
Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

author:Dr. Yi popularized science

Hormones, a mysterious word, are an important substance inside the human body. Hormones maintain our balance by regulating various physiological activities of the body.

During puberty, the secretion of hormones increases, so that adolescents gradually mature and show a unique youthful charm. In menopause, the secretion of hormones gradually decreases, causing the body to gradually age, requiring more attention and care.

In addition to their physiological effects, hormones also have a profound impact on our mental health. For example, abnormal secretion of certain hormones may cause mood swings, anxiety, depression, and other problems.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

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Start by understanding the hormone secretion of each age group


The flower of youth blooms, and women enter the beautiful stage of sexual maturity. The ovaries begin to excrete estrogen, especially estradiol. Over time, the concentration of estradiol continues to rise, and it is like a careful gardener, carefully caring for the growth and maturation of organs such as breast, uterus, ovaries and bones.

The first visit of menstruation marks the awakening of a woman's fertility. At the same time, the ovaries begin to release eggs in a step-by-step manner, preparing them for the continuation of life.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

Childbearing period (around 18-45 years old)

During the reproductive period, the ovaries have a sacred mission to continuously secrete estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen acts as a conscientious conductor to regulate the harmonious operation of the menstrual cycle, promote the proliferation of the endometrium and shed it at the right time, so as to ensure the stability and health of the reproductive system.

Progesterone is like a loving mother, quietly descending after ovulation, providing a warm and comfortable implantation environment for the fertilized egg and helping the smooth development of pregnancy.

Menopause (around 45-55 years old)

Menopause is an important turning point in a woman's life, symbolizing the gradual distancing of reproductive function. The ovaries are silently suffering from the wear and tear of time, their function is gradually declining, and the secretion of estrogen and progesterone is becoming scarce.

It's like the law of nature, menstruation begins to become irregular, until it finally quietly leaves. Along with the process, a series of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and insomnia appear, as if telling the secret of women's lives.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

Menopause (after about age 55)

Menopause refers to the 12 months after a woman's last menstrual period, at this stage, in the stage of life, the ovaries quietly exit during menopause and no longer secrete estrogen and progesterone that once moistened life.

Due to estrogen deficiency, women may suffer from a range of physical and emotional changes, such as osteoporosis and a rising risk of cardiovascular disease. We must recognize that estrogen is as important to women's health as it is to life.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

1. Emotional stability

When a woman's body secretes hormones like a trickle, this is a sign of the harmonious functioning of estrogen and the balance of her endocrine system. In such a state, her emotions are also like the lake water in spring, calm and deep.

And those women who are slightly deficient in hormone secretion, their mood is more like a symphony without a harmonious melody, easy to irritability, and their temper gradually becomes irritable. Their anger seems to be even stronger, and their emotions are uncontrollable. All these signs are warning of endocrine disruptions, calling for adjustment and balance.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

2. Be well-proportioned

Many female friends are striving for perfection in their pursuit of the body, and they continue to try various ways to shape their ideal body. However, if you feel overwhelmed in the process of shaping your body, it may be a sign of a lack of hormones in your body.

When the hormones in a woman's body are maintained in an adequate state, it not only helps to maintain a graceful figure, but also effectively promotes fat consumption and burning. Therefore, paying attention to the relationship between hormonal balance and body conditioning is crucial for every woman who pursues beauty.

3. Good sleep quality

In a woman's body, the exuberant estrogen is like a beautiful symphony, maintaining the harmony of hormone levels in terms of sleep. When night falls, women are more likely to enter the temple of deep sleep, as if they are drunk under the protection of the stars. This kind of restful sleep not only makes the skin rejuvenate and radiant, but also makes them energetic during the day, away from the invasion of exhaustion.

Conversely, if a woman's hormone levels are low, the night can become a nightmare. Insomnia, dreams, and even waking up in the middle of the night can be a problem for them. Over time, this not only affects their mental state the next day, but also affects the quality of life.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

4. Regular menstruation

The vigorous secretion of hormones is a distinctive feature of women's youth, and the regularity of menstruation is a sign of women's maturity. The synergy between the ovaries and the uterus ensures the stable secretion of estrogen and prompts the endometrium to be shed on time.

This usually manifests itself as those days that women experience each month. However, once the endocrine system is disrupted and the hormonal secretion is unbalanced, the regularity of menstruation may be disrupted, which is what we often call menstrual irregularities.

5. The complexion is ruddy and shiny

There are many factors that cause women's skin to deteriorate, such as spicy and greasy diet, and bad lifestyle habits such as staying up late for a long time, which will make the skin dull and dull.

However, some women are able to maintain rosy and radiant skin without special care, mainly because they secrete a lot of hormones in their bodies, which boost metabolism and make the skin more refined. Such women tend to give people a sense of youth and beauty, which makes people envious.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

The role of hormones in a woman's body

Regulates the functioning of the reproductive system

For example, hormones such as testosterone and estrogen are responsible for maintaining secondary sex characteristics and promoting sperm production in men, while in women they are responsible for promoting follicle development and ovulation, while also affecting the cyclical changes in the lining of the uterus, which regulate the menstrual cycle.

It plays a key role in growth and development

Hormones such as growth hormone and thyroid hormone promote the growth and development of bones, muscles, and internal organs, while insulin is involved in regulating blood sugar levels. If the hormone secretion is abnormal, it may lead to growth retardation, dwarfism, gigantism, and other diseases.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

Involved in regulating emotions and behaviors

For example, hormones such as adrenaline and norepinephrine are able to influence mood swings and stress responses, while dopamine is associated with happiness and reward mechanisms. If there is an imbalance in hormonal production, it may lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia and other psychological problems.

It plays a regulatory role in the immune system

For example, hormones such as adrenocorticosteroids are able to enhance the activity of immune cells and improve the body's resistance to disease. There is also an interaction between the immune system and hormone production, so immune system disorders may be related to abnormal hormone production.

The main symptoms of hormone deficiency in women are as follows

Estrogen deficiency – Estrogen is one of the main hormones in the female reproductive system and is responsible for maintaining a woman's reproductive health and normal physiological functions. Estrogen deficiency may lead to symptoms such as irregular menstruation, breast atrophy, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and more.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

Progesterone deficiency – Progesterone is an important hormone during a woman's menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Progesterone deficiency may lead to symptoms such as irregular menstruation, infertility, miscarriage, breast tenderness, etc.

Thyroid hormone deficiency – Thyroid hormone is an important hormone that maintains the body's normal metabolic and physiological functions. Thyroid hormone deficiency may lead to symptoms such as fatigue, cold intolerance, weight gain, memory loss, and low mood.

Growth Hormone Deficiency – Growth hormone is an important hormone that promotes the growth and development of the body. Lack of growth hormone may lead to symptoms such as growth retardation, metabolic abnormalities, and weakened immune function.

An effective way to regulate hormones

1. Diet is the key to regulating hormones. We should choose foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help boost the secretion of hormones. At the same time, avoid foods high in sugar, fat, and salt, which can interfere with hormonal balance.

Women with strong "hormones" generally have 5 characteristics, self-examination, how many do you occupy?

2. Exercise is also an important means of regulating hormones. Proper exercise can promote the secretion of hormones and enhance the body's metabolic capacity. It is advisable to choose aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., which can help regulate hormone levels.

3. Sleep is also an important factor affecting hormone secretion. A good night's sleep helps regulate the balance of hormones, and chronic sleep deprivation can lead to an imbalance in hormone levels. Therefore, getting enough sleep is very important to regulate hormones.

4. Mood also has a great impact on the secretion of hormones. Long-term stress and anxiety can lead to hormonal imbalances, so learning to relax and regulate your mood is also an important way to regulate hormones.

In short, to effectively regulate hormones, you need to start with diet, exercise, sleep, and mood. Maintaining a good night's sleep and adjusting your mood through a reasonable diet and proper exercise can help us maintain our hormonal balance and thus maintain our health.