
The hem of the clothes of the ancients was so long, didn't they dislike being dirty?

author:Red beans knock knock

Hey, dear readers, have you ever wondered how those floor-mopping robes were kept clean in ancient times?

Don't worry, let me take you through time and space to uncover this secret.

In ancient society, clothing was not only a tool to cover shame and keep warm, but also a symbol of status. The robes mop the floor, especially those that are often portrayed as the standard attire of noblewomen and dignitaries in court dramas, elegant and solemn, showing dignity and elegance. But this outfit also raises the question: how did the ancients cope with the fact that these robes were easily soiled in those days when there were no washing machines and dry cleaners?

The hem of the clothes of the ancients was so long, didn't they dislike being dirty?

First, we must understand that ancient societies had strict hierarchies and class differences. The robe mopping was mainly limited to nobles and officials, not only because they had the financial means to support such expensive clothing, but also because the dress was in line with their status and social status. For them, this clothing is not only for beauty, but also a display of power and status.

However, this is not the case with what you wear in everyday life. In fact, these robes are more often worn on specific occasions such as celebrations, weddings, or important occasions. On these occasions, the venue is usually cleaned beforehand to ensure that the ground is clean and tidy to keep clothes tidy. Moreover, nobles and officials were usually accompanied by servants, whose main task was to ensure that the master's clothes were not soiled.

The hem of the clothes of the ancients was so long, didn't they dislike being dirty?

In addition to the site cleaning and servant following, the ancients also employed some special techniques to keep the robes clean. First, they used a method called a "burqa". A burqa is a smaller garment that is used to cover the outside of the robe, preventing dust and stains from adhering to the robe. In addition, the ancients also used a device called a "hitch". A hitch is a slender strip of cloth or leather cord that is fastened to one part of the robe at one end and tied to the other side around the neck or arm. By adjusting the hanger to the right position, the ancients were able to avoid the robe from touching the ground, thus reducing the possibility of soiling.

In addition, although there was no modern washing technology in ancient times, people still had some of their own cleaning methods. For example, plant ash is a natural cleaner that is effective in removing stains from clothing. Apply the plant ash to the stain and rub it gently, then rinse it off with water. In addition to plant ash, the ancients also used other natural materials such as straw, corn stalks, etc. to clean clothes.

The hem of the clothes of the ancients was so long, didn't they dislike being dirty?

It is also worth mentioning that the material of the robe also has a big impact on keeping it clean. High-grade fabrics such as silk and satin are usually smooth and delicate and do not absorb dust and stains easily. Coarser fabrics, such as cotton and linen, are more susceptible to stains. As a result, aristocrats and officials often chose high-end fabrics such as silk and satin to make their robes, which not only better displayed their status, but also made it easier to keep clean.

Of course, for ordinary people, this kind of robe mopping dress is almost impossible. Their clothing is more about practicality and comfort than about status. This is a further reflection of the hierarchical system and class differences in ancient societies.

In general, the ancients had their own wisdom and methods for cleaning and maintaining clothes. Despite the help of modern technology, they are still able to keep their clothes neat and beautiful. And this practice also reflects the unique social structure and cultural traditions of that era.

The hem of the clothes of the ancients was so long, didn't they dislike being dirty?

By understanding the clothing and cleaning methods of the ancients, we can not only better understand the people and lifestyles of that era, but also draw some wisdom about life and fashion. After all, no matter how the times change, the pursuit and cherishing of a better life remains the same. I hope these interesting historical trivia can bring you some inspiration and insight!