
Essay essay ● Junshan line

author:Skywalker alone


Essay essay ● Junshan line

Junshan, formerly known as Xiangshan, also known as Dongting Mountain, Dongting Junshan, Hushan, etc., Junshan is magnificent and beautiful, located in Dongting Lake, fifteen kilometers southwest of Yueyang City, Hunan Province. Junshan, all four seasons: spring appreciation of exotic flowers and plants, summer view of the vast cave garden, autumn appreciation of fishing songs and autumn moon, winter view of silver wrapped. With a total area of 0.96 square kilometers, it is composed of 72 large and small peaks, and is listed as the eleventh blessed place in the world by the "Daoshu", and is now a national key scenic spot. Throughout the ages, many troublemakers have crossed the cave court and boarded the tour, leaving behind many beautiful verses and moving legends. Since the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai, Du Fu, Huang Tingjian, Xin Zhiyi, Zhang Zhidong and other mokes have all climbed the Junshan Range Rover to express their nostalgia, leaving behind countless ancient songs, Li Bai's "Light sweeping the Ming Lake to open the jade mirror, Danqing painting is Junshan", can be regarded as the poet's masterpiece. Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty wrote in the poem "Wangdongting": "The lake surface is harmonious in autumn and the moon, and the pond surface is not polished without goggles." Looking at the landscape of the cave garden, a green snail in the silver plate. With his magnificent words and peculiar imagination, Liu Yuxi vividly and vividly depicted the magnificent scene of Junshan Standing on this silver plate in Dongting Lake. The poems of Li Bai and Liu Yuxi should have aroused the yearning of many people for Junshan!

  We went to Junshan this time and encountered the most rare weather after rain and then sunshine, which added Yaxing to the tour. When the ship left Yueyang City, the lake was covered with clouds and fog, and the heavens and the earth were integrated. Faced with the magnificent scene of "looking around for the land without doubt, and the water is connected with the sky," someone in the boat recited aloud the poem of the Ming Dynasty Wang Yuwei's "Crossing the Cave Garden in the Rain": "Last night the south wind rose up in the cave court, and the rain on the Xiaolai Lake was meditating, and the sky was white and the sky was white, but the Junshan Mountain was a little green. Someone jokingly added: "Come to Yueyang from all directions, want to see the lake through the cave garden, welcome tourists with many jiaoshan mountains and rivers, and sail to Junshan. Because this sentence expressed people's wishes, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

  Sure enough, when the day came from the people's wishes, when the boat arrived at Junshan, the clouds were misty, the sun was gorgeous, the mountains and rivers were green, and the trees were washed. After the rain, the scenery of Junshan Is particularly charming.

  We start the tour at the eastern foot of Junshan Mountain. Through the rows of stone carvings and steles, we arrived at the tomb of the Second Concubine. The tomb was made of stone. The tour guide told us that the tomb of the second concubine is the tomb of Yu Shun's two concubines, Emperor E and Nüying. Legend has it that more than 4,000 years ago, Emperor Shun toured the south, and two ai concubines and empresses followed, but the ship was blocked by strong winds on Dongting Mountain. The ship was blocked here, and the second concubine suddenly heard that Emperor Shun had died in Cangwu. They were devastated, looking at the vast lake, and weeping bitterly... Tears spilled all over the bamboo forest on the mountain, and it became a spotted bamboo, and soon, the second concubine became depressed and died of illness in Dongting Lake, buried in the eastern foothills of the mountain, and the current tomb was built by the Yueyang Municipal Government in 1979 according to the tomb style rebuilt by Peng Yulin (Qing). The stone pillar in front of the tomb is carved with unicorns, lions, elephants、...... And there is a tombstone of the tomb of emperor Yu in the second century. 10 meters in front of the tomb, there is a pair of stone pillars, on which there is a pair of calligraphy stone carved couplets: "Junfei Erlu Fang for thousands of years, mangosteen and tears." Qu Yuan referred to the second concubine as Xiangjun and Lady Xiang in the Nine Songs. Later, people connected the first word of this upper and lower link, so they changed Dongting Mountain to Junshan.

  Listening to the introduction, everyone naturally wanted to see the world-famous 'Xiangfei Bamboo' with their own eyes. We looked in the direction of the guide's finger, and on the right side of the tomb of the second concubine, there was a bamboo forest with lush branches and beautiful flowers. Because it is the first rain and the first sun, only to see smoke, sun shadows, and dew floating between the branches and leaves, it is cute. Looking closer, I saw tear marks and mangosteen spots. I can't help but remember the poem of the Tang Dynasty Gao Biao: "Emperor Shun's southern tour did not return, and the second concubine complained about the water and clouds, how much blood and tears did he know at that time?" Until now, bamboo is still spotted. Just as my mind was racing, a young couple approached the bamboo bushes and politely said, "Labor! Excuse me! "After people walked away, they used bamboo bushes as a background to photograph here. Spotted bamboo is used by ancient people in China to praise loyal love. The couple took a group photo of the bamboo, which was a big sigh to show that they were dry and rotten, and they would never lose each other!

  Leaving the Tomb of the Second Concubine, we followed the mountain path and climbed west to the former site of the legendary Lang Yin Pavilion. Here is one of the eight immortals Lu Dongbin's foot-washing pool, the tour guide lady took us to the stone rock on the east side of the Longkou, and saw that there was a pond under the stone recess, which was no more than five feet square. It is said that this pool is very peculiar that the water does not overflow all year round. Lü Dongbin "The three drunken Yueyang people do not know, Lang Yu flew over Dongting Lake" when the legend washed his feet here.

  Then, we passed through the tea plantations, Zhushan... Climbed the highest peak of Junshan, Jiuxiang Mountain. Here is the construction of the Wine Fragrant Hotel, ready to receive domestic and foreign tourists, the hotel Zhu eaves biwa, majestic and magnificent. Jiuxiang Mountain was once a place where Emperor Wu of han wanted to seek immortal wine for immortality. It is said that the consequences are drunk here. However, on the way to transport the wine by the general Luan Ba, the immortal wine was secretly drunk by Dongfang Shuo. Emperor Wu was furious and wanted to kill Dongfang Plastic. Shuo replied unhurriedly, "If I really ate the immortal wine and have now become an immortal, I would not die if I were killed; if you could kill me, it means that I did not steal the immortal wine. Emperor Wu heard that it made sense and let him go. For this incident, posterity wrote a poem "Wine Pavilion" to Ruan Xian and ridiculed it. The poem said, "Han Wu is a good immortal, for the sake of eternal life." Fang Shuo is witty and witty, and lubricates the mouth early. So far, the pavilion on the lake, the wine is fragrant. According to the tour guide, Junshan produces immortal wine. It's not for nothing. The Ming Dynasty's "Chronicle of Unity" says that Junshan has a wine fragrant mountain, "Every spring, the path has the aroma of wine, and it is impossible to find it." "It turned out that this aroma was emitted by a fragrant vine plant that grew in the dense forest of The Wine Mountain. This incense vine resembles seven incense sticks. In March and April, there is a cluster of small white flowers, the fragrance of flowers is like wine, and the wind spreads for miles. Without waiting for the tour guide to finish the introduction, a tourist interjected and asked: "It is now the fourth month of the lunar calendar, is there such a wine vanilla?" "Let's look." Some tourists chimed in. Everyone crossed the ridge and passed the pass, drilled the bamboo bushes, penetrated the thorns, and found a way to the northwest. Sure enough, there was a gust of wine wafting in the air. Everyone's spirits were lifted. The further you go, the stronger the aroma of the wine. At this time, the tour guide followed, and she looked at everyone and laughed; "Where is the fragrance emitted by the wine vanilla so strong?" "This is the aroma of wine wafting from the newly built Junshan Distillery!" Let's take a look down the hill. Sure enough, there was a bungalow winery with white walls and black tiles.

  Wine is connected to the spring. Junshan is full of spring water, luscious and clear. Seventy-two springs are claimed. The famous spring wells include Longshui Well, Liuyi Well, Chunliu Well, Ningbi Well... It is said that among them, Liu Yijing is the deepest. When you see this Liu Yi well, you will think of the famous legend "Liu Yi Biography" written by the Tang Dynasty scholar Li Chaowei. This legend tells a moving story about a scholar named Liu Yi in the Tang Dynasty who met a shepherd girl on his way back to his hometown through the north bank of the Jing River in Shaanxi Province, whose clothes were worn and looked miserable. Liu Yi asked the woman why she was sad. The woman said: She was originally the beloved daughter of the Dragon King of Dongting, married to the son of the Dragon King of Jinghe, and her husband was seduced by the maid and often scolded and insulted her. She said with tears in her eyes that Jingyang and Dongting were thousands of miles apart, and she wanted to ask Liu Yi to send a family letter on her behalf. Liu Yi was very sympathetic to the situation of the shepherd girl, so he asked for the way to contact, and then came to Dongting Lake with the letter entrusted by the shepherd girl and entered the dragon palace according to the method that the dragon girl taught him, and handed the dragon girl's letter to the Dragon King of Dongting. The Dragon King was very sad after reading the letter. He warmly entertained Liu Yi and thanked him for his righteous biography; On the one hand, he sent someone to send the letter to the inner palace for circulation. Who knew that this letter made the Dragon King's inner relatives cry bitterly and alarmed the Dragon King's brother Qian Tangjun. Qiantang Junzi was fierce in nature, and when he heard this, he was furious, so he turned into a red dragon and flew to Shaanxi, killing the son of the Jinghe Dragon King and taking the dragon girl back to the Dongting Dragon Palace.

  Later, after Liu Yi returned to his hometown, his wife unfortunately died. Soon after, he married another woman surnamed Lu. On the day of the wedding, he returned to the cave room to examine it carefully and felt that the Lu woman was very similar to the dragon girl. As soon as he spoke, he realized that it was really a dragon girl, because he missed Liu Yi, and pretended to be married to the Lu clan. Liu Yi was very happy, and the dragon girl was gracious and loving from then on, living a happy and leisurely life. The liu yi's biography to the dragon girl in dongting written in the movie "Liu Yi's Biography" was written from here that he went down the well and entered the Dragon Palace. Someone quipped, "If you want to find the beautiful and extraordinary Cave Dragon Girl, drill a well from here!" Boys, reluctant to fight the golden marbles, can't beat the phoenix, take the courage to come! Everyone laughed.

  During our journey to Junshan, we could see verdant and turquoise tea gardens everywhere, like a fast emerald, embellished on the mountains and ridges. Junshan is rich in tea and is known as Dongting Tea Island. On this trip to Junshan, the enthusiastic host let us taste the famous tea of Junshan - Junshan Silver Needle. In the reception room, we took the orchid teacup that had just been poured into boiling water, and all we saw was that the tea leaves began to rush to the surface. The length is the same, the size is uniform, the white is complete, like a root needle standing in the water; then the tea leaves move upstream and downstream, as if they are buds waiting to be placed; then slowly sink, all upright, around the bottom of the cup, it looks like a group of bamboo shoots unearthed, and like chrysanthemums blooming. The tea is clear yellow, and when you drink it, the fragrance is overflowing and refreshing. This well-known Junshan Silver Needle Tea, which has won the Gold Medal of the World Exposition at home and abroad, is really worthy of the name!

  Here, there are also Yang Mo, Zhong Xiang Water Village and memorial halls and other buildings. Shuizhai is located on the west side of Luohan Zhushan Mountain, facing Longkou in the south, surrounded by hills on three sides. The first floor of the water village is a imitation wooden fence, a lookout hill, a sentry platform, and a sentry tower; the second floor is a stone wall defense city, and a bit of general platform, Zhongyi Hall, Tianshun Hall, Military Master Hall, Zangjin Cave, Yang MoZheng Hall, and Lady Pavilion are built. In addition, it is equipped with the construction of the Beizhu Pavilion and the Song Dynasty Weapons Exhibition Hall.

  The whole village is dominated by an axis, and the various scenic spots from the bottom to the top are connected by corridors, built along the mountain, with staggered heights and grand momentum. In the exhibition hall, there are utensils, weapons, warships (models), maps, and battle maps used by Yang Mo's army.

  Entering the defensive city, I saw the flags flying on the city, the trumpets sounding in unison, and the war drums banging. The main gate of the city is a heavy eaves city, and there is a golden yellow flag in front of the building, and the word "Tianshun" is written on it. Through the aisle lined with swords and guns, enter the Zhongyi Hall, which is decorated with wax statues of Yang Mo, all the generals and courtiers. After passing the Zhongyi Hall, there is the Yang Mo Hall, the Tianshun Hall and the Lady Pavilion, the two halls and one pavilion are connected by a running horse cloister, and the architectural style is very unique. A Tian Xinzhi wrote a poem here, "Dengjun Mountain Mourns Zhong Xiang Yang Shu":

Then go up to the Junshan Point General Platform, and see the bottom of the Stratus Cloud Eye opening;

The fighting ships swept across the sun and the moon, and the iron horses galloped and moved.

The generals are rich and poor in hundreds of battles, and the blood and blood wash away the dust;

Where is the soul of the hero? The silver plate is drumming!

  Due to the time relationship, there are still some scenic spots in Junshan that we have not gone to enjoy. However, seeing that the soil is being prepared here and the construction is still being stepped up, it can be expected that after another dressing, the Junshan Mountain in the coming day will be more heroic and beautiful. Just as the Tang Dynasty poet Yong Tao described in the poem "Title Junshan":

The smoke waves are immovable and heavy, and the blue color is completely emerald and dark.

Suspected to be a daffodil grooming place, a snail in the center of the mirror.