:Longnan Liangdang released

These fruits are eaten steamed, which is better

In general, fruits are more nutritious when eaten raw, but for some special groups, cooked food is also a good choice. Steaming some fruits can not only reduce their coldness, but also may have other health effects.

1. Salt-steamed oranges: cough suppressant

Fruits are eaten together like this, taking care of the spleen and yang, and not afraid of cold

There are two ingredients in orange peel that have the effect of relieving cough and reducing phlegm, one is narcotine and the other is orange peel oil. These two ingredients only come out of the orange peel after steaming, so eating steamed oranges has a certain cough suppressant effect.

How to do it: After washing the oranges, soak them in salted water for 20 minutes to remove the wax on the surface of the oranges. Instead of peeling the oranges, cut a flat slice at the top, sprinkle a little salt on the exposed flesh, and poke a few holes in the flesh with chopsticks to let the salt seep into the flesh. Re-cover the cut orange, put it in a bowl and steam it until the water boils, then steam for another 15 minutes, and it's done. Go to the orange peel and eat the pulp, and drink the juice from the bottom of the bowl.

2, steamed yuzu: fire

Fruits are eaten together like this, taking care of the spleen and yang, and not afraid of cold

Grapefruit is known as "natural canned fruit", and people who are prone to fire can eat grapefruit to reduce anger and inhibit mouth ulcers. Eating only grapefruit meat wastes active substances such as hesperidin and naringin in grapefruit peel, which can reduce blood viscosity, reduce the formation of blood clots, and effectively prevent the occurrence of stroke in middle-aged and elderly people. Therefore, steaming and eating with grapefruit peel is the best way to eat.

Specific method: Peel and remove the core of fresh pomelo, and eat after steaming.

3. Steamed apples: antidiarrheal

Fruits are eaten together like this, taking care of the spleen and yang, and not afraid of cold

Apples are steamed and eaten, and the pectin in them has the effect of astringent, antidiarrheal, and easier to digest, even people with a bad stomach can eat it.

Specific method: When making, cut the apple with the skin into small slices, put it in a small bowl, steam it for 5 minutes, and after cooling it slightly, it can be eaten.

4. Steamed red dates: nourish the spleen and stomach

Fruits are eaten together like this, taking care of the spleen and yang, and not afraid of cold

The dried jujube skin is very hard and is not suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. Therefore, the most effective way is to steam dried dates and eat them. Steamed dates are easier to digest and are very suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. In addition, there can also be some collocation, for example, for those with qi and blood deficiency and liver and kidney insufficiency, you can steam jujube with wolfberry and eggs.

Specific method: People with general physique can put red dates and yams together, cut the red dates in half, cut the yam into cubes, add cold water to steam the two through the water, and after the water is boiled, steam it for 20 minutes over slow fire.

5. Steamed pears: throat protection

Fruits are eaten together like this, taking care of the spleen and yang, and not afraid of cold

If the weather is dry and your throat is uncomfortable, you can eat the pears steamed. After the pear is steamed, it has a better effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, relieving cough and reducing phlegm. When steaming, it is best not to peel it, and other foods can be added to enhance the effect.

Specific method: It is recommended to cut the pear into pieces, together with Chuanbei and rock sugar, add an appropriate amount of water to the bowl, steam it for about 15 minutes, drink soup and eat pears.

Fruits are eaten together in this way to protect the spleen and yang

Although there are many benefits to eating fruits, it is also true that fruits are cold after all, and they are cold and easy to get wet. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, fruits also have the attributes of cold, hot, warm and cool, as well as the five flavors of sourness, bitterness, sweetness, pungent and saltiness. Fruits are sweet and sweet, and eating too much is easy to get wet, and fruits with cold taste are easy to hurt yang qi, especially spleen yang, if eaten inappropriately. Therefore, in the matter of eating fruits, it is also necessary to be selective and methodical, not only to supplement nutrition, but also to take care of the spleen and yang.

Eat fruits with this combination, take care of the spleen and yang, and not be afraid of the cold:

●Make good use of kitchen condiments

If you eat some fruits every day, then you can make good use of kitchen condiments, such as ginger, garlic, star anise, Sichuan pepper, pepper, chili, cinnamon, etc., stir-fry vegetables or put some in soup, which can also fight the impact of cold fruits on the spleen and stomach.

Fruits are eaten together like this, taking care of the spleen and yang, and not afraid of cold

● Boiled fruit tea

Cold fruits can also be used with tangerine peel, red dates, wolfberry, brown sugar, ginger, cinnamon and other warm ingredients to cook fruit tea, such as hawthorn apple yellow sugar water, kumquat lemon tea, Sydney white fungus red date tea, etc., can also balance the bias of fruits. ■

Source: Health and Wellness

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