
The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

author:Saisai Qingjian
The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

[Editor's note: This article is the original and exclusive first release of Toutiao, please do not plagiarize and reprint]

On January 25, Japan's Ishikawa Prefecture released the latest data, according to which the 7.6-magnitude earthquake that occurred at the beginning of the month killed 236 people and 19 people are missing.

The whole region of Japan is in chaos, the streets are full of collapsed houses, and the elderly who live by the sea with impaired legs may not even be able to escape natural disasters.


The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

Some teams predict that although the Japanese island is rushing to the ocean day and night, it will take tens of thousands of years before it really sinks, and the biggest threat to Japan recently is the frequent earthquakes and Mount Fuji that is poised to hit the ground during this time.

When will the predicted sinking of the Japanese island be? What will happen to the millions of people once Japan loses its land, and who are the four countries that the Japanese imagine will come to Japan's aid?

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

History or interests

The first to fall into conflict may be Australia, the two sides before and after World War II can be said to have a deep blood feud, and the crimes committed by the Japanese in Australia are also unspeakable.

At the beginning of World War II, the Japanese burned, killed, looted, and plundered, and the Australian army really hated Japan, and when they saw the Japanese, they attacked wildly, and the result was that they were invincible, and nearly 30,000 Australian troops became prisoners.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

In the area of squeezing prisoners, Japan in the world said that no one dared to fight for the first, and all kinds of human experiments and torture were used on the Australian army all over again, just to obtain useful military information.

Even the most important port in Australia, Darwin, was badly damaged by Japanese air strikes.

By the end of World War II, only 20,000 Australian soldiers survived the torture, and the shadow and hatred of the Japanese took root in Australia.

When Japan surrendered, the Australian government was the first to stand up and demand the immediate execution of the Japanese emperor, and even tens of thousands of Japanese prisoners captured by the Australian army were all executed by Australia.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

Australia's exclusion of Japanese people peaked after World War II, and Japanese living in Australia were also discriminated against. It can be seen that there is a deep grudge between the two countries, so why is it said that Australia will also be one of the countries that will help Japan?

In fact, Japan has coveted Australia for a long time, and the vast and sparsely populated land and suitable climate make this island nation very envious.

As everyone knows, Japan has no sense of guilt about history, and even the fact of Japan's invasion of other countries is never written in the history books studied by students, and if you look at the history between China and Japan, you can understand that there is not a single mention of the 731 bacteriological troops and the massacre.

Japan has always been ambitious about encroaching on land, but they never say so. Since then, Japan has been low-key immigration to Australia, despite the discrimination, these Japanese people are hard-working, many Australian businesses are willing to accept, and Japanese immigrants are also considered to have taken root here.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

In addition, the mediator between the two countries is the United States, so it is not surprising that Australia will help Japan, after all, they belong to the same camp, and in order to allow the two sides to establish diplomatic relations peacefully, the United States has spent a lot of effort as an intermediary.

As allies, they also have common interests in the Pacific, and Japan has also helped Australia's economy a lot, so if Japan has anything, even if it is for the sake of interests and the face of the United States, Australia will help.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

"Big Brother" and "Second Home"

Speaking of the United States, he is naturally also one of the donors, as Japan's "big brother", Japan will lose the United States, and the United States will become the United States. The two atomic bombs directly caused Japan to surrender.

After World War II, Japan's economy was in a downturn, and the United States gave a lot of money to help Japan revive its economy, especially during the period when MacArthur of the United States was managing Japan, the Japanese emperor's attitude was respectful, and the United States continued to infiltrate the Japanese economy.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

Until now, Japan has become more and more inseparable from the help of the United States economically, and as a pawn laid by the other side in Asia, Japan has lived up to the expectations of the United States and developed into the world's second largest economy.

However, the United States' attitude towards him is only a "pawn", and in the previous 2011 devastating earthquake in Japan, the US government only donated $500,000 to make Japan grateful in front of the camera.

Later, the United States provided hundreds of rescue teams to Japan to rebuild, but after returning home, the American troops sued Japan, claiming that they had been exposed to nuclear radiation in Japan.

In the end, the final result of the incident was not announced, but it is true that the earthquake did cause a nuclear leak in Japan.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

This year's earthquake in Japan, the United States donated $100,000 to Japan, Kishida Fumio directly said "thank you very much", this bit of sugar is enough for the Japanese to reminisce for a long time, at least the United States has proved that it has not abandoned this ally, it is estimated that as long as the blessings are sent, I am afraid that the Japanese will be grateful.

So even if it is for the sake of the face of its allies, the US government will help, but to what extent it can help is another matter.

The Japanese island country lacks land, but there is no shortage of immigrants from the outside world, and if they "love him" they will give him land, and even if the US government agrees, I am afraid that the American people will not accept it.

However, compared to the first two, Brazil is full of sincerity, after all, many Japanese entrepreneurs have settled in Brazil during the Meiji Restoration.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world in terms of land area, and the population is not dense, and companies and factories that come to Brazil buy land for economic and residential purposes, and Japanese immigrants have played an important role in Brazil's economic and national development so far.

The Japanese government actively calls on its citizens to come to live in Brazil, because in the past 100 years of development, the Japanese in Brazil have built many Japanese-style buildings, and some Japanese immigrants have set up many festivals in neighborhoods, and the Brazilian people and Japan have lived in friendship, and the relationship between the two countries is also very good.

So far, there have been as many as two million Japanese immigrants in Brazil, which is enough to influence the political landscape of Brazil, and it is known as Japan's "second home".

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

Once the Japanese island countries really need help, I believe that these Japanese people in Brazil will not choose to ignore it, and the Brazilian government will also choose to help.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

Fourth country

The fourth country predicted by Japan to take the initiative to help is South Korea, in fact, for Japan, the Korean people also hate it, but they can't stand a pro-American Yoon Suk-yeol.

Since coming to power, Yoon Suk-yeol has repeatedly expressed his pro-American intentions on international occasions, such as saluting the Stars and Stripes and allowing the United States to build a military base near Seoul.

The American GIs have no guest shelves in South Korea at all, and they are even more relaxed than their own homes, but the Yoon Suk-yeol government is happy, but it is the South Korean people who have been wronged, and how many scandals have come out about the US military in South Korea molesting South Koreans, and the South Korean government has not had a happy punishment result.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

In addition, Japan began to discharge nuclear sewage half a year ago, South Korea is similar to Japan, and it is also the first country to be exposed to nuclear radiation.

Although the South Koreans are reluctant, if the United States speaks, the Yoon Suk-yeol government will also take into account the "financial master" sentiment to help Japan, after all, South Korea and Japan are the closest to each other, compared with Australia, Brazil and the United States, the most timely rescue.

However, the above countries are all predicted, once the Japanese island is really at risk of sinking, according to the United Nations, any country has the obligation and responsibility to rescue.

As for how many Japanese refugees can be accepted, it depends on deep feelings, if Japan really needs it, China, as a big country, will also do its best to carry out humanitarian relief, but Japan's desire to take root in China on a large scale remains to be considered.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

After all, the bloody history lies between the two countries, and the Japanese government does not want to admit an apology.

According to scientific calculations, Japan is most likely to sink due to earthquakes, because the entire country of Japan is located in the Pacific Rim Seismic Zone, and there is a large earthquake almost every three years, and there are countless small earthquakes in a year.

The most dangerous of these is Mount Fuji, an active volcano that has been dormant for more than 300 years, and Japanese experts estimate that a major eruption is imminent.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

Since 23 years, smoke has been rising from the crater of Mt. Fuji, and in the event of an earthquake, it is difficult for the Japanese people to retreat in a short period of time.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

The secret of a thousand paper cranes

Not to mention the eruption of Mt. Fuji, a few earthquakes in January alone were enough to make Japan unbearable, and Japan's swarm earthquake with a magnitude of 7 was a release of earthquake energy of the same magnitude multiple times, and there was no main shock.

After the earthquake broke out in Japan, many countries sent relief supplies, and the most devastating thing for the Japanese was that some of these materials were paper folded paper cranes.

Many Japanese people have complained that the paper cranes are of any use, they can neither eat nor wear, and even publicly ridiculed on the Internet that sending them is a stupid decision.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

When there was an earthquake in Turkey, Japan announced that it would send a thousand paper cranes to pray for the Turkish people, but it was quickly rejected by the country concerned.

When the 2011 earthquake struck Japan, residents of Japan organized a campaign to donate paper cranes to the western region, but it was soon cancelled.

Japan's obsession with a thousand paper cranes has to start with the atomic bomb that fell on the mainland, a Japanese little girl got leukemia because of nuclear radiation, she fantasized that she could fold enough thousand paper cranes to recover her health, but the disease was menacing and soon the little girl died.

The Japanese predict that once Japan sinks, at least four countries will come to the rescue

Many Japanese people have folded paper cranes to pray for her after hearing about the little girl, so the Japanese people like to send thousands of paper cranes to express their gratitude.


This time, the paper cranes sent out were returned to their own hands, but the Japanese people who received the thousand paper cranes did not seem to be very happy, and some people called on the Internet to send the thousand paper cranes into funds to the disaster area.

As the saying goes, "compare the heart to the heart", and the object of sending a thousand paper cranes is changed and you can't stand it. It is said that adversity sees true love, but is there still true love in Japan?

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