
Please look for the code to crack the happiness of life!

author:Pick up the lamp and look at the sword 999
Please look for the code to crack the happiness of life!

There must be a scientific and thoughtful goal in life, and if you achieve it, you will be the winner of life, otherwise you may have regrets in life!

1. Strengthen the economic foundation

If you want to succeed in life, you must have a strong economic foundation. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to formulate a scientific and comprehensive action plan and make unremitting efforts to achieve it. Such as reading, starting a business, and fighting. Create a larger spiritual and material foundation for the society and yourself, so that the spirit and body can realize free travel!

2. Strong physique

To live, it is not enough to have a good economic foundation, but also to have a strong and healthy body, otherwise everything will be in vain. In modern society, there are too many delicious foods and too many temptations, if you want to have a good body, you must keep your mouth shut, open your legs, and achieve a balance between body absorption and consumption. Some people are losing weight while letting go of their stomachs and eating delicious food, and the fat consumed is far less than they absorb. Excessive exercise to lose weight has great damage to the body, and in the long run, it is still not good for health.

Please look for the code to crack the happiness of life!

My distant brother is over 90 years old this year and is in good health. He is an ancestral Chinese medicine practitioner for generations, and has accumulated a large number of contacts and materials. According to the strong TCM theory, develop a life health plan. Most of them are over 90 years old, and they are all long-lived people, and they have no illness and good health.

Smoking is really not a good habit, and there are several elders in my family who have smoked and died of lung cancer. Excessive drinking is not small in terms of damage to the body, and has a greater impact on the liver and heart. Heavy taste and overeating, people are prone to obesity. It's not good to eat too much sugar, blood sugar will exceed the standard, and oil and salt should not be excessive. Delicious food is not necessarily nutritious, nutritious is not digested, not absorbed and not suitable, we must pay attention to nutrition with a balanced diet!

Life is in motion, and it makes sense. Moderate activity is beneficial to all parts of the body to delay aging, is beneficial to the absorption of excess calorie emissions, and has some effect on weight loss.

3. Tolerance is great

We must help the weak, tolerate our colleagues, be humble to our families, contribute to society, and fight against evil. Learn to be altruistic, learn to help, and learn to be tolerant. We need to understand that it is better to have more friends than more enemies. Give convenience to others, give convenience to yourself.

Please look for the code to crack the happiness of life!

In short, in order to achieve the above happiness action plan, it is necessary to strengthen the economic foundation, which is the primary condition for success. Keep your mouth shut, and sickness will come in from your mouth, and trouble will come out of your mouth. Step out, life lies in movement. Always unhappily march towards the goal of happiness in life!

This is what I give to my friends, crack the code to find happiness in life!