
In December, the ranking of the domestic mobile phone market was released, and OPPO withdrew from the group chat...

author:Wolf Info

Recently, the latest statistics released by market research institutions show that the number of new device activations in China's smartphone market reached 21.0817 million units in December 2023, a year-on-year increase of 2.2%. Among them, the most surprising thing is Xiaomi and Honor, which directly occupy the TOP3 position.

1. Specific rankings

In December, the ranking of the domestic mobile phone market was released, and OPPO withdrew from the group chat...

Specifically, Xiaomi's market share in December was 16.5%, while Honor and Apple were 15.9%, which is very close. The fastest growth was Huawei, with a year-on-year increase of 59.2%. OPPO has shrunk more, followed by Apple and vivo (except for these three, which are basically positive growth).

In contrast, Xiao 7 is still more shocked and glorious. Xiaomi's growth is due to the fact that the Xiaomi 14 and K70 series are both on sale in November, and December is the peak sales period. And Honor only has the Honor 100 series in December, and even then it has sold in the top three (the Honor 90GT was only released at the end of December, and it is the main line).

In December, the ranking of the domestic mobile phone market was released, and OPPO withdrew from the group chat...

(It seems that I really don't care about sales)

As for OV, it can only be said that it is a bit stretched. Especially OPPO, counting OnePlus and realme, both fell by 23.8%, because OnePlus 12 and GT5Pro were both released in early December (GT5Pro even had a bunch of credit card discounts for the first time), and the Reno11 series was also released at the end of November for offline volume, even so, it still did not compete with competitors. However, OnePlus's Li Jie previously said that he cared more about word-of-mouth, and it seems that he had already guessed it.

vivo mainly relies on the X100 series to support the scene in December, and the S18 series is a little late to be released (only in late December), and the iQOO12 series is mainly online, and the offline volume is not much (even so, it is 40,000 more units than the three OPPO brothers, but the original price of GT5Pro is not worse than these 40,000 units).

2. The domestic mobile phone market throughout the year

In addition, today, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology also released an analysis report on the operation of the domestic mobile phone market in December 2023. According to the report, from January to December 2023, the overall shipment of mobile phones in the domestic market totaled 289 million units, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%.

In December, the ranking of the domestic mobile phone market was released, and OPPO withdrew from the group chat...

The total shipment of domestic brand mobile phones was 231 million units, a year-on-year increase of 1.1%, accounting for 79.9% of mobile phone shipments in the same period. Among them, 240 million 5G mobile phones were shipped, a year-on-year increase of 11.9%, accounting for 82.8% of mobile phone shipments in the same period (there are still 17.2% of 2G/3G/4G mobile phones on sale in China this year, almost 49 million units).

Smartphone shipments for the whole year were 276 million units (13 million non-smartphones), up 4.8% year-on-year, accounting for 95.6% of mobile phone shipments in the same period.

It seems that there is still a certain market for mobile phones for the elderly/children, and 49 million 2G/3G/4G mobile phones have been sold this year (including 13 million non-smart phones), and many manufacturers have not sold so many mobile phones in a year. However, the price of these mobile phones is too cheap, and most of them make small factories profitable. Even Redmi, which has always liked to launch a 100-yuan 4G mobile phone, has upgraded to 5G this year (Xiao 7 can also accept 2G/3G/4G mobile phones, but at least it must support WeChat and Alipay, otherwise it will be too inconvenient to go out).


Finally, Matthew Zielinski, executive vice president and president of international markets at Lenovo Group, is very optimistic about the development of Motorola.

Matt Zielinski said in an interview with CNBC: "I can bet on my salary that in three years, Motorola will be the third largest mobile phone maker in the world. ”

In December, the ranking of the domestic mobile phone market was released, and OPPO withdrew from the group chat...

As we all know, Lenovo acquired the Motorola brand from Google in 2014 and wants to compete for market share with giants such as Samsung and Apple. Although Motorola has made some achievements in the smartphone market, it is only a certain achievement. According to Counterpoint Research, Lenovo and Motorola have a market share of about 4% in the smartphone industry, ranking 8th in the world.

In December, the ranking of the domestic mobile phone market was released, and OPPO withdrew from the group chat...

If Motorola wants to enter the third place in the world within three years, it will replace Xiaomi with a market share of more than 13%. Although it is always good to have a dream, from a practical point of view, it may not even be surpass Transsion (it will not be that the company wants to fire him

, find him a decent way to leave

In December, the ranking of the domestic mobile phone market was released, and OPPO withdrew from the group chat...


In general, this year's mobile phone market competition should be more intense, and Mi OV is estimated to be a bit difficult to top. First of all, the high-end due to the return of Huawei's Mate series and P series, the share will definitely decrease again;Secondly, the continuous strength of Honor offline,Last month, with the Honor 100 series, it can become the top three,Not counting the X50Pro、X50GT2000Price entry mobile phone released at the end of December,And the Magic6 series released in January。

In December, the ranking of the domestic mobile phone market was released, and OPPO withdrew from the group chat...

Therefore, Mi OV will definitely launch a lot of models,For example, Redmi K70 Extreme Edition is ahead of schedule,vivo'sX100s straight screen will also be released in 3-4 months,The main volume is a volume。 But it's also a good thing for consumers, at least with more choice.

It's a little difficult to get a small factory, such as Meizu Nubia. Originally, the advantages of the supply chain are not as good as those of large manufacturers, if you follow the volume, the profits will be less, the R&D expenses will shrink, and the R&D expenses will be less, resulting in a comprehensive experience that is not as good as that of large factories, which is a direct vicious circle.

In December, the ranking of the domestic mobile phone market was released, and OPPO withdrew from the group chat...

For example, the Meizu 21 and Red Magic 9Pro series were released for 2 months before 2w+ evaluation (Red Magic 9Pro and 9Pro+ add up to 2w+), and the Nubia Z60Ultra is only 1w+. These three are not as good as nova11se selling online, let alone offline (Meizu and Red Devil basically don't have much offline volume).

So no matter how you complain about Nova11SE, it is really unattainable for small factories in terms of sales (Meizu and Nubia are expected to go bankrupt at the speed of light if they sell mobile phones with this configuration in 1999). So Fanhuami OV rolled up a little this year, and the first unlucky one was the small factory...

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