
What is the meaning of the word "Tao" in "Taoguang Yanghui"?

author:Institute of Raw Characters
What is the meaning of the word "Tao" in "Taoguang Yanghui"?


Traditional Chinese characters are written as: 韜, and variant characters are written as: 鞱

"鞱" is a variant of "Tao". Scooping, which is both the sound and the shape, is the abbreviation of "搯", which means digging and pulling.

鞱 (篆文) = (leather, leather) + scoop (, that is, the omission of "搯"), indicating a leather cover that is easy to draw and pull from it.

What is the meaning of the word "Tao" in "Taoguang Yanghui"?

The inscription "鞱" uses "leather" instead of "韋" in the seal glyph. The seal script variant uses "匚" (a basket surrounded by three) instead of "韋", which indicates an open holster. The simplified Chinese script "Tao" in the "Chinese Character Simplification Scheme" simplifies the "Wei" in the regular script glyph to "Wei" according to the rules of simplification by analogy. Ancient books mostly use "韜" instead of "鞱".

"Shuo Wen Jie Zi" explains: "韜, sword clothes also. From Wei, scoop sound. (Meaning: tao, sword set.) The glyph uses "Wei" as the side, and "scoop" as the sound. )

Ancient books often refer to the grand idea of the world in the latitude and longitude, "Tao" refers to the great law of Ancheng to defend the country, focusing on the inside, and seeking its own maturity and perfection; "Luo" refers to the hegemony of opening up the territory and rejuvenating the country, looking at the outside world, seeking to conquer and dominate the world.

The idiom "taoguang yanghui" describes hidden talents, not exposed. Or hide brilliance and talent, and converge the edge and traces.

What is the meaning of the word "Tao" in "Taoguang Yanghui"?

(1) Original meaning: a leather sword holster that is convenient for swordsmen to draw their swords. (found in ancient texts only)

《说文解字》:“韬,剑衣也。 ”

(2) Hide the sword sharp weapon deep in the holster. (found in ancient texts only)

《玉篇》中解释说:“韬,韬杠。 ”

Tang Huilin's "All the Scriptures and Meanings" says: "Tao, hide also." ”

(3) Hide the sharp power or compelling light deep inside.

"Vocabulary" explains: "Tao, Tao strategy, Tao has six, slightly three." ”

(4) Bow bag.

The Tang Dynasty Confucian Lu Deming's "Classic Commentary" said: "韜, this is another work." Bow clothes also. ”

(5) Bow in the bow bag. It also refers to the hidden knife in the scabbard. Tao Bow (Bow into Bow Sleeve)

In "Guangya Shiqi", it is said: "Tao, Gong Zangye." ”

What is the meaning of the word "Tao" in "Taoguang Yanghui"?

(6) Concealment and concealment.

《广韵》中解释:“韬,藏也。 ”

For example, Qiu Jin's "Red Hair Knife Song": "The knife is drawn out of the sheath and the sky is shaken, and the sun, moon and stars are sudden." ”

(7) Inclusiveness and implication.

For example, "Zhuangzi • Heaven and Earth": "If a gentleman knows these ten things, he will be very important and his heart will be big." Tang Dynasty exegete Cheng Xuanying commented: "Tao, tolerance." ”

(7) Wide and slow.

"Jade Chapter" explains: "Tao, wide also. ”

For example, there is a saying in "Zizhi Tongjian": (Emperor Liang Yuan) often said: "I am more than a scribe and ashamed of a martial artist." ”

(8) The stratagem of soldiers.

For example, Li Deyu's "Li Wenrao Collection" has: "If you don't work for Sun Tzu's law, you will be too self-satisfied." ”