
#Tiannandibei New Year's greetings#Get red envelopes together>#Write Spring Festival couplets#Shanglian: Gifts are not gold, a few lower couplets: Affectionate and self-sensitive, thousands of horizontal criticisms: Affectionate and affectionate, ❤️ this couplet is a ❤️ gift and


#New Year's greetings from the south and the north of the world# Get red envelopes together>#Write Spring Festival couplets#

Shanglian: The gift is not a little gold

Downlink: Feeling a thousand times by feelings

Horizontal criticism: ❤️ deep affection ❤️

The theme of this couplet is to give gifts and receive affection, although it does not explicitly say red envelopes, but it contains them. The upper link "the gift does not say a little money", which means that there is no need to say much about the amount of money when giving the gift, and the emphasis is on the heart; the lower link "the affection is a thousand feelings", which indicates that the recipient can feel the deep friendship in it. The horizontal criticism of "deep affection and heavy meaning" points out the theme of the couplet and emphasizes the importance of emotion. 👀👂🧧❤️

#Tiannandibei New Year's greetings#Get red envelopes together>#Write Spring Festival couplets#Shanglian: Gifts are not gold, a few lower couplets: Affectionate and self-sensitive, thousands of horizontal criticisms: Affectionate and affectionate, ❤️ this couplet is a ❤️ gift and
#Tiannandibei New Year's greetings#Get red envelopes together>#Write Spring Festival couplets#Shanglian: Gifts are not gold, a few lower couplets: Affectionate and self-sensitive, thousands of horizontal criticisms: Affectionate and affectionate, ❤️ this couplet is a ❤️ gift and
#Tiannandibei New Year's greetings#Get red envelopes together>#Write Spring Festival couplets#Shanglian: Gifts are not gold, a few lower couplets: Affectionate and self-sensitive, thousands of horizontal criticisms: Affectionate and affectionate, ❤️ this couplet is a ❤️ gift and

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