
Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

author:Guagua loves sports
Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

At the pinnacle of table tennis, there is a young female player who swept the Japanese Youth Championships with a strong attitude, and once again focused her attention on her. This new star in the football world is Miwa Zhangmoto.

However, what is the story behind her success? A family's choice, a decision's wisdom, what makes the children of this ordinary family become a legend in the table tennis world?

Let's uncover the story behind this movement and see if the choice of the Zhang family is really a beacon of wisdom that illuminates the way forward.

On the field, Zhang Benmeihe's fierce style of play and rich skills and tactics are impressive. However, her success is not just the effort of one person, but the crystallization of the wisdom and choice of the family.

Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

Winning the women's singles championship in the youth category for two consecutive years, she threw herself into her father's arms after the match, which was not only touching, but also triggered fans to think about the story behind this family.

In the long history of table tennis, the Zhang family may not be a famous family that resounded in the sky, but with their courage and wisdom, they have carved a strong mark in the table tennis world.

Zhang Yu and Zhang Ling, the former Sichuan Provincial team players, have sweated like rain in the table tennis arena, writing their own chapter with youth and sweat. However, when the time came for retirement, they did not choose to stay in the country.

Instead, they made a decision, a decision that changed the fate of the entire family – to play in Japan.

Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

This decision, for a family, means leaving the familiar land and embarking on a new and unknown journey. Leaving the homeland and chasing a broader stage is not a smooth sailing choice.

However, it was this courage that allowed the Zhang family to find their place on Japanese soil.

Their decision now seems to be an investment thousands of miles away, and the return on this investment is the hard work of many years and the glory of the children in the table tennis world.

The choice of Zhang Yu and Zhang Ling not only opened the door to new opportunities for themselves, but also planted dazzling seeds in the Japanese table tennis world.

Tomokazu Zhang and Mei Zhang, two siblings, each showed remarkable skills.

Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

Tomokazu Zhang won the men's singles championship in the senior group of the National Championships early, and his sister Miwa Zhang won consecutive championships in the women's singles of the youth group, which aroused various expectations for her future development.

The achievements of the brother and sister not only made the Japanese table tennis world stand out, but also left a deep impression on fans around the world.

Zhang Benmeihe's ball skills show higher potential, rich skills and tactics, fierce style of play, she once defeated the national table tennis star Qian Tianyi, showing a strong impact. However, how the future will play out is full of uncertainty.

Whether she can break through the barrier of the main force of national table tennis and become the new peak of table tennis is an exciting and challenging unknown.

Zhang Yu and Zhang Ling's choice back then gave their children a broader space for development.

Would they have been where they have been if they had stayed in the country? It's not just about personal choices, it's about the wisdom behind them. The success of the Zhang family reminds us that at the crossroads of life, the importance of choice cannot be ignored.

Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

Let's take a closer look at Ma Lin, in the history of Chinese table tennis, there is a name that stands proudly at the peak, and he is Ma Lin.

Born on February 19, 1980 in Shenhe District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China, the table tennis player is now the head coach of the women's Chinese national table tennis team. Let's review his rise and peak moments in the table tennis world.

In 1986, a legendary chapter in the table tennis world began to be written, and Ma Lin stepped into the Shenhe District Sports School in Shenyang City. Four years later, he challenged himself and switched to Liaoning Provincial Sports School, laying a solid foundation for his future career.

However, the real road to the top began in 1993, when he stepped into the Shantou Table Tennis School in Guangdong Province and worked hard for his dream.

In 1994, the Guangdong Provincial Games became the shining starting point of Ma Lin's table tennis career.

Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

He won three gold medals in table tennis singles, doubles and team for Shantou team, not only won the first men's singles championship for himself, but also attracted the attention of the national team coach. In the years that followed, his brilliant achievements sprung up.

In 1998, he won the men's doubles and men's team titles at the Asian Championships, as well as the men's singles titles at the Malaysia and Lebanon Opens. In the 1999 World Table Tennis Championships, Ma Lin defeated many world famous players in the men's singles competition, won the runner-up, and won the mixed doubles championship at the same time. In 2000, the World Cup winner crowned the pinnacle of his legend.

At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he won the men's team and men's singles championships for the Chinese team, drawing a brilliant end to his career.

In 2013, although he lost to Japan's Kenta Matsudaira at the Paris World Table Tennis Championships, his legend is still deeply imprinted in the table tennis world.

Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

Marlene's story tells us that it is the responsibility of every athlete to hold on to their dreams and chase brilliance. He wrote the legend of Chinese table tennis with his sweat and hard work, and also set an example for those who came after him.

Every pinnacle in life is a proof of struggle, so that we can feel the taste of success in every moment of effort. No matter when and where, dreams are the direction of struggle, just as Marlene has awakened the possibility of countless dreams along the way.

Marlene's story teaches us that every pinnacle in life is a testament to struggle. He not only wrote the legend of Chinese table tennis with his sweat and hard work, but also set an example for those who came after him.

In every moment of effort, you can feel the taste of success. No matter when and where, dreams are the direction of struggle, just as Marlene has awakened the possibility of countless dreams along the way.

Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

So let's draw strength from Marlene's story, hold on to your dreams, and chase glory. Every step in life is a growth, and every effort is a transcendence.

In the process of chasing our dreams, we may encounter difficulties, but it is these challenges that shape our hearts to be stronger.

Whether on the playing field or in life, everyone has their own peak moment waiting for them. As long as we persevere and face it bravely, we can reap the fruits in the struggle.

Marlene's story reminds us that dreams are the driving force for struggle, and every perseverance is a path to success. Let's create our own legend together on the journey of our dreams.

Zhang Benmei and won the championship and threw herself into the arms of her father! The status of the Zhang family in Japanese table tennis has risen

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