
I just want to know if this is the job of an accountant?

author:Cangzhou Xiao Zhao explores Cangzhou


(Hello everyone, I am Cangzhou Xiao Zhao, a small accountant in Cangzhou, sharing new things in Cangzhou every day, welcome everyone's attention and support.) )

Today, I went to Cangxian to get the invoice, and the person who was queuing up in front of me to get the ticket was an uncle, and his family had a self-employed person, but for some special reasons, he could only get paper tickets like me!

The staff said that his invoice could not be used without inspection, so he asked him to check the invoice first and then come to collect the ticket!

I just want to know if this is the job of an accountant?

The uncle began to call his accountant and told the accountant to ask her to help check the invoice!

Uncle was on the hands-free at the time, and the voice was very loud, so I listened to the accountant on the phone say: "What invoice is old, I won't, let their staff help you check!"

The staff was very busy at the time, and said to the uncle: "You have an accountant, just let your accountant log on to the computer for you to check, or you go to the self-service hall over there, and there is a staff dedicated to tutoring you!" I saw that the uncle was depressed, and I didn't want to go to the self-help hall over there!

I just want to know if this is the job of an accountant?

I asked the uncle if he knew the account and password for logging in to the computer web page? The uncle nodded vigorously and said, "I know, I know!" I said, "Then I'll help you check the old one! It's very ......simple."

I just want to know if this is the job of an accountant?

In the end, when the uncle was about to go out after receiving the ticket, he thanked me vigorously, and wanted to add my WeChat, but I didn't add it!

Finally, I went out after receiving the ticket, and I couldn't help but think: Is the accounting so unprofessional now? I can't even check the old invoices, will I be too lazy to get it for the uncle? If he really can't, then I suggest that he must study more, the accounting industry, if you don't study hard, you will fall behind and be eliminated by the times!

If she is too lazy to get it for the uncle, then I think it is necessary for the uncle to change the accountant, and he is not willing to get the old one, so why spend so much money to invite her to come? Or is it no longer the job of the accountant to check the old invoice?

I just want to know if this is the job of an accountant?

(I'm Cangzhou Xiao Zhao, I share Cangzhou news every day, you can pay attention to what you like!Thank you for your support!)

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted