
Xingsui: The American nightmare is coming, and North Korea is about to become a global player

author:Xingsui deity

There are no more than five countries in the world that have such ultra-long-range target acquisition and guidance capabilities.

Once North Korea has that capability, it can almost immediately become a global player.

As far as North Korea is concerned, if you dare to threaten me, then I will dare to die with you.

If dozens of ICBMs with nuclear warheads are fired at the mainland of the ugly country, what kind of terrible situation will happen to the ugly country?

According to the Korean Central News Agency, at the invitation of the Russian side, DPRK Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui visited Russia from January 15 to 17.

On 16 January, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Choe Son Hui, during which the two sides discussed bilateral cooperation, the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and exchanged views on the most pressing international issues.

Choe Son Hui also revealed earlier that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK, invited President Putin to visit the DPRK. Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on the 17th that Russia will develop relations with the DPRK in all areas, "including in sensitive areas."

Obviously, sensitive areas inevitably include the military field and even some frontier areas of science and technology.

Xingsui: The American nightmare is coming, and North Korea is about to become a global player

So in what specific areas will Russia cooperate with North Korea?

One of the photos of the in-person meeting leaked important information.

Xingsui: The American nightmare is coming, and North Korea is about to become a global player

We can see the North Korean entourage next to Choe Son Hee, who is carrying a catalogue of objects to visit in the field of aerospace technology.

At the top of the document is the words "Space and Rocket Research Center".

Xingsui: The American nightmare is coming, and North Korea is about to become a global player

Based on this, the South Korean media speculated that the two sides may have discussed a cooperation plan for reconnaissance satellites.

Xingsui: The American nightmare is coming, and North Korea is about to become a global player

We all know that North Korea already has missiles of all types, from medium-range to intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In particular, its ultra-long-range Hwasong-18 has a maximum range of 14,000-15,000 kilometers, which can cover the entire territory of the United States.

However, with ultra-long-range guns, it also needs ultra-long-range target capture and ultra-long-range guidance capabilities, and North Korea still has some shortcomings in this issue.

As a space reconnaissance satellite, it can effectively make up for the lack of North Korea's long-range target acquisition and guidance capabilities.

In fact, to put it very bluntly, there are no more than five countries in the world that have such ultra-long-range target acquisition and guidance capabilities.

Three of the five rogue hooligans of the United Nations are certainly there, but France and Britain are not necessarily the same, and they both need the help of the United States.

Once you have this ability, you can almost become a global player.

North Korea considers half of its country to be a colony under the occupation of the Cho country, and believes that the Cho country is the only cause of its national tragedy, and it has been seriously threatened by the Cho country until now.

Now that the DPRK has relatively reliable nuclear weapons and ultra-long-range delivery vehicles, what kind of situation can be imagined if the problem of target positioning and guidance is solved?

North Korea can be completely different from other countries. If North Korea thinks one day that it is seriously threatened by an ugly country, it will really dare to throw nuclear weapons.

As far as North Korea is concerned, if you dare to threaten me, then I will dare to die with you.

If dozens of ICBMs with nuclear warheads are fired at the mainland of the ugly country, what kind of terrible situation will happen to the ugly country?

Since then, it has completely ended the game of ugly countries happily squatting in their own homes and throwing stones at other people's homes.

If an ugly country creates wars and disasters on the Korean Peninsula, it must be prepared to bear the consequences of the total destruction of its homeland.

Moreover, North Korea's possession of space reconnaissance satellite technology has brought far more impact than that.

You must know that the Houthis, supported by Iran, have quasi-hypersonic weapons, and can launch anti-ship ballistic missiles on land to accurately hit the merchant ships of the ugly country.

And according to the latest developments in the state of affairs, a military cargo ship of the ugly country has been hit.

The Houthis explicitly described the act as a military act.

According to reports, on January 22, local time, Yemen's Houthi spokesman Yahya issued a statement saying that the group fired several missiles at a US military cargo ship "Sea Jazz" sailing in the Gulf of Aden and hit the ship.

The Houthis have this capability, and Iran has this capability.

It has long been rumored that a considerable part of Iran's ballistic missile technology comes from North Korea.

If, "in case of carelessness", the technology of such space reconnaissance satellites is combined with anti-ship ballistic missiles, and newcomers with hypersonic weapons, then what kind of terrible situation will happen to the ugly country of maritime hegemony?

North Korea has hypersonic weapons, and even Russia is greedy for this weapon, but the ugly country does not have it at all, although after many years of research and development, how many branches of the military have been developed, but it has not been solved at all.

Xingsui: The American nightmare is coming, and North Korea is about to become a global player

And North Korea's hypersonic weapons are much more than that.

On January 15, according to CCTV News, citing the Korean Central News Agency, the DPRK Missile General Administration successfully test-fired a medium- and long-range solid-fuel ballistic missile on the afternoon of the 14th, and the missile was equipped with a hypersonic mobile maneuvering warhead.

KCNA reported that the test launch was aimed at verifying the gliding and maneuvering flight characteristics of the medium- and long-range hypersonic maneuverable maneuverable warhead and the reliability of the newly developed multi-stage high-power solid-fuel engine.

Xingsui: The American nightmare is coming, and North Korea is about to become a global player

Japan's Ministry of Defense pointed out that the maximum flight altitude of the missile is at least 50,000 meters. According to rough estimates, North Korea's new medium-range hypersonic missile has a maximum range of more than 3,500 kilometers.

According to expert assessments, the main targets of the DPRK's medium- and long-range ballistic missiles are important US military bases such as Guam and the Kadena base in Okinawa. The B-1B, B-52H, and other strategic bombers dispatched by the US Air Force often depart from Guam and fly into the airspace of the Korean Peninsula.

Obviously, it is impossible for the technology of space reconnaissance satellites acquired by the DPRK not to be combined with these hypersonic weapons.

Once North Korea acquires this reliable technology, it will be an unprecedented nightmare for the military bases in Asia that the ugly country has in Asia.

Because the sophistication of hypersonic weapons lies in the fact that they are extremely difficult to intercept.

According to the ugly army's own detection and calculation, the interception weapons it is now equipped with, such as the Patriot, cannot stop hypersonic weapons at all.

In other words, once North Korea combines these advanced military technologies with existing military technologies, it will not only be insecure for its own territory, but also for its military bases and naval vessels scattered around the world.

This situation is tantamount to an unprecedented nightmare for an ugly country.

Putin is also really ruthless.

If you let Ukraine mess with me, then I will let North Korea have reliable space satellite reconnaissance technology, have reliable ultra-long-range ICBM technology (the two countries are also cooperating on this technology), and go directly to bomb your nest.

Some people feel that North Korea's missile technology has developed to such a point that it is unimaginable.

As a matter of fact, some of these people are ignorant of the development of North Korea's military technology, and some of them are simply flattering and ugly.

North Korea is already supplying ballistic missiles to Russia.

In a recently released report on "North Korean missiles found in Ukraine," the British arms surveillance group Conflictual Arms Research Institute said that an analysis of ballistic missiles that fell in Ukraine had found Korean-language markings that could be presumably the basis for North Korean-made weapons.

Xingsui: The American nightmare is coming, and North Korea is about to become a global player

In addition to the text and numerical markings, the British institute said it had found many similarities in a comparative analysis of shapes such as the rocket engine of the missile wreckage, the jet wings that adjusted the direction of thrust, the bolted shape and other shapes with photographs of North Korea's existing short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs) KN-23 and KN-24.

Based on this, it is speculated that the missiles launched by Russia at Kharkiv may be North Korean-made KN-23 or KN-24.

If North Korea supplies Russia with hypersonic weapons, what kind of nightmare will the ugly NATO face on the battlefield in Ukraine?

Now if you look at some of the latest expressions of the ugly NATO, don't you think it's very ridiculous?

A few days ago, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg once again quibbled for NATO's expansion during the Davos Forum, claiming that NATO is a transatlantic alliance that includes Europe and North America, but the transatlantic region faces a so-called "global threat." At the same time, Stoltenberg struck back, spreading the "China threat theory", saying that the problem "is not NATO's entry into Asia", but "China's approach to NATO".

Xingsui: The American nightmare is coming, and North Korea is about to become a global player

Although a certain covenant has repeatedly declared itself not an evil organization, they have never concealed their evil face and super evil ambitions.

When Stoltenberg made a lot of nonsense at the Davos forum, did he think that he was likely to be "stolen" by North Korea. ”?

Since the ugly NATO must expand NATO to Asia, it must reverse black and white and say that "the problem is not that NATO enters Asia", but that "China is approaching NATO", and has repeatedly launched threats against North Korea and Russia.

Then the ugly country NATO will definitely usher in the moment it expects, as long as it does not regret it.

The nightmare of ugly countries and NATO will only grow.

They will eventually find that their ambitions will only be a joke.

There are indeed all kinds of nonsense big Vs on the Internet.

Everyone must understand that "the jade test must be completed in seven days, and the three-year period required for the debate." ”

Some "big Vs" make predictions and do analysis, but none of them are right once. It's either nonsense or complete speculation.

But just like this, it is followed by millions of people chasing after them brainlessly, isn't this a brain?

Xingsui (WeChat xingsui088) has predicted how many facts correctly since the establishment of the official account to publish articles, whether it is international or domestic.

You can compare any of the "big Vs".

You will eventually understand that some official accounts that only lust all day long are not of much actual value.

Not to mention that there are many "big Vs" who collect money and wash the floor and have no bottom line.

Very frankly speaking, the articles on the official account are not easy to write.

If the writing is in-depth and comprehensive, it is very easy to be restricted, deleted, and banned;

If the writing does not have any depth, and the writing is not good, the audience will be dissatisfied.

It's a bit like talking about cross talk.

Guo Degang once said: If the cross talk is good, the peers will scold, and if the cross talk is not good, the audience will scold again.

Of course, it is true that some people just talk nonsense every day, without boundaries, and none of them get to the point. On the contrary, there is no danger in this kind of article, and it will be sought after by many people.

And there is a huge risk in telling the truth and telling the truth, Xuefeng only said a few words of truth and truth, and almost faced the encirclement and suppression of the whole network.

So how about a different way of writing, writing more euphemistically and more artistically?

Some "smart" and irascible people will jump up immediately, but in fact they don't understand it at all. Fortunately, this kind of person is in the minority.

Xingsui thinks about it again and again, and here is a friendly reminder:

If you really want to get something very in-depth, whether it is the analysis and prediction of the international situation, or the analysis and prediction of some major domestic content, including the economy, current affairs, etc., and how to deal with the serious epidemic, and how to deal with some upcoming major crises, etc.;

There is almost no way to publish this kind of content on the official account, it's really not that Xingsui doesn't want to send it, but it really can't be posted.

You can choose to join Xingsui VIP to get this extremely important, critical and effective information. (Contact V: feixuan988)

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