
Be tolerant of others, embrace freedom, conform to fate, and achieve life.

author:Nanhai Coconut City said
Be tolerant of others, embrace freedom, conform to fate, and achieve life.

As the old saying goes, "When the water is clear, there are no fish, and when people are observed, there are no fugitives." On Hongchenmo, everyone is not an island, you come and go, there is this colorful world. But everyone has their own position, and friction will inevitably arise in the intersection. If there is a contradiction, it is necessary to distinguish the ugly and the ugly, and clarify who is right and who is wrong, which will only put oneself in a lonely situation. Choosing understanding and tolerance in case of trouble will broaden your life path. Zhou Guoping once said: "The wise man must be modest, and the great good man must be tolerant; only the small wise man can be aggressive, and the small good man will be careful." True, so. In life, it is not difficult for us to see people who are bound to compare, especially when they encounter damage to their own interests, they are even more reasonable and do not give up an inch of land. As everyone knows, it is rare for people to be confused when they live for a lifetime. And competing with others in everything not only makes it difficult for others, but also lowers one's own pattern. As the saying goes, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. The more you calculate, the more you lose. On the contrary, every wisp of kindness you exude, every forgiveness you give, will be reciprocated in another way. Therefore, the wise are mostly "responsible for others", and only the foolish will be "aggressive". In fact, life is only a hundred years, and when you meet someone who hurts you, instead of complaining, you should be grateful. When you are willing to accept others, you will find that all things are amiable and everyone is good.

Be tolerant of others, embrace freedom, conform to fate, and achieve life.

Every time the sun rises, you have to run as hard as you can, until the night comes, you have to work hard for tomorrow's life! How many responsibilities are shouldered, how many hearts are sad and bitter, and how many are tired, and you can't escape. No one can escape a single word of difficulty; no one can get rid of a single word of suffering; no one can escape a single word of tiredness; no one can hide from a single word of tiredness; if you talk too much, some people will think you are verbose; if you talk too little, some people will say that you are silent; if your life is good, some people will say that you are showy; if your life is bad, some people will say that you are depraved! There are often things that come out of nothing; and there are too many people with many mouths and many tongues. Whatever you say, there are people who talk about it, and what you do is judged! People are unpredictable, sometimes you can't see through it, sometimes you can't guess whether your feelings are warm or cold, sometimes you can't guess it, fate is scattered and sometimes you can't hold it, the world is hot and cold, sometimes you can't figure it out! Too many answers you have to accept, too many changes you have to get used to. This is life: while experiencing, while comprehending, while feeling, while understanding! Don't think too much, you don't need to borrow money, you don't need to ask for favors, you have a companion in your heart, and a house by your side is enough! People without money have hard feet, and rich people have crisp bones. Those who have aspirations fight the heavens and the earth, and those who have no ambitions resent the heavens and the earth. You can live as you are happy, and you will live as you are happy! Some people are unattainable, and there are some things that cannot be forced. Life is a little sweet, a little bitter, a little good, a little bad, a little hopeful, and a little helpless. Live the life we love, love the people we love, we must learn to manage our own lives, not every day, not every day, not every day, but every day to enjoy the day. When the mood is simple, there is the mind to manage life, and when the life is simple, there is time to enjoy life. It is not difficult to live simply, you just need to know how to live for yourself, live for beauty, and do for happiness. More happiness, less sadness, more truth, less hypocrisy, more leisure, less busy.

Be tolerant of others, embrace freedom, conform to fate, and achieve life.

Life in the world is like a ship on the sea, there is a rise and fall of the tide, and there is no need to worry too much about the gains and losses of fate. Learn to look forward in everything, when you plant the plane tree, why worry about not having a phoenix. There is a saying in "Caigen Tan": "A gentleman comes and his heart appears, and his heart is empty when he goes." All the cold honor and disgrace in the world is a passing cloud after all, and a gentleman should be determined to be like a mountain, and his deeds are like water. When the opportunity comes, do your best, and when the opportunity goes, be glad to be right. In the noisy and chaotic world, it is great wisdom to maintain an open-mindedness and calmness that has passed through thousands of sails. After all, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck, and we cannot control the arrangement of fate, and naturally there is no need to compete with it. If you encounter setbacks, you will not only plant the seeds of resentment in your heart, but also restrain the pace of welcoming the future. It's better to try to lower your posture, return to the simplicity of life, and enjoy the various flavors of fate in the ups and downs of the years.

Be tolerant of others, embrace freedom, conform to fate, and achieve life.