
Dry intestines and constipation: Dry stools, section by section, a liquid-increasing soup, moisturizing the intestines, and smooth bowel movements

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The stool is not smooth, it seems to be a small matter, but in fact it is a big illness! It's like a drain at home, and you can't last a day.

However, in some middle-aged and elderly people, the symptoms of constipation will gradually worsen with age. However, stool is the most important way of detoxification for the human body, and long-term constipation, toxins cannot be discharged, and they will pile up more and more. "On Balance" says: "If you want to live forever, your intestines must be clear," so if you want to live a long life, you must let the stool flow smoothly and toxins be excreted from the large intestine.

So, how to solve the problem of constipation in middle-aged and elderly people?

Dry intestines and constipation: Dry stools, section by section, a liquid-increasing soup, moisturizing the intestines, and smooth bowel movements

In fact, "When a person is over forty, his yin qi is half of it." This means that when a person is over forty, most of his yin fluid will be lost. Just like if a tree is short of water, it will become dry or not, and if the water cannot moisturize the large intestine, it will become dry due to the damage of dryness, and constipation will occur.

What should I do? When there is a shortage of water, and a heavy rain comes at this time, is it like a long drought and a rainstorm?

Therefore, to treat constipation in the elderly, we must nourish yin fluid and moisten the intestines!

Today, I will tell you a good recipe for nourishing yin and making your stool smoother, which is Wu Jutong's - liquid soup.

"I don't have a bowel movement for a few days, and the soup is the main one. ”

Dry intestines and constipation: Dry stools, section by section, a liquid-increasing soup, moisturizing the intestines, and smooth bowel movements

There are only three flavor medicines, Xuanshen, Mai Dong, and Shengdi, and the recipe is very simple, but the range is extremely wide.

Including saliva, sweat, leucorrhoea, and sperm, it can nourish, even the blood of the whole body.

Radix radix, Qi kidney water to nourish intestinal dryness, wheat winter, the most nourishing lung yin, stomach yin and heart yin, rehmannia root, nourishing yin moisturizing dryness but not greasy, and can also go to the paralysis, enhance the moisturizing effect of the whole party, moisten dryness and laxative.

The whole recipe, a great yin tonic liquid, is not a laxative, but it can nourish the intestines.

Because according to my observation, patients who have been constipated for many years generally have been drinking "laxative tea", but this "laxative tea" often contains rhubarb. Senna. If you always use this way to drain it, it will inevitably damage the yin fluid, and the yin fluid will be lost, and this laxative tea will be useless in the end.

Dry intestines and constipation: Dry stools, section by section, a liquid-increasing soup, moisturizing the intestines, and smooth bowel movements

This prescription replenishes the water in our body, there is no false fire, the intestines are not dry, and the stool is clear.

It should be noted that the three flavors of herbs in the "liquid enhancement soup" are all cold, and it is not recommended for people who are not dry, constipated, or weak spleen and stomach. It is recommended to add or subtract symptoms under the guidance of TCM physicians.