
Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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After the weather is cold, because of the different income and consumption levels, everyone has a variety of ways to heat up.

For example, some people will habitually turn on the air conditioner, while some people are in a community where central heating can be provided, then, after September every year, people in the Northeast will wear short sleeves to happily nibble on sugarcane in the floor heating house.

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

For most people in the south, there are also some people who use the small sun to bake the fire, this heating tool looks like a small fan, and when it is turned on, it will turn on the hot warm light.

But. Many people think that this heating method may not be healthy, and there are many safety hazards, especially for families with elderly people at home.

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

There are often news of fires caused by small sun heating, but fortunately there are no casualties, but for some of the people involved, they have also lost their homes or part of their property, which is also a blessing in disguise.

For many people, in winter, this is the season of high fire accidents, mainly because in addition to using small suns, some people may also use electric blankets and so on.

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

Due to the different heating methods, this also makes many families may suffer a lot of losses due to carelessness. In fact, in terms of the heating principle of the small sun, this is relatively simple.

It mainly uses a reflector to emit heat from the heating sheet, so that after receiving electromagnetic radiation, they can continuously provide warmth to the human body.

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

Under normal circumstances, when using a small solar heater, it is best not to get too close, so as not to burn the skin or even the clothes.

And with the development of science and technology, there are some new types of small suns that can automatically turn off the power as soon as people leave, only need to set the time in advance, and you don't have to worry about the fire when you use this heating tool for a long time.

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

But the embarrassing thing is that because many businesses will cut corners, this leads to some small suns may be counterfeit and shoddy products or OEM products, and their quality cannot be guaranteed.

As a result, even with standard use, they can cause unprovoked circuit failures or even sudden explosions. In addition to worrying that small solar heaters will induce fires, some people are also worried that small solar heaters will produce radiation during the heating process.

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

Simply because it is the radiation of electromagnetic waves that transfer heat to the human body. However, strictly speaking, it can produce radiation similar to that of a mobile phone or a microwave oven.

And if it is farther away from the small sun, the weaker the impact of this electrical radiation on the human body, and in this respect, it may not affect human health, nor will it kill sperm or cause cancer.

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

However, if you use too much light sun for a long time, it may cause the body to lose moisture, and even darken the skin, and some people may experience symptoms such as vision loss and dizziness.

So, how to use the little sun correctly has become a top priority. Many experts have issued such a reminder, that is, when using it, you can try to place it at a safe distance and do not get too close.

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

For example, you can keep a distance of about 30~40 cm from it, and in addition, in terms of the frequency of use, you also need to control the duration, and try not to turn on the small sun for more than two hours a day.

When using the sun for heating, you can also open the windows for ventilation every once in a while, because this can well prevent people from dizziness and grogginess caused by long-term closed doors and windows.

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!

Of course, when choosing the little sun, everyone still has to pay more attention.

Compared with the small sun bought online, although the price of this kind of small sun is slightly higher, the safety is still guaranteed, once there is any security problem, everyone can seize the time to defend their rights.

What do you think about using the little sun for heating?

Especially the elderly at home should pay attention, the harm is unimaginable after a long time!