
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Governing Principles and Treatments, as well as the Eight Methods of Sweating and Spitting and Warming and Clearing

author:Words and bodies of Chinese medicine
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Governing Principles and Treatments, as well as the Eight Methods of Sweating and Spitting and Warming and Clearing
TCM clinically recognizes and treats diseases, distinguishing both diseases and syndromes, but mainly does not focus on the similarities and differences of "diseases", but focuses on the differences between "syndromes" and further understands diseases through syndrome differentiation. For example, a cold is a disease in which symptoms such as chills, fever, and head and body pain can be seen clinically, but due to the different causes of the disease and the body's reactivity, it is manifested as different syndrome types such as wind-chill cold, wind-heat cold, and summer-damp cold. Only by identifying what kind of syndrome the cold belongs to, can we correctly choose different treatment principles, and use treatment methods such as Xinwen Jieping, Xinliang Jieping or Qingxia Dispelling Dampness Jieping to give appropriate treatment. From another point of view, TCM diagnosis and treatment is to distinguish the syndrome according to reason, and then pass the legislation, so as to send prescriptions according to the law and achieve the selection of drugs according to the prescription. This involves syndrome differentiation and treatment, and the ring is closely linked to all links, and the rationale, law, and prescription medicine need to run through the line.

The rules of traditional Chinese medicine

Xiao Wang asked: "Teacher Xie, I would like to ask you a question, about the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, is it convenient now?"

Teacher Xie raised his head and nodded for Xiao Wang to continue.

Xiao Wang also said: "I know that the rule of treatment is the law of curing diseases. It is established under the guidance of the overall concept and the idea of syndrome differentiation and treatment with reference to the basic theories of the five elements of yin and yang, Tibetan meridians, etiology and pathogenesis, and syndrome differentiation and diagnosis, and has universal guiding significance for clinical legislation, prescription, and medication. However, I don't know much about this rule!"

Teacher Xie nodded and added with a smile: "Rules, it is the soul of TCM treatment, and it is the guide to our TCM clinical practice. No matter what kind of disease we face, we must establish the rules of treatment according to the basic theories such as the five elements of yin and yang, the Tibetan meridians, the etiology and pathogenesis, and the diagnosis of syndrome differentiation, combined with the overall concept and the idea of syndrome differentiation and treatment. ”

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Governing Principles and Treatments, as well as the Eight Methods of Sweating and Spitting and Warming and Clearing

Teacher Xie added: "In terms of emphasizing the holistic view, he put forward the principles of coordinating yin and yang, indirectly replenishing laxatives, treating each other inside and outside, supporting the right and dispelling evil, and attacking and supplementing at the same time, and in terms of emphasizing the main contradictions, he put forward the principles of treating the root cause of the disease, treating the symptoms if it is urgent, treating the root cause if the symptoms are slow, and treating both the symptoms and the root causes when the symptoms are urgent; in emphasizing the grasp of the essence through the phenomenon, the principles of positive treatment and anti-treatment are proposed; in terms of requiring attention to the individuality of the disease, the principle of treating the same disease differently, treating different diseases at the same time, and adapting measures to the time, place and person. ”

Xiao Wang felt a burst of excitement and continued to ask: "What is the difference between governing the rules and governing the law, Mr. Xie?"

Teacher Xie smiled and explained: "Governance is the general outline of governing the law, and it is the general principle guiding the governance of the law. The rule of law is the specific measures and methods formulated under the guidance of the rule of law. ”

Mr. Xie also explained, "Governance comes first, with a high degree of abstraction, focusing on the whole, while governance comes later, with strong pertinence and concreteness." "

Xiao Wang recorded these words intently, and felt in his heart that he was receiving precious teachings.

"The correctness of the governing rules needs to be continuously verified and improved in the process of implementing the governing law. Teacher Xie continued, "The treatment of traditional Chinese medicine includes the treatment of righteousness and dispelling evil, the symptom of urgency, the correct treatment of the opposite, the adjustment of yin and yang, the regulation of qi and blood, the adjustment of the internal organs, and the content of time, place and person. ”

A series of key words appeared in Xiao Wang's notebook, and he knew in his heart that these treatments were the core of TCM diagnosis and the direction of TCM treatment.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment

"The treatment method is more specific, it includes specific drugs, surgery, osteopathy, acupuncture, massage, qigong, psychology, diet, exercise and other means, it tells us how to do it. The treatment method is the concretization of the treatment rules and the practice method of traditional Chinese medicine. ”

The common treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine

"Teacher Xie, what are the commonly used TCM treatment methods of TCM?" Xiao Wang's questions are very straightforward and show his intelligence and hard work.

Teacher Xie smiled and began to answer Xiao Wang's questions. "The commonly used treatment methods include sweating, spitting, lowering, and, warming, clearing, replenishing, and eliminating. These eight methods are the basic means of TCM treatment. According to the specific situation of the clinical syndrome, it can be used alone, or two or more methods can be used in combination with each other, in short, according to the needs of the disease. ”

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Governing Principles and Treatments, as well as the Eight Methods of Sweating and Spitting and Warming and Clearing

Xiao Wang carefully recorded every sentence and listened to it fascinated. He couldn't wait to continue asking, "So, how do you choose and apply these treatment methods?"

Teacher Xie nodded and explained in depth: "The choice of treatment Dafa needs to be decided according to the characteristics of the condition and the difference in physique. If the surface and the inside are urgent, and the inside and outside are solid, they should be both inside and outside, and sweat and use both. For example, if the upper heat is cold, or the upper cold is lower than the hot syndrome, it is not suitable to use the temperature method or the clear method alone, and it should be used together with the two methods. ”

Xiao Wang carefully recorded this important information, and at the same time silently sorted it out in his heart.

Mr. Xie continued: "Because, in the actual clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine, there are often a variety of treatment methods such as the combination of elimination and supplementation, attack and supplement, sweat and supplement, and other treatments, and should be administered according to the symptoms. Specific treatment is a specific treatment method applied to a specific disease syndrome. Therefore, we need to comprehensively understand the patient's condition through the four diagnosis methods, including looking, smelling, asking, cutting and other methods, and then formulate a treatment plan according to the results of syndrome differentiation. This process requires rigor and precision. "

Xiao Wang listened with relish and felt the rigor and kindness of Mr. Xie. He said with emotion: "Mr. Xie, your explanation is very clear, and I have really learned a lot. I will study hard, constantly improve my TCM skills, and apply these treatment methods to practical practice. "

Teacher Xie smiled and encouraged: "Xiao Wang, Chinese medicine is an esoteric discipline that requires continuous learning and practice. Only by accumulating experience in actual diagnosis and treatment can we better use the treatment method to help patients. I believe that you will become an excellent TCM practitioner, and do not forget to insist on careful observation and careful differentiation of syndromes, which is the key to TCM diagnosis and treatment. "

Xiao Wang stood up and said with emotion, "Teacher Xie, thank you for your guidance and encouragement. I will continue to learn and hope to become a great TCM practitioner like you one day. "

The two smiled at each other, and it seemed that the whole TCM clinic was filled with a strong TCM atmosphere, and the inheritance and learning continued at this moment. The sunlight shines through the window and shines on the ancient books on the shelves, as if witnessing the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Governing Principles and Treatments, as well as the Eight Methods of Sweating and Spitting and Warming and Clearing

There are eight methods of TCM treatment, which are based on the eight methods of "sweating, spitting, lowering, harmonizing, clearing, warming, eliminating, and replenishing", or using one method, or superimposing two methods, or using three methods at the same time.

  1. Sweat method: sweat to solve the surface, promote the lungs and disperse the evil, so that the surface evil is solved with sweat. It is suitable for patients with external symptoms, impermeable rash, initial onset of sores and ulcers, as well as edema, cough, malaria and other symptoms such as chills and fever, head and body pain.
  2. Spit method: spitting and salivation, lodging food, poison, so that the chest and evil come out with vomiting. It is suitable for stroke, phlegm, lodging or poison staying in the stomach, as well as phlegm and salivation, madness, laryngeal paralysis, dry cholera, etc., which is a sign of urgent illness and urgent need to vomit.
  3. Method: Cleanse the stomach and intestines, vent the stool, and make the stomach and intestines stagnant from the stool. It is suitable for those who have no stool, hot and dry stools, cold accumulation, blood stasis and internal suspension, food and lodging, phlegm and insect accumulation, etc., and the syndrome is tangible and real, and the disease is more urgent.
  4. Harmony method: reconcile the lack of yang, the double solution of the surface and the inside, reconcile the viscera, regulate the cold and heat, so that the evil of half the surface and half the inside, or the evidence of the disharmony between the yin and yang of the viscera, the surface and the inside, can be removed. It is suitable for evil criminals with less yang, the same disease on the outside and inside, disharmony between the liver and spleen, and the mixture of cold and heat.
  5. Cleansing method: clear heat and relieve fire, cool blood and detoxify, clear deficiency and heat, and relieve the heat and evil in the inside. It is suitable for heat in the qi, heat into the blood, heat in the viscera, heat in the viscera, heat poison sores, summer heat, summer dampness and deficiency heat.
  6. Warm method: warm the viscera to dispel the cold, warm the meridians, return to the yang to save the adversity, and dissipate the cold and evil in the inside. It is suitable for spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, lung cold retention and drinking, liver and kidney deficiency and cold, blood cold coagulation, yang deficiency and blood loss, yang decline and yin prosperity.
  7. Elimination method: eliminate food and stagnation, promote qi and blood, dispel dampness and water, dissolve phlegm and repel insects, so that the tangible evil formed by qi, blood, phlegm, food, water, insects, etc. gradually dissipates. It is suitable for those who have physical evils such as food and phlegm, qi stagnation and blood stasis, and insect accumulation, and the disease is relatively mild.
  8. Tonic method: nourish to restore the body's righteousness. It can also be divided into qi, blood, yin, yang, qi and blood, yin and yang, yin and yang, and viscera. It is suitable for various deficiency syndromes such as qi and blood depletion, yin and yang deficiency, and viscera weakness.

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