
Micro-fitness, alcohol-free month... I tried a regimen that has recently become popular in Europe and the United States


Somewhere I heard a saying, "Instead of constantly planning your next vacation, create a life that you won't want to run away from all the time." Live your daily life well, every day is happiness, vacation and travel are no longer a release and escape, but the icing on the cake of life.

Every once in a while, different regimens become popular, and last year's most popular regimens in Europe and the United States included 4: Micro Fitness, Alcohol-Free Month, Circadian Sleep Method, and Circadian Diet Method. It took me a month to implement one of them, and I didn't expect a surprising positive change to take place.

As the new year comes, I hope you can also find the most suitable "self-healing" method for yourself.

Micro-fitness, alcohol-free month... I tried a regimen that has recently become popular in Europe and the United States

Circadian diet, alcohol-free month......

4 hotly discussed "self-healing" methods in European and American communities

In the past year, a variety of wellness methods have been hotly debated in the European and American communities, and 4 of them are quite suitable for the rhythm of modern life, and you may also find new goals for 2024 by looking down:

Micro-fitness, alcohol-free month... I tried a regimen that has recently become popular in Europe and the United States

Most doctors recommend that everyone should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and at least 3-5 days a week, but if you are busy at work and really can't find time to do this, maybe "micro-fitness" will be your savior.

The core concept of "micro-fitness" is: moderate and high-intensity exercise, each group only does 5-10 minutes, and does 3 sets a day.

For example, squats with dumbbells in both hands, bar or push-ups on the floor, jumping rope and jumping jacks, etc., can be part of the micro-fitness menu, you can arrange and combine different exercises, one group only needs to do 5-10 minutes, 3 times a day. It is recommended to consult a fitness expert before practicing micro-fitness in person to learn the correct posture and intensity suitable for you, so as to avoid accidental injuries or ineffective exercise.

Micro-fitness, alcohol-free month... I tried a regimen that has recently become popular in Europe and the United States

Sleep Syncing not only aligns the body with the rhythm of nature through "going to bed early and waking up early", but also focuses on developing certain lifestyle habits so that the functions of the organs in the body can also be in harmony with each other. For example:

· Go to bed and wake up at a fixed time every day

· Go outside and bask in the sun during the day

· Don't slide your phone before going to bed to overstimulate your brain

· Make it a habit to skip coffee in the afternoon

· Don't turn on the lights while sleeping

Use these external stimuli to calibrate the body's rhythms.

Micro-fitness, alcohol-free month... I tried a regimen that has recently become popular in Europe and the United States

Nowadays, it is common for people to have a lot of dinner gatherings, and it is common to drink alcohol regularly, but if you drink too much for the sake of entertainment, or if your life has become "no drinking", you may have to be careful.

Sober Conscious advocates a sense of "living well without relying on alcohol", encouraging everyone to quit drinking alcohol or only drink low-alcohol beverages, enjoy a good life in a "sober" state, and clarify life goals.

Micro-fitness, alcohol-free month... I tried a regimen that has recently become popular in Europe and the United States

Circadian Eating is a "time-restricted eating" method in which you eat only for a set period of time each day, usually between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Although there is no specific restriction on how much you eat, experts recommend eating breakfast as a large meal, and eating as little as possible closer to dinner.

Although more scientific evidence is still needed to confirm the efficacy of Circadian Eating, relevant experts say that limiting the amount of time you eat each day can make the body's organs work more harmoniously.

I spent a month trying the "Circadian Diet"

Not only did I sleep better, but my chin acne also disappeared

A while ago, I often felt tired, my body was heavy, my jaw was full of acne, and I often had headaches. At that time, a friend who was studying fasting recommended the "day and night diet" to me, so I tried it for a month.

I usually sleep late, usually wake up at half past nine, skip breakfast, eat lunch at one o'clock in the afternoon, eat dinner at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and sometimes I get off work late, maybe I don't eat until ten or eleven o'clock. In addition, because I have been busy all day, I feel that I need to treat myself, so I often eat a lot of dinner and have a heavy taste.

Micro-fitness, alcohol-free month... I tried a regimen that has recently become popular in Europe and the United States

After I started the "day and night diet", I woke up an hour early every day to cook myself a hearty breakfast plate, which usually includes salad, scrambled eggs, sweet potato puree, nuts, yogurt fruit oats, and a pot of hot coffee. In addition, I started to bring light lunch boxes to the office, and at half past five, whether I had to work overtime or not, I would go directly to the pantry to microwave the food and finish dinner at my seat.

I was not used to it at first, but by 10 p.m. I was going to get hungry, so I decided to "drink water" to relieve my hunger, and before I knew it, I had enough water to drink every day. After more than a week, I started to like the feeling of "fasting", feeling clear and light.

Micro-fitness, alcohol-free month... I tried a regimen that has recently become popular in Europe and the United States

I was pleasantly surprised to find that I slept better at night, only to find out that eating too late stimulates gastrointestinal peristalsis, which will affect the quality of sleep. Since I stopped sleeping and dreaming, I have gained a deep rest. After more than a month, the acne on my chin finally stopped growing like crazy and I felt much better.

Although there is not enough scientific evidence to support the day and night diet, after the actual implementation, I feel that there are many good health concepts worth exploring and trying. However, everyone's physical condition is different, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before implementing it to find out if your physique is suitable!

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