
新春走基层 | 柴运龙回乡办厂记

author:People's Daily Network Hebei

Chai Yunlong returned to his hometown to set up a factory

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Huai Ruihong, a villager of Beixi Luobao Village, Feixiang Town, Feixiang District, went out of the house, came to the Belimite curtain production base, changed into tooling, made preparations, and went to work on time at 8 o'clock.

新春走基层 | 柴运龙回乡办厂记

Sewing fabrics. Photo by Ma Yaqing

She is a "veteran" employee of this curtain production base. When the base was first put into operation, she applied to work here, and worked in the curtain finished product inspection post for more than two years, "the monthly salary is more than 3,000 yuan, and there are two days off, and the boss takes care of us very well, and it is very comfortable to work here." ”

Like Huai Ruihong, there are more than 100 people whose families come to work in the surrounding villages and towns. In their eyes, this is not only a work unit that allows them to "earn money without leaving their hometown", but also a platform to show their self-worth.

In June 2021, the Belimite curtain production base was completed and put into operation in Feixiang District, becoming one of the few curtain manufacturers in the market with its own brand and self-production and self-sale.

Chai Yunlong, the person in charge of the base, is a native of Feixiang, and he was just 30 years old when the project was established. He worked hard in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province earlier, and with the continuous economic and social development of his hometown and the increasingly optimized business environment, he had a strong idea of returning to his hometown to start a business.

"In recent years, Feixiang has become better and better, I have my own resources and team, why not come back and contribute to the development of my hometown?" Chai Yunlong asked himself in his heart.

So, he called the investment promotion department of the Feixiang District Government and expressed his desire to build a factory and run a business. "The government staff was very enthusiastic and asked me to return to Feixiang to accompany me to select the site for the project and provide various assistance in running the procedures. Recalling the strong support given by the local government during the preparation stage of the project, Chai Yunlong is still very moved.

In the end, the curtain production base project was successfully completed in a short period of time.

新春走基层 | 柴运龙回乡办厂记

Quality inspection. Photo by Ma Yaqing

Walking into the production workshop, it was a busy scene. Employees are concentrating on the work in hand, sewing cloth is interwoven on different operating surfaces, and through a pair of skillful hands, curtains of different colors and styles are seen in front of them. It is understood that a set of curtains from the raw material cloth calculation, need to go through cutting, splicing, ironing, shaping, cutting, pleating and other more than ten processes, each process to complete the quality of the quality, will affect the final quality of the finished product.

"'Quality above all else' is what I ask of my employees and what I promise to our customers. Chai Yunlong said.

In order to ensure that there are no defects in each process, the production base is equipped with 20 full-time quality inspectors, who carry out testing work in the raw material area, the "three sides" (1 bottom and 2 sides) area, and the finished product inspection area, covering the whole chain of curtain production and minimizing the occurrence of problematic products.

Through more than 1,000 dealers distributed across the country, Belimite curtain products have entered thousands of households, with an annual sales volume of 1.5 million meters and an output value of more than 10 million yuan.

Liu Jingfen, the technical director, told reporters: "The 'secret' of our curtains to win the favor of consumers is not only with excellent quality, but also the application of new technologies and the design that keeps up with the trend. ”

The production base implements customized production, according to customer orders, the production of different fabrics, sizes, styles of curtains, "one set of one sample". In addition to the existing styles, Liu Jingfen and the design team regularly go out to inspect and participate in exhibitions, grasp the latest market trends, continuously upgrade and improve the style and pattern, and apply new processes such as "no bright line" and "double vertical edge", so that the curtain production level is higher than that of ordinary products in the market.

At the same time, in order to let employees master the new operation process, the production base carries out one-month pre-job training for new employees, and regularly organizes technical seminars and learning meetings for old employees to help them grow better.

新春走基层 | 柴运龙回乡办厂记

Iron the fabric. Photo by Ma Yaqing

Since last year, Chai Yunlong has tried to develop an online sales model and conduct live sales through short video platforms, which has achieved good results, and the brand influence has also been able to spread in a wider range.

In the past two days, employees are rushing to make a batch of orders from Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. The company's rapid growth has been driven by its impressive sales performance, and Chai Yunlong plans to increase production lines to meet the increasing market demand.

"As the company continues to grow and develop, employees will benefit from it, and then we can attract more people to work and help the development of our hometown, which is a win-win situation for all parties. Chai Yunlong said.

Source: Handan Daily