
Buses, kindergartens and establishments seem to be changing, what impact will it have on life?

author:Jinsong entertainment talks

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Buses, kindergartens and establishments seem to be changing, what impact will it have on life?

Public transportation, kindergartens, and establishments correspond to the three basic needs of the Chinese people, namely transportation, education, and work. Now that all three seem to be changing, what impact will this have on our lives?

In recent years, the education industry has been full of chaos, the public schools located in the city are relatively good, the problem of private schools and public schools competing for students is relatively not serious, and public schools still maintain the responsibility of maintaining equal basic education for students across the country.

Buses, kindergartens and establishments seem to be changing, what impact will it have on life?

The most intervened are private kindergartens, and the current public kindergartens basically only provide education and guidance, and are not competitive in the education market.

Private kindergartens that can provide diversified and humanized services are unique in this regard, leaving public kindergartens behind. Tens of thousands of kindergarten rolls in a semester are getting worse and worse, and the fanatical pursuit of the market is even worse for children from ordinary families.

According to the latest census results, only more than 7 million newborns will be born in the country in 2022, and this number will be a huge blow to the future education industry.

Buses, kindergartens and establishments seem to be changing, what impact will it have on life?

There are talented people to consume, even students are gone, how to make money, who will come to invest in the education industry, more monks and less porridge. On the one hand, the large-scale closure of kindergartens is due to too few students, and on the other hand, capital is not optimistic about the future prospects of the education industry.

However, some netizens believe that perhaps the closure of a large number of private kindergartens is a good thing for the mainland's education industry in the long run.

Since the implementation of quality education in the mainland, the essence is to change the trend of utilitarian education in the mainland, to hope that the children will have a happy childhood, and to educate a blue sky.

Seeing that early childhood education is profitable, the capital will inevitably adopt a more attractive enrollment strategy, from the volume price to the volume service, and finally it is easy to go to the competition which kindergarten will teach more content, so that the child can win at the starting line.

Buses, kindergartens and establishments seem to be changing, what impact will it have on life?

This vicious competition not only forces children to embark on the road of rolling, but also has a bad impact on kindergartens run by conscience, and the bad money drives out the good money. When the capital that wants to make money quickly is withdrawn from the market, we can distinguish which kindergartens are conscience kindergartens.

Generally speaking, the bus fare is about 2 yuan, and it can be lower in some places. Public transport is different from other forms of transport in that it has essentially no source of income other than tickets.

Foreign high-welfare states have not been able to maintain the lowest prices and have been raising prices. This is inseparable from the cost of basic transportation operations. The operational goal of urban infrastructure construction is to reduce the cost of transportation for citizens in the urban area and improve the efficiency of the flow of people.

Buses, kindergartens and establishments seem to be changing, what impact will it have on life?

In order to meet the needs of the market, the current public transport often suspends the toll and provides free services during the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination. These are the savings in the cost of travel for residents.

The fixed expenditure of public transport has driver salary, ground rent, vehicle maintenance fee, environmental protection cleaning, car replacement, no matter which one of these, is a huge expenditure, if you want the bus will not appear large-scale shutdown, you also need to add new revenue items to the public transport management.

The Baoding bus outage incident in July 2023 is related to the blind replacement of new energy batteries, the bus is on the road for a very long time every day, the battery damage rate is far faster than other electric vehicles, and the battery life is also very short, which is a fatal injury for the bus.

Buses, kindergartens and establishments seem to be changing, what impact will it have on life?

Can't afford to replace the battery, can only keep dragging, as a result of more than half of the tram batteries are broken, and finally can only urgently ask Shijiazhuang for help, support a number of Shijiazhuang eliminated oil trucks, barely resume bus operation.

Bus suspension is not a Chinese characteristic, is a common problem all over the world, how to solve the problem of high basic transportation operating costs are too high, but also need to work hard, more try.

The abolition of the establishment is basically an adjustment of the establishment posts between teachers and doctors, and the previous distribution method was more evenly distributed to all localities, but the degree of demand for the establishment varies from place to place.

In many areas where the educational environment is very good, excellent teachers emerge in an endless stream, and the number of posts is insufficient, so such areas need to increase the number of teachers, like many poor areas, they cannot recruit teachers every year, but they have a large number of vacancies in their hands.

Buses, kindergartens and establishments seem to be changing, what impact will it have on life?

Doctors are even more obvious in this place, there are many ways for doctors in good areas to make money, just the uninterrupted lectures every year are enough to make them both famous and rich, but the medical level of doctors in small hospitals is not good, the establishment is also small, and the vicious competition is serious.

These two places may or may not be completely liberalized and allowed market access. In that case, China's education and medical care will not be affordable for ordinary people, and the society will be chaotic for a long time. Therefore, the establishment of these two places can only be dynamically adjusted, and will not be completely abolished.

At present, many regions have taken the lead in starting pilot projects and implementing the establishment turnover. Roughly speaking, it refers to the redistribution of the establishment, the reallocation of a large number of establishments to key schools, and the reduction of the zombie establishment of rural teachers.

Buses, kindergartens and establishments seem to be changing, what impact will it have on life?

At the same time, it is necessary to alleviate the shortage of urban staffing and reduce the situation of empty salaries in remote areas, which is to give limited funds to places where they are more needed and reduce waste. In this way, we can not only optimize the structure of teachers, but also promote internal competition among teachers and continuously select excellent teachers.

Therefore, I believe that through the efforts of all parties, these industries will develop better and better in the future.

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