
How to take nutrients after a fracture

author:Zhang Linlin, nutritionist

  Patients with fractures must pay attention to a healthy diet and be cautious about eating spicy things that irritate the respiratory tract and digestive tract, such as chili peppers, raw onions, mustard, pepper, etc.

  When the symptoms are strong, it is best to eat soft and rotten meals, and it is not advisable to fry or fry them when cooking. In order to promote fracture healing more quickly, patients with fractures should take care to supplement with different nutrients.

  1. Ensure protein intake

  Protein is an essential nutrient for muscle and bone tissue repair and growth, and during the recovery period, fracture patients can consume some high-protein foods every day, such as beef, chicken, lean pork, fish, shrimp, eggs, milk, and soy products.

  2. Pay attention to calcium supplementation

  The first way that many people think of is to drink more bone broth, in fact, simply drinking bone broth after a fracture cannot get a good calcium supplementation effect.

  In the process of making bone broth, the soup contains less calcium, and often drinking a large amount of bone broth is easy to ingest the fat in it and cause obesity.

  You can choose other suitable foods to supplement calcium, and milk is a good choice.

  Some leafy greens are also rich in calcium, such as spinach (blanched to remove oxalic acid first), baby rape, kale, etc.

  They are rich in potassium and magnesium, which help reduce urinary calcium excretion, and vitamin K, which is rich in vitamin K, which also helps calcium be deposited in bones.

  Small fish and shrimp can also supplement calcium, but the absorption rate is limited. Nuts have a higher calcium content in hazelnuts and can also be eaten in moderation.

  3. Supplement trace elements

  Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption and can be obtained by spending half an hour in the sun in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon.

  Vitamin A is an important vitamin for bone development, and animal liver is rich in vitamin A, which can be eaten twice a week.

  Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, and vitamin K helps calcium be deposited on bones.

  Eat more leafy greens, carrots, and fruits rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, kiwis, strawberries, etc.

  Magnesium is an important element for maintaining the normal structure and function of bone cells, and sufficient magnesium will make bones hard and tough, and green leafy vegetables and nuts are very rich in magnesium.

  Other alkaline minerals, such as potassium and iron, can prevent bone calcium loss. It is also necessary to drink plenty of water to promote circulatory metabolism and help the body recover through a reasonable schedule and rest.

How to take nutrients after a fracture
How to take nutrients after a fracture
How to take nutrients after a fracture

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