
The best way to tonify the spleen is to ascend to the yang, and Chinese medicine teaches you to ascend the yang, dissipate cold and dampness, and effectively tonify the spleen effortlessly

author:Dr. Zhang said spleen and stomach

People who have a weak spleen but don't know how to make up for it, or how to make it up are useless, and today I will tell you: the best way to replenish the spleen is to ascend to the sun.

If you can understand the meaning of this sentence, then you will be able to effectively tonify the spleen later!

The best way to tonify the spleen is to ascend to the yang, and Chinese medicine teaches you to ascend the yang, dissipate cold and dampness, and effectively tonify the spleen effortlessly

Why do you say that the spleen should be raised?

Because what the spleen and stomach are most afraid of is "cold and dampness", and what the spleen and stomach are most afraid of is "yang energy". You can imagine that if the weather is better and the sun is bigger, the body will not feel any cold and dampness? This is the same reason that the spleen needs to be raised. Let's solve the most feared things of the spleen and stomach first, there is nothing to threaten the spleen and stomach, so tonifying the spleen is naturally a simple matter.

Yang Qi has Spleen Yang and Kidney Yang, first of all, it must first rise to Spleen Yang, after all, your own business, your own family will solve it first.

The best way to tonify the spleen is to ascend to the yang, and Chinese medicine teaches you to ascend the yang, dissipate cold and dampness, and effectively tonify the spleen effortlessly

There is a situation that the cold is more severe, there will be fear of cold, cold hands and feet, abdominal distension and abdominal pain, and diarrhea as soon as you drink cold.

There is also a situation where the humidity is relatively heavy, there is no fear of cold and cold hands and feet, and the main symptoms are usually heavy body, chest tightness and abdominal distention, unformed stool, fat tongue with tooth marks, etc. At this time, the key to conditioning is to raise the sun and dispel dampness, you can refer to the use of Shenling Baizhu powder with aconite Lizhong pills.

The best way to tonify the spleen is to ascend to the yang, and Chinese medicine teaches you to ascend the yang, dissipate cold and dampness, and effectively tonify the spleen effortlessly

Then come to raise the kidney yang.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is mainly transported, and the movement of the spleen depends on the action of the spleen's yang qi, but the spleen yang must rely on the warmth of the kidney yang to be strong. On the contrary, after the deficiency of spleen yang, it is easy to affect the kidney yang, and when the cold and dampness are too heavy, it will also lose the kidney yang, at this time, there will not only be the symptoms mentioned above, but also accompanied by frequent urination, nocturia, backache and weak legs. At this time, we can refer to the Chinese medicine prescription Li Zhong Tang to raise the yang energy of the spleen and kidneys at the same time.

The best way to tonify the spleen is to ascend to the yang, and Chinese medicine teaches you to ascend the yang, dissipate cold and dampness, and effectively tonify the spleen effortlessly

Most people's spleen deficiency in life has a lot to do with kidney yang, which is called spleen and kidney yang deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine, so no matter how much this kind of person nourishes the spleen, it will not have a good effect. In short, no matter how you want to replenish the spleen, you must first raise the yang qi, so that you can truly effectively replenish the spleen.

But it should also be noted that sometimes some people with spleen deficiency will also be accompanied by liver depression, so we must first thin the liver and then strengthen the spleen, after all, the liver is the spleen. Before you recuperate, you must first figure out what kind of physique you are, and then prescribe the right medicine.

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