
In old age, no matter how much you have in savings, don't do these 6 stupid things to avoid a bleak evening

author:Yan Xiaomei has to work hard

When people reach their old age, especially the elderly who have savings in their hands, if they want to live a safe life in their old age, they must not only know how to hide wealth, but also learn to distinguish between right and wrong!

But the reality is that the misfortune of many old people starts from "leaking money"!

In old age, no matter how much you have in savings, don't do the following 6 stupid things;

1. Do not tell your children the specific amount of deposits

In old age, people "have surplus food in their hands, and their hearts are not panicked". Money is safest only when it is in your own hands.

Only when you have money in your hands can you cope with unexpected needs, so you don't have to ask your children for money in a low voice, look at your children's faces, after all, whoever has money is not as rich as yourself.

"If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves worrying", and it is the most stupid way to take money to test your children. In the face of money, few people can withstand temptation, and children are no exception.

In old age, no matter how much you have in savings, don't do these 6 stupid things to avoid a bleak evening

2. Don't spend money on your children

No matter how much money you save, don't spend money on your children.

When people reach old age, there are too many places to spend money, and at this time they will find that the money is spent on a penny and it will be less, although it can not be seen at that time, but after a long time, it will be found that it is not spent at all.

The children are all adults, should have the ability to support themselves, occasionally once or twice to spend money on the children can be, but the number of times will inevitably form a habit for the children, even rely on their parents, and eventually become the old family.

As the saying goes, "emergency relief is not poverty relief", if your children have filial piety and know how to be grateful, but you are afraid that your children are interested in money, then at this time, even as a parent, please be selfish and keep your savings.

After all, the money in your hand is your pension money, and it is also your capital to live a good life in your old age, and spending money on your children indiscriminately will reduce your capital and make your later life risky.

In old age, no matter how much you have in savings, don't do these 6 stupid things to avoid a bleak evening

3. Don't live under the same roof with your children

In old age, it is best to have an independent house, have an independent living ability, and never live under the same roof with your children if you can live with your children.

People often say that their upper lip and lower lip are fighting, let alone children or daughters-in-law and sons-in-law.

There are different differences between the old and the young in terms of ideology and living habits.

Living with children and living under the same roof every day will sooner or later lead to conflicts due to ideological concepts and living habits, causing mutual dissatisfaction and family discord.

"The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as their own nest", the house is the confidence of the elderly, and living separately from their children can not only reduce the occurrence of conflicts, but also shorten the distance between each other.

In addition, living separately from their children allows the elderly to focus more on themselves, and also free up time to do the things they love and live a good life in their later years.

In old age, no matter how much you have in savings, don't do these 6 stupid things to avoid a bleak evening

4. Don't toss your body

No matter what age you are, good health is the greatest asset. Especially in old age, health should be put first.

When people reach their old age, having a good body can not only make their later life move freely, but also stay away from the torture caused by illness and not add financial burden to the family.

But there are always some old people who don't listen to persuasion, always feel that they are very healthy, eat and drink, stay up late to play cards and constantly overdraft their bodies.

Especially for some elderly people with underlying diseases, just like my father-in-law, who was admitted to the hospital for a cerebral infarction in the middle of last year, and when he was discharged, the doctor told him to quit smoking and develop good living habits.

But what about him! After being discharged from the hospital, he only settled down for a month, and after that, he smoked and played all kinds of cards as before, and often soaked in the mahjong parlor all day.

Poor lifestyle and eating habits may increase the chances of getting sick again, which can affect the quality of life in later life.

In order to be able to spend the old age safely, it is still necessary to have balanced nutrition, regular work and rest, moderate exercise, and maintain a good attitude.

In old age, no matter how much you have in savings, don't do these 6 stupid things to avoid a bleak evening

5. Don't trust others to invest

In old age, it is very important to protect the pension money in your hands, which is an important confidence in your later life.

Some old people, seeing that they have savings in their hands, want to make money, and hear that some friends around them say that they have made money by investing, so they also want to follow others to invest.

At first, I made some money, but as the amount of investment increased, the money I made became less and less, and when I came to my senses and planned to withdraw my capital, I found that I had been deceived.

When people are old, they should guard the money in their hands, and never engage in investment, especially when they don't understand anything, they rely on their enthusiasm and trust others to invest.

In old age, no matter how much you have in savings, don't do these 6 stupid things to avoid a bleak evening

6. Don't easily find someone to remarry

When you reach old age, if you are alone, you must also live well, take care of yourself, and don't be immersed in the pain of losing your wife all day long.

It is very important for people to have a wife in their old age, but if you have savings, you can also make your life good in your old age.

It's not that people can't meet the right person in their old age, it's just that most people look for it at this age just to find a partner to live with or to find a spender for themselves.

If it's someone who lives with you wholeheartedly, that's of course fine, but if it's someone who is only dedicated to pleasing you and pleasing you, to put it bluntly, is running for your money.

People are not afraid of making mistakes, but they are afraid of making mistakes, especially when it comes to marriage.

My friend's mother-in-law found a retiree to live with, and she thought she was more than enough to match her in all aspects, and she was willing to pay.

No matter how good the friend's mother-in-law is to the other person and how to please the other party, but the other party just doesn't agree to get a marriage certificate.

In fact, my friend's mother-in-law knew why, but she just kicked and pretended to be confused, because she and her mother-in-law were worried about other people's money.

Thinking that after getting a marriage certificate, they are real husband and wife, even if they don't go to the end in the end, at least they can still get a sum of money from each other.

In the end, my friend's mother-in-law couldn't stand it anymore and chose to separate from each other, and now the two of them are living their own small lives.

In old age, no matter how much you have in savings, don't do these 6 stupid things to avoid a bleak evening

In short, in old age, no matter how much money you have, don't do stupid things, so that you will not only be disliked by your children, but also laughed at by relatives and friends, and let yourself end up in a bleak old age.

Money is the confidence of old age, health is the dignity of life in old age, money can't buy health, but a healthy body can be exchanged for money, money is a good thing, but we must understand the truth of "money does not leak out".

Whoever has it is better to have it than to have it yourself!