
After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

author:Bapro's monologue

Text: Bapro's monologue

Bapro's monologue

"I may have been a Chinese...... in my last life"

Lao Lu is French, and now lives in Hangzhou. In September 2022, he became popular online because he got a "Chinese green card".

The reason for the explosion was a series of operations after he received the "Chinese green card......

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

The source of this article comes from my headline account & official media [Reader/Weekly] published in 2023 and [] released in 2024. In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Foreigner's pass to China

Early in the morning, the neatly dressed old road couldn't wait to come to the public security bureau, and said quite confidently: "It is estimated that few people are here for green cards." ”

Finally arrived at the old road, he took his "Chinese green card" with trembling hands, and the name column on it said "Lu Ming". Lao Lu kept muttering excitedly: "Electrocuted, electrocuted."

This video of "Show China's Green Card" exploded as soon as it was released, and now it has more than 7 million views.

But then again, why is the "Chinese green card" so exciting for him?

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

Full name of "Chinese Green Card": People's Republic of China Permanent Residence Identity Card for Foreigners. It is called a five-star card, commonly known as a "Chinese green card".

With a "Chinese green card", you can buy a house, buy a car, take a driver's license, and enter and exit China freely. And this is not insignificant.

After getting the "Chinese Green Card", the excited old road also made various "saucy operations".

After coming out of the Public Security Bureau, the place where the old road went straight turned out to be an Internet café.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

When Lao Lu was a child, he loved to go to Internet cafes to play games.

But after coming to China, I was always turned away because of my status as a foreigner.

However, it is a pity that the Internet café only recognizes ID cards, not "Chinese green cards", and the old way has to be defeated.

However, the old road with high spirits was not affected, and instead went to the most crowded places.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

When taking trains and high-speed rail, the "Chinese green card" is much more convenient.

Instead of showing passports, visas and many other documents at the ticket gate as before, you can directly swipe your card to enter the station like Chinese.

"Ding" a pit stop, I don't know how much more convenient.

In fact, Lao Lu, as a "China expert", is easy to be recognized as Chinese if you don't look at his face.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses
After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

Reasons for settling in China

Lao Lu usually watches movies and shoots videos, and he is simply more adapted to Chinese life than Chinese. His story with China begins in 1991.

That year was Lao Lu's first trip to China, and he and a few friends made an appointment to go to Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui Province to have enough.

However, after returning to Berlin, Lao Lu always felt empty in his heart.

It just so happened that there was an opportunity to come to China as a tour guide.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

Lao Lu became a tour guide for Chinese tourism and came to China again in 1995 and 1996. In fact, the tour guide is not Lao Lu's only job in China.

He used to work in a high-end plush toy factory in Hong Kong and helped his boss open a new toy factory in Dongguan.

After that, Lao Lu also went to Beijing CCTV West France Channel as a host.

And the reason why he is competent is also inseparable from his academic qualifications.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

After coming to China, Lao Lu never gave up his studies.

He is a master's student at Beijing Normal University, where he takes an English course on the development of contemporary Chinese culture.

Later, he went to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to study for a doctorate in sociology, when he was 45 years old.

In fact, the old road can be said to have gained a lot in China. He finished his studies, gained a career, and met love.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

In 2016, Lao Lu was busy with his doctoral dissertation, and he came to Hangzhou to conduct field research for full-time public welfare workers in China.

In the process, he met his wife, Ye Feng. Ye Feng happened to be a volunteer at the time, and Lao Lu happened to interview her.

During the conversation, I found that we had similar interests, directly exchanged contact information, and quickly got married after a month.

Lao Lu said that Ye Feng was an important reason for him to settle in Hangzhou.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

Now, the two have been married for more than 7 years, and their lives are still as sweet as ever.

Lao Lu loves table tennis very much, and began to play table tennis when he was a teenager, and was once the first in the circle of friends.

But one day, Lao Lu was taught a lesson.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

The old way of not admitting defeat

Lao Lu played a game with the primary school students who won the second place in the primary school group in Hangzhou, but he didn't care about it before he started, and he was "dismissive" to the primary school students opposite.

But I didn't expect that in the case of the opponent's release of water, Lao Lu barely received a ball.

The table tennis was frustrated, and the old road was unwilling, and he wanted to challenge the Chinese test papers.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

Lao Lu wanted to do the Chinese college entrance examination Chinese test paper on a whim.

I have to say that the old road is somewhat level, and the multiple-choice questions are right three out of five. And what is surprising is that Lao Lu can understand Chinese poetry.

But as the difficulty deepened, the old road also collapsed, calling it too difficult......

Later, with the rise of short videos, Lao Lu began to shoot videos to record life. He is now an UP master with nearly one million fans at station B.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

Lao Lu speaks humorously, and the video is very popular in China.

Lao Lu has published a video of "The French test the foreign language proficiency of XX (prestigious school) college students?".

The content is to randomly interview college students from Peking University, Tsinghua University and other famous universities to see how their English level is.

Interestingly, during the interview, Lao Lu actually forgot how to pronounce "law firm" in English.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

Never miss it

After living in China for more than 30 years, Lao Lu seems to have adopted Chinese as his mother tongue.

However, he is a master of Chinese, English and French.

Lao Lu's home is in Liangzhu Cultural Village, the outside of the house is green as far as the eye can see, and the tea cabinet in the house is full of tea sets.

His screen name is called - the old way of drinking tea.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

Lao Lu himself said that he actually didn't understand tea, but he loved tea very much.

Since 2002, when he drank Tieguanyin and Pu'er from a friend who was an advertiser in Fuzhou, he couldn't extricate himself.

But he was still willing to study, and there was a book that combined the five elements of yin and yang and the doctrine of gossip.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

In the book, tea is divided into yin and yang, such as white tea, black tea, and yellow tea are yin, and green tea, oolong tea, and black tea are yang.

Lao Lu found this concept very interesting, but he never finished reading the book: "I really can't keep up".

Since then, people who understand tea have talked about tea, and it has become the old way to study the tea ceremony.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

Now, Lao Lu often shares tea culture and life trivia on Weibo, and his content is output in a mixture of Chinese, English and French.

Recently, he also shared his experience of participating in the "2023 Hangzhou International Talent Exchange and Project Cooperation Conference".

There are also details of life such as interaction with mother-in-law and wife.

After the French won the "Chinese green card", they started all kinds of novel uses

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