
The Houthi Attack on the US Military: Convincing Strategies and Tactics! As everyone knows, the US military has always been recognized as a powerful force and a supremacist in its hegemony. But the Houthis are fearless in dealing with the US military, and their own rules are true

author:Grafting graphics

Houthi strikes the US military: convincing strategies and tactics!

As everyone knows, the US military has always been recognized as a powerful force and a hegemon. But the Houthis are fearless and self-contained in dealing with the US military, which is really commendable!

First of all, Houthi's self-confidence is the guarantee of victory! Only by not fearing a strong enemy or threat, seizing the fighter plane, and defeating the enemy can we strategize and win a decisive victory.

Secondly, the tactics are appropriate, and the tricks are frequent. In order to solve the crisis in Gaza, air strikes from the sea were chosen. When the U.S. forces approached the Red Sea to escort the troops, they mostly used guerrilla tactics to disrupt the enemy's proportions and make it impossible to take care of the front and rear.

Third, flickering and unstable, flexibly responding to the enemy, so that the enemy cannot be locked on, and he is helpless. When the U.S. military wanted to raid the Houthi lair, he gave up, and the guerrilla boats at sea made it even more elusive for the U.S. military to deal with it.

Netizens praised: Houthis have perfected Sun Tzu's art of war, and they are really masters in the Middle East battlefield!

Netizens sighed again: A small civil armed force in the Houthi can actually achieve "the enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy is stationed and disturbs me; the enemy is tired and I fight, and the enemy retreats and I chase." Simply dragging the supposedly strong Americans is really loud and unnerving, "four or two dialed a thousand pounds"!

Houthis, good job!

#Thoughts on War# #Talking about the cruelty of war# #The aggressor is unforgivable# #Military# #USA# #International# @头条号

The Houthi Attack on the US Military: Convincing Strategies and Tactics! As everyone knows, the US military has always been recognized as a powerful force and a supremacist in its hegemony. But the Houthis are fearless in dealing with the US military, and their own rules are true
The Houthi Attack on the US Military: Convincing Strategies and Tactics! As everyone knows, the US military has always been recognized as a powerful force and a supremacist in its hegemony. But the Houthis are fearless in dealing with the US military, and their own rules are true
The Houthi Attack on the US Military: Convincing Strategies and Tactics! As everyone knows, the US military has always been recognized as a powerful force and a supremacist in its hegemony. But the Houthis are fearless in dealing with the US military, and their own rules are true

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