
Public opinion attention: "Village Evening" helps the revitalization of rural culture

author:Cultural Tourism China Headlines

As the Spring Festival approaches, the lively "Village Evening" in many villages is also being performed. Recently, under the guidance of the Public Service Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Douyin Live and the Chinese Cultural Center Association jointly launched the "I want to run a village evening" Douyin live broadcast support program for rural cultural talents. On January 20th, the "Village Evening" independently organized by the anchor for the first time was held in Linfenbozhuang Village, Shanxi Province and Fenghuang Laer Mountain, Hunan Province. At the same time, the two "Village Evenings" also attracted more than 15.57 million netizens to watch through online live broadcasts. Topics related to "Village Evening" have appeared on the hot search lists of many social platforms, which has aroused widespread attention from the society and has been praised by netizens.

Public opinion attention: "Village Evening" helps the revitalization of rural culture

Source: Internet

1. Public opinion statistics and trend analysis

In the public opinion monitoring system of China Culture Media Group, from 0:00 on January 19 to 13:00 on January 25 as the cycle, information retrieval was carried out with keywords such as "village evening", and it was found that the high point of public opinion during the monitoring period appeared at 15:00 on January 20, and the current public opinion heat has declined.

Public opinion attention: "Village Evening" helps the revitalization of rural culture

Figure: Statistical analysis of public opinion

Recently, under the guidance of the Public Service Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Douyin Live and the Chinese Cultural Center Association jointly launched the "I want to hold a village evening" Douyin live broadcast support plan for rural cultural talents, inviting national talent anchors to hold "village evening" activities in their hometowns and broadcast them live online.

On January 20, with the support of the plan, the first "Village Evening" independently organized by the anchor was held in Linfenbozhuang Village, Shanxi Province and Fenghuang Laershan Town, Hunan Province. It is understood that the two "village evening" performances were initiated by Douyin musical anchor Daniel Zhang and singing anchor "Miao Ren Sanman" respectively, and a total of nearly 200 villagers from the two places participated in the performance. It is reported that in addition to the live audience, there are also a total of more than 15.57 million netizens who performed in @Tangyao Gonggu Daniel Zhang and @苗人三蛮的抖音直播间同步观看了这两场 "Village Evening". The topic "The man took the whole village to run the village to find the disappeared New Year's flavor in the evening" attracted attention, with 6.42 million views. On the same day, the real-time transmission of public opinion reached a peak, and the real-time transmission of public opinion was 619.

On January 23, @人民文娱发布 blog post [#People's Entertainment Review Anchor Holding Village Evening Scene#, Let More People Enjoy the "Hard Dish" of Rural Culture], saying that "The live broadcast of the village evening initiated by rural anchors has found a new stage for rural intangible cultural heritage, obtained new income for themselves, and injected new energy into the construction of rural culture." @光明网, @中工网, @红网, @浙江在线, @大河网, @大众日报, @南通网, @钱江晚报等媒体转发报道.

As of January 25, 2024, from the perspective of information distribution, during the monitoring period, a total of 19,959 pieces of information were monitored, 3,212 pieces of Weibo, 8,141 pieces of clients, 3,352 pieces of websites, 59 pieces of videos, and 2,803 pieces of WeChat. From the perspective of media channels, clients and websites are the main channels for the dissemination of public opinion information, accounting for 40.8% and 16.79% respectively.

2. Netizen comments

After summarizing the relevant online comments on topics related to this incident, such as "the scene of the people's entertainment review anchor holding the village evening is hot" and "the man took the whole village to run the village evening to recover the disappeared New Year's flavor", it was found:

Public opinion attention: "Village Evening" helps the revitalization of rural culture

Figure: Distribution of netizen comments

First, it is believed that the village evening shows local characteristics and rural culture worthy of praise, accounting for 31.40%, and typical netizens commented as follows:

@文笙Vincent: This is really a unique feast of rural culture, and the hard work of the anchors has made more people see the unique charm of the countryside. Through the live broadcast of the village evening in Laershan Town, Fenghuang, Hunan Province and Linfenbozhuang Village, Shanxi Province, I felt as if I had walked into a rural live house that integrated elements such as Miao clothing, Miao drums, Miao lion dance, and Miao style rock. Looking forward to more such creative live broadcasts of the village evening, let us see more of the beauty of the countryside.

@梦遗唐朝: The live broadcast of the village evening has become a cultural door connecting the city and the countryside, and the anchors have held the village evening with their hearts, igniting many people's nostalgia for their homeland. The diversity of rural culture is becoming clearer and clearer in such a live broadcast, which is really a literary journey full of affection.

@县令互联网: The popularity of the evening live broadcast is jaw-dropping, the Miao costumes in Xiangxi, the Miao drumming lions, and the Jiangzhou drum music in Shanxi, these rural elements have become a visual and auditory feast under the call of the anchors. I felt the unique charm of rural culture.

Second, it is believed that the village evening is worth learning from using short videos to promote rural culture, accounting for 25.20%, and typical netizens commented as follows:

@营销创意河-He: This is a good trend, in the new era, using video to promote hometown characteristics and intangible cultural inheritance not only spreads positive social energy, but also realizes the "village evening" to break the circle of publicity.

@提升大专本科学历陈老师: Watching this live broadcast of the village evening is like going back to the Spring Festival when I was a child, it is too New Year! I hope that there will be more such "village evenings" that are fun with the people in various places, and then use the form of live broadcast to expand the influence, so that netizens can also feel the charm of rural culture.

Third, it is believed that the popular village evening is a symbol of people's peaceful housing and rural revitalization, accounting for 21.90%, and typical netizens commented as follows:

@干饭人干饭多多: The live broadcast of the village evening let us see the vitality and hope of the countryside, see the happiness of the people's living in peace, and cheer for the revitalization of the countryside!

@橙橙橙子咿呀: This live broadcast of the village evening is really eye-catching, the rural revitalization has been fruitful, and people not only have a rich material life, but also have a good mental outlook.

Fourth, it is believed that the village evening should be promoted in various places as a popular public, accounting for 21.50%, and typical netizens commented as follows:

@可爱的曲肉肉: Everyone likes to watch this kind of rural culture party, which is lively and down-to-earth, so let's promote it nationwide, so that rural culture can go out of the countryside and be displayed on a bigger stage.

@羡葭: I think these folk customs are really indescribably attractive, especially attractive. In fact, what everyone likes to see is not really a talent, but the simple and lively atmosphere of the village evening, which can be said to be the spiritual soothing agent of urban people, and I hope there will be more such village evenings.

3. Public opinion commentary

Recently, the topic of "migrant workers forming a band to return to the township to run the village and get the support of the whole village in the evening" rushed to the hot search. A Hunan Phoenix Laer Mountain "Village Evening" initiated by the post-90s singing anchor "Miao People Three Barbarians" in Xiangxi started on January 20. On the same day, there was also a majestic gong and drum theme "Village Evening" in Linfen Bozhuang Village, Shanxi Province. The two "Village Evenings" even had a PK in the live broadcast room, the heroism of the north met the grace of the south, and many netizens who watched the "Village Evening" swiped the screen "Art from the land is the most vigorous". In this regard, some media commented that from the development of rural sports represented by Guizhou's "Village BA", to the "Village Evening" literary and artistic activities widely held across the country, it reflects the strong demand of the rural masses for high-quality spiritual and cultural life.

"Village Evening" is not a new creation, and the tradition has been around for a long time. On the first day of the first lunar month in 1981, farmers in Yueshan Village, Qingyuan County, Lishui City held a rural Spring Festival Gala, creating a precedent for the village to hold a "Spring Festival New Year's Eve Party". Today, the "Village Evening" has been sung for more than 40 years, and it is showing a prosperous appearance of "always talking about the new". According to public data, in 2023, about 5,000 live broadcasts with the theme of "Village Evening" will be staged on Douyin, with a cumulative number of viewers of 22.97 million, equivalent to an average of 13 "Village Evening" live broadcasts per day, with an average audience of more than 4,500 people. Under the topic words of "Village Evening" such as "There is a talent ceiling hidden on the stage of the village evening" and "Song of the Earth Four Seasons Village Evening", the video has been viewed more than 1.48 billion times.

The reason why the "village evening" is blooming and thriving everywhere is that it is inseparable from the support and assistance of policies. In March 2023, the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Carrying out the "Four Seasons Village Evening" activity was issued, stating that in order to enrich rural cultural life and build livable, workable and beautiful villages, villages with conditions are encouraged and guided to carry out "village evenings" written and directed by villagers during the slack period, so as to stimulate the cultural vitality of rural revitalization in the new era. Second, as a unique rural IP, "Village Evening" can effectively drive the development of local cultural tourism, activate the rural economy, and have a strong "endogenous force". Third, with the continuous improvement of material living standards, people's demand for enriching spiritual culture has gradually expanded. As a project that can be enjoyed by the whole people, the "Village Evening" is not only popular for farmers, but also a "soothing" for many "city people" to find their hometown and nostalgia, and the audience is very wide.

The new scene constructed by the "Village Evening" is giving rise to a thermal effect, with more and more diverse forms, a gradual increase in audiences, and a growing effect on the dissemination of rural culture and the revitalization of the rural economy. The "Anchor Village Evening", which attracted public attention this time, set an example for various places that want to create "Village Evening IP". In order to promote cultural tourism with "Village Evening", inheritance and innovation are indispensable, and it is necessary to continuously polish the quality of programs, create "Village Evening" IP, and enhance the reputation of "Village Evening". The reason why the "Village Evening" in Linfen Bozhuang, Shanxi Province has been praised countless times is precisely because it not only has a national intangible cultural heritage "majestic gongs and drums", but also a lion dance with Xiangxi characteristics, and a "rock music" played with farm tools, which makes netizens marvel that "this is inheritance and innovation". In order to realize the circle-breaking publicity of the "Village Evening", it is necessary to have both style and popularity, and make good use of new means of Internet communication such as short videos. The so-called "those who get traffic win the world", the explosion of the two "anchor village evenings" is inseparable from the blessing of live broadcasts, and more than 10 million people watched online, so that Linfen Bozhuang Village in Shanxi Province and Phoenix Laer Mountain in Hunan have really opened up their popularity. In order to promote economic development through the "village evening", the environment and services need to be comprehensively improved. "Village evening" can attract tourists, and in order to achieve "retaining tourists", it is necessary to comprehensively improve the tourism environment and services.

Editor-in-charge: Wu Yue

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